Presentation given at BrandCamp University 2009 on Saturday, October 10, 2009. The Rise of the Brandividual in Corporate Culture It wasnt that long ago that 30-year careers at a single company were the norm. Today, with fluctuations in the marketplace and corporate stability more questionable than ever, the notion of the company taking care of the individual is but a faint memory. At the same time, weve been the recipients of a gift in the way of technology that creates publishers, journalists, pundits and thought leaders of out anyone who puts their mind to it. This session will explore the notion that the individual and the brand are merging and will raise a number of complex questions: In the process of this movement of so-called personal branding, how does one begin to balance the personal and professional? Where is the line drawn, or does such a line no longer exist? What are some key behaviors in a brand representative, and how can those be applied to your business? As the brandividual becomes more well known, is the company the greater beneficiary, or is the individual? What happens when this person decides to leave the company