The document discusses Donald Schön's concept of the reflective practitioner and how professionals can be educated to think reflectively. It summarizes key aspects of Schön's books on the reflective practitioner, including how professionals rely on reflection-in-action when dealing with complex problems in practice. The document also discusses challenges in educating reflective practitioners and emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning, experimentation, and dialogue between coaches and students to develop reflection skills.
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The Reflective Practitioner – in angewandten Disziplinen unterrichten
1. The Reflective Practitioner –
in angewandten Disziplinen
Jutta Pauschenwein
ZML – Innovative Lernszenarien
FH JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria
2. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- Beweggründe meiner Auseinandersetzung
- The reflective practitioner
- Wie arbeite ich selbst eigentlich?
- Educating the reflective practitioner
- Und: was heißt das für meine Lehre?
3. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- Ich bin als E-Learning Frau und als Lehrende eine Praktikerin
- Ich bin überzeugt davon, dass Reflexionsprozesse Lernprozesse
stärken und verbessern
- Meine Training Designs beruhen auf dem Konzept learning-per-doing
- Ich nehme an meinen Studierenden, an meinen Trainingsteil-
nehmerInnen und an mir wahr, wie hilfreich Reflexionen sind
- Es gibt auch Widerstände gegen das Reflektieren
Ich wollte mehr über reflective practitioners wissen!
4. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- To meet challenges of their work, professionals rely less on
theory than on the kind of improvisation learned in practice.
- Professional education should be centered on enhancing the
practitioners reflection-in-action
Schön, Donald, A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in
action. Basic Books.
Schön, Donald A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design
for teaching and learning in the professions. Jossey-Bass.
Schön’s Bücher
6. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- industrial movement contributed to an increased importance
of the profession
- Professionals as doctors, lawyers, managers, teachers,
military professionals… shape our society
- Professionals are expected to define and solve our problems
- Society depends on the work of professionals.
7. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- in the last century many professional actions failed
- professionally designed solutions to public problems often
didn’t work
- they had negative side-effects as pollution, poverty, shortage
of energy, …
- New technology couldn’t fix the problems and often created
new problems.
Crisis of Confidence
8. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- situations of complexity, uncertainty, instability, uniqueness
and value conflicts
- the professional knowledge cannot catch up with these new
- professionals are confronted with “messes” – dynamically
changing, complex and connected problems
- professional pluralism and competing theories
Professional practice
9. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
Nevertheless practitioners of all fields somehow succeed
- to make sense of complexity and
- to reduce uncertainty in their day-to-day practice.
The art of practice appears to be learnable for individuals :)
Professional practice (2)
10. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- professional pluralism reduces the teachability of this
- educators struggle to describe manifold processes in terms
of the model of professional knowledge
Challenges for teachers
11. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- professional activity consists in instrumental problem solving
made rigorous by the application of scientific theory and
technique (Schön, 1983, p. 21)
- Professional work is based on general principles with respect
to specific (standardized) problems.
Therefore: educators train specialized skills based on an
underlying theory.
Model of Technical Rationality
12. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- focus on problem solving
- gap between professional knowledge and demands of real world
- Within the model of Technical Rationality professionals resolve
problems by cutting the practice situation to fit professional
knowledge (Schön, 1983, p. 44)
- In this way professionals are misreading situations or manipulating
- The model of Technical Rationality is incomplete and limited and
therefore not entirely useful for the education of professionals.
Model of Technical Rationality (2)
13. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
When ends are confused and conflicting
there is as yet no problem to solve”
(Schön, 1983, p 41).
14. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- Our knowing is ordinarily tacit and implicit in our actions
- knowing-in-action is the characteristic mode of ordinary
practical knowledge (Schön, 1983, p54)
- professional practice also includes repetition => practitioners
develop a repertoire of expectations, images, and techniques
- In this way the knowing-in-action becomes increasingly tacit,
spontaneous, automatic.
15. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- Ordinary people and professionals think about what they are doing
- often stimulated by surprises they reflect their action
- Through reflection a practitioner scrutinizes the tacit understandings
and can make new sense of new situations.
- When someone reflects-in-action he/she becomes a researcher in the
practice context (Schön, 1983, p 68)
- Nevertheless, because professionalism is still mainly identified with
technical expertise, reflection-in-action is not generally accepted as a
legitimate form of professional knowledge. (p 69)
- Uncertainty is a thread (p69)
16. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- Ordinary people and professionals think about what they are
refective conversation with the situation (p 268)
- problem of making/understanding something
- open to discover phenomena incongruent with initial
- reframe problem => frame experiment
- draw on elements of the familiar repertoire
- formulate new hypothesis
Pattern in reflection-in-action
17. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- media and language to describe the discipline (the repertoire),
- the appreciative system (*) with respect to problem setting,
evaluation of inquiry and reflection (ähnlich wie Wertehaltung,
Kultur in einem Fachgebiet),
- the underlying theories how to make sense of phenomena and
- the role frames – based on their institutional settings – seen as
filter that influences how practitioners define their professional
(*) The term appreciate system was defined by Geoffrey Vickers
Constants of a discipline
18. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- As former theoretical physicist my appreciative system is based on
logic and mathematical proofs.
- My approach has further developed after many years in the field
of university teacher training and doing research in online
- Now my appreciative system is broader and less logic.
- When I have to solve a problem the mindset of the physicist
comes first and it is conscious work to include the mindset of a
pedagogue as well
Are you a reflective practitioner?
20. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
Reflective practitioner
Learning per doing AND coaching in the artistry of reflection-in-
action (Schön, 1987, p 41).
Hands-on activities (John Dewey)
Zwei wesentliche Aspekte der Reflexion
Unterschiedliche Perspektiven einnehmen
Empathie für das Gegenüber, sich einfühlen - auch in die
Situation, was da passiert (Emotion spielt eine Rolle)
(Gespräch mit Gert Lyon, Juli 2018)
21. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
Definition: to experiment is to act in order to see what follows
(Schön, 1987, p 72)
- exploratory experiment - without predictions / expectations
- move-testing experiment - affirmed when happens what was
- hypothesis testing
22. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- practice context is different from the research context
- researcher wants to understand things
- practitioner wants to change things
Test hypothesis
- by a move to effect a desired change or
- by a probe to explore the situation (Bezug zu Complexity Theory)
- hypothesis testing is limited in practice - the practitioner changes
the phenomena during experimenting (p 74-75)
- useful: virtual worlds
Difference practitioner/researcher
23. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
Telling and listening
- instructions are always incomplete
- instructions are ambigous, strange
=> vary the strategy of description
Demonstrating and Imitating
- students copy
- attend to the process of action and reflect-in-action - in comparison with
the skillful performer
Combining telling/listening with demonstrating/imitating
Dialogue between coach and student
24. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
- designing / doing
- description of designing - appreciation, advice, criticism,
- reflection on description of designing - what does you / she mean ,
when you/she says ..
- reflection on reflection on description of designing - reflect the
dialogue itself
A sucessful dialogue need not end with the student’s compliance.
The student may discover that she does not want to learn what the
teacher has to teach.
Ladder of reflection
25. Jutta Pauschenwein: WS: The reflective practitioner, 10.7.2018
Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!
Jutta Pauschenwein
Herzliche Einladung zum 17. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM – Keynote
Speaker – Gilly Salmon