It is important for you as an employer to fully understand the process that your relocating transferees who choose to rent go through. This slideshare will offer some insight into the most important parts of the process.
10. It is important for companies to
recognize and understand that they
need to accommodate renters as
much as they do their homeowners
11. Being prepared and properly informed
about the rental market (and the process
as a whole) is going to be the best tool
that you can have at your disposal ¨C !
for both your sake and your employees
12. We have outlined the renting
phenomenon and everything you
need to know about how to approach
it to benefit your transferees
25. With these less than ideal situations
relocating transferees can find
themselves in, it is no surprise that
they have gravitated towards renting
instead of buying
35. Finder¡¯s Fee: a fee for !
helping a tenant to !
find an apartment
36. Rental Assistance: services provided
to help the relocating employee
familiarize themselves with their
housing options
37. Agents may be with a transferee from
dawn to dusk until a residence is located
38. Although agents do their !
best to set expectations !
with the transferee up front¡
39. ¡situations may arise where an agent
continues to work with the transferee !
for several days, but only gets
compensated for the number of allowed
days provided by the employer
41. There are a lot of possible roadblocks
that a renter can face
42. While current renters won¡¯t
experience a loss on sale, that
doesn¡¯t mean leaving an old
apartment behind doesn¡¯t come with
its own set of costs as well
45. Landlords are less likely to !
negotiate on price, as well as other
considerations including the !
inclusion of a lease-break clause !
in the lease agreement
46. This can cause a big strain on those
with a time-sensitive move or are only
moving for a temporary assignment
47. Employers can often find themselves
having to cover any of these
additional costs their transferring
employee faces if they are in a time
60. The more you can streamline the
process for each transferee, the more
structure and guidance your
transferee is going to feel, making it
easier on you in the long run