The document discusses finding the right blend for virtual classroom learning. It recommends that a virtual classroom should not have more than 14 learners to allow for effective participation. It also emphasizes the importance of using breakout rooms to help shy students feel more comfortable. The document also stresses the need for participatory exercises that engage learners in different ways, such as kinesthetic, visual, and auditory activities. Finally, it proposes using a VAK (visual-auditory-kinesthetic) approach to alternatively assess learners through steps like writing outlines, recording presentations, and providing peer feedback.
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The right blend
1. The Right Blend
A bit of reflection on Module 3 of the BlendIt Course by the Consultants-E
By Prof. Jonathan Acu単a-Solano
2. Self-Discovery #1
A virtual classroom should not include
more than 14 learners.
Depending on the system being used, it can
be difficult to handle participation and the use
of VCs features
When working on breakout rooms (BRs),
help shy students to feel at ease.
A BR can aid them to feel more comfortable.
BRs can help to lower their affective filter.
The Virtual Classroom and the
right amount of learners
3. Self-Discovery #1
The need to create the right blend for the
VCs atmosphere
Interacting with shy learners to make them
feel at home
The first 5-10 minutes before the class kick-off
The opportunity to socialize with learners
The creation of the human bond with pupils
The setting of rules within the VC
Rules and their explanation
The Virtual Classroom and the
right amount of learners
4. Self-Discovery #2
The need for participatory exercises
Search for hands-on exercises to help
kinesthetic learners
Search for auditory tasks to have pupils
practice listening and negotiation of meaning
Search for visual activities to aid students
comprehend and practice better
Learners need to have a more active role
in VCs and in BRs, too.
The Right Blend for Interactivity
in VC Learning/Consolidation
5. Self-Discovery #2
Kinesthetic Learners
Manipulation of VCs built-in features such as
annotation, highlighters, pointers, etc.
Visual Learners
Auditory Learners
Video watching and audios
The Right Blend for Interactivity
in VC Learning/Consolidation
6. Self-Discovery #3
VAK (visual-auditory-kinesthetic) in action
to assess learners
Step 1: Outlines or scripts to practice writing
Step 2: Rehearsing prior the recording of
presentation (A&K)
Step 3: The actual audio or video recording
The Right Blend to Assess
Learners Alternatively
7. Self-Discovery #3 The Virtual Classroom and the
right amount of learners
VAK in action to assess learners
Step 4: Uploading the recordings to the LMS
Step 5: Partners watching or listening to
recordings (V&A)
Step 6: Peers providing formative feedback
for their classmates based on a rubric (VAK)
The right blend?
It could be! Give it a try!