What are the components and processes that result in an experience that resonates and appeals to end users?
How can you “cook up” an effective solution for customers?
Here’s some thoughts…
In cooking it’s called mise en place.
A French phrase which meant "putting in place", as in set up
It is used in professional kitchens to refer to organizing and arranging the ingredients that a chef and his/her crew will require for the menu items that are to be prepared for diners
You have to put things in place to setup a UX project for success
You are going to have to educate stakeholders and project members around how UX works, the value UX brings, and the activities they will have to engage in to support the project
You are going to have to understand the level of “UX Maturity” of the organization you are working with
Johnny Holland create a UX Maturity Matrix, similar to the capability maturity matrix that is used to evaluate software development process maturity at organizations
Understanding the customer’s UX maturity will help you understand how much education you will have to provide, as well as understand if they have legacy research they have that you can leverage
In order to design the best experience for your customers, you need the best ingredients – that is, the key inputs and steps to take