This document discusses rubrics, which are scoring guides used to evaluate student work. It provides information on when and why to use rubrics, as well as how to construct them. Specifically, it notes that rubrics should include evaluative criteria, quality distinctions for each criterion, and an application strategy, such as being holistic or analytic. Holistic rubrics assess work as a whole, while analytic rubrics assess individual components. The document cautions that rubrics should be skill-focused rather than task-specific in order to apply to a variety of assignments. It concludes by offering best practices for rubric construction, such as making sure the assessed skill is significant and can be addressed instructionally.
2. 22
Workshop Objective
By the end of the workshop,
participants will be able to:
Create a rubric in Blackboard Learn.
3. 33
What is a Rubric?
A rubric is a scoring guide used to
evaluate the quality of students
constructed responses (e.g. products
and behaviors).
Popham, W. J. (2012). The role of rubrics in testing and teaching. Boston [Mass.]: Pearson.
4. 44
When to Use a Rubric?
Use a rubric to:
Measure cognitive skills
essay, project, portfolio
Not knowledge
true/false, multiple-choice, short answer
5. 55
Why Use a Rubric?
Instructors teach and students
learn more effectively when they
both understand the nature of the
curricular outcomes.
6. 66
Whats in a Rubric?
1. Evaluative Criteria
2. Quality Distinctions
3. Application Strategy
8. 88
2. Quality Distinctions
Descriptions of different qualitative levels
for each of a rubrics evaluative criteria
a. Two-Directional Quality Definitions
b. Numerical Gradations
14. 1414
A Rubric is a Rubric is a Rubric
Whats Wrong with these Rubrics?
Rubric A Rubric B
15. 1515
A Rubric is a Rubric is a Rubric
Whats Wrong with this Rubric?
Rubric A
16. 1616
A Rubric is a Rubric is a Rubric
Whats Wrong with this Rubric?
Rubric A
Uses general terms
17. 1717
A Rubric is a Rubric is a Rubric
Whats Wrong with this Rubric?
Rubric B
18. 1818
A Rubric is a Rubric is a Rubric
Whats Wrong with this Rubric?
Rubric B
Assesses a single skill
19. 1919
A Rubric is a Rubric is a Rubric
Whats Right with this Rubric?
Rubric C
20. 2020
A Rubric is a Rubric is a Rubric
Whats Right with This Rubric?
Rubric C
1. Skill-Focused
2. Can be generalized to a wide variety
of narrative writing tasks
24. 2424
Best Practices
Make sure the skill to be assessed is
Make certain all of the rubrics evaluative
criteria can be addressed instructionally.
Employ as few evaluative criteria as possible.
Provide a succinct label for each evaluative
Match the length of the rubric to your own
tolerance for detail.