Pesented in ICSEA 2015 (The Tenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances).
Barcelona, Spain.
The document summarizes Richard Kaipo Lum's presentation on futures studies and foresight. Lum discussed understanding and anticipating societal change through both analytical and synthetic approaches. He outlined elements of futures work like trends analysis and envisioning preferred futures. Lum also summarized keynotes on emerging technologies, workforce changes, and uncertainties around the future of work. He advocated using systems thinking to map interconnections and envision roadmaps ahead considering trends and issues. Lum closed by discussing prioritizing plans and decisions amid uncertainty through strategic portfolios and intervening in systems through parameters, feedback loops, and other leverage points.
This document provides an overview and introduction to the concepts discussed in the book "The Third Era" about rethinking models of constitutional governance. It discusses how governance systems have historically evolved in response to challenges of their time, and how today's systems face new 21st century issues. The document outlines three main sections of the book: 1) Understanding the present political landscape and trends, 2) Anticipating types of future political change, and 3) Rethinking models of governance and spurring adaptation to challenges. The overall aim is to start conversations around reconceptualizing governance approaches to better address complex modern problems.
This document provides an overview of the Future of Cities evidence base developed by the UK Government's Foresight project on the future of UK cities. The project gathered evidence on cities through workshops and seminars held in over 25 UK cities to understand how cities currently function and how they need to evolve. Key topics examined in the evidence base include urban economies, metabolism, form, infrastructure and governance. The project also established a City Visions Network and conducted experiments on graduate mobility and place-based policy making to support decision making in cities.
Optimal Location of Administrative Center: A Case Study of Province No. 1, NepalIJAEMSJORNAL
In developing nations, administrative facilities do not centers the majority of residing population because of poor geographical accessibility. Selection of optimal administrative centerin such locationsis a tedious task as the decision is contingent upon various factors. While making such decisions, major focus should be on accessibility of residing people. Thus, this study examines the role two major factors, population distribution and transportation network distribution, in the selection of administrative centers of any location considering the case study of Province no. 1, Nepal.
This document outlines the sections of a report for a student project on designing a future city. The report introduces the project objectives of researching what makes livable cities and proposing a better future city. It also outlines sections that will investigate the definitions of cities, case studies of ancient, present and future cities, characteristics of good cities, a selected future city type, a proposed new city called "X City", and conclusions. The document provides an overview and structure for the various topics that will be covered in the full report.
This document discusses city innovation systems as the next horizon for innovation studies in Southeast Asia. It argues that current innovation system concepts focus too much on the national and sectoral levels without considering the important role of cities. Cities provide proximity, density, and variety that promote innovation through interactions in physical, information, and cognitive spaces. The document proposes a framework that analyzes innovation systems at the city level and broadens the definition of innovation to include not just for-profit business innovations but also not-for-profit innovations that solve urban problems. It discusses the limitations of existing literature and policies and outlines how urbanization, globalization, and regionalization point to the need to integrate innovation and urban policies with a focus on cities and megac
El documento presenta una lista de frases verbales en ingl¨¦s divididas en dos secciones. La secci¨®n A incluye frases verbales como "add up to", "add up", "ask after", "account for", y "add on" que tienen que ver con totalizar, preguntar y dar cuenta de algo. La secci¨®n B incluye frases como "back away", "back down", "back off", y "back up" relacionadas con retroceder y respaldar.
The document discusses various aspects of stress. It defines stress as demands exceeding one's personal and social resources. Stress can be caused by various reasons and have physical and psychological effects. The document discusses different types of stress including eustress, distress, hyperstress, and hypostress. It also discusses myths about stress and strategies for coping with stress such as prioritizing work, delegating tasks, exercising, practicing relaxation techniques, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep.
This document provides an overview of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system proposed to be implemented in India. It defines GST as a comprehensive indirect tax on the manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and services that will replace existing central and state level taxes. The document discusses the need for GST, its justification by replacing existing complex tax structures. It describes the key features of GST including the dual GST model, taxable events, persons, rates, treatment of imports and exports, and advantages of the proposed system.
La adicci¨®n a las drogas es una enfermedad caracterizada por la dependencia f¨ªsica y psicol¨®gica a sustancias qu¨ªmicas que modifican el funcionamiento del sistema nervioso y combaten el dolor. Existen diferentes tipos de consumidores de drogas, pero el adicto es aquel que las consume de forma compulsiva y permanente debido a la necesidad de experimentar los estados que producen.
El documento describe los s¨ªntomas y caracter¨ªsticas de la anorexia nerviosa. La persona que la padece tiene una imagen corporal distorsionada y siempre se siente gorda, a pesar de estar extremadamente delgada. Evita comer y si lo hace, puede vomitar despu¨¦s o tomar laxantes. F¨ªsicamente se ve p¨¢lida, huesuda y con la piel escamosa, y emocionalmente se siente enojada, poco sociable, desamparada y vulnerable.
Our mission is to serve small businesses owners, helping them to identify and act upon opportunities to grow their business. This presentation introduced you to our core services and explains more about how we can help you.
Plasticos Inti SA is a case study of constant innovation. In 2017, they launched pre-cut laminating sheets that save time and include index tabs. They produce various laminating and folder products under different brand names like Forrafacil, Intifan, Kellyfan, Perufan, Inti folders, and Student folders. They also produce Fotocheck.
The document summarizes a study on developing a novel methodological approach for identifying a city's problems and solutions based on citizen perspectives. The study focused on the city of Denton, Texas. Data was collected through an online survey of Denton residents. Through methods like topic modeling and textual analysis, the study identified key themes in the problems reported and solutions suggested, such as parking issues and improving infrastructure. The study developed a framework to map problems and solutions at different levels of abstraction. The findings provide an innovative approach to discovering urban challenges and opportunities through citizen engagement in a smart city context.
The document summarizes a study on developing a novel methodological approach for identifying a city's problems and solutions based on citizen perspectives. The study focused on the city of Denton, Texas. Data was collected through an online survey of Denton residents. Through methods like topic modeling and textual analysis, the study identified key themes in the problems reported and solutions suggested, such as parking issues and improving infrastructure. The study developed a framework to map problems and solutions at different levels of abstraction. The findings provide an innovative approach to discovering urban challenges and opportunities through citizen engagement in a smart city context.
The document discusses smart city initiatives in China, Iskandar Malaysia, Japan, New York, and Tarragona Spain. It defines smart cities as using technology and data to empower citizens, engage communities, and enable social and economic development. The authors analyze each case study's governance models, finding differences in leadership structures and the role of governments, universities, firms, and citizens. Overall, the cases show multi-faceted approaches to smart cities locally and differences in how initiatives stress technology versus community engagement.
Open Data Innovation in Smart Cities: Challenges and TrendsEdward Curry
Open Data initiatives are increasingly considered as defining elements of emerging smart cities. However, few studies have attempted to provide a better understanding of the nature of this convergence and the impact on both domains. This talk examines the challenges and trends with open data initiatives using a socio-technical perspective of smart cities. The talk presents findings from a detailed study of 18 open data initiatives across five smart cities to identify emerging best practice. Three distinct waves of open data innovation for smart cities are discussed. The talk details the specific impacts of open data innovation on the different smart cities domains, governance of the cities, and the nature of datasets available in the open data ecosystem within smart cities.
This document summarizes a paper about smart city policies in China from national and local perspectives. The paper examines how the concept of smart cities has been introduced in China's urban development policies since 2012. It analyzes key national policy documents that emphasize using technology to improve government operations and deliver better outcomes. It also studies local smart city plans in four cities, finding they generally align with the national, outcome-oriented approach rather than prioritizing more inclusive decision-making. The paper concludes the policies will impact China's future development as urbanization continues.
The document discusses the concept of data-driven cities and provides examples from several major cities. It finds that while there is no single definition of a data-driven city, key elements include the generation and analysis of data to improve living standards through social, economic, and environmental initiatives. The study analyzed 28 global cities and identified Moscow, New York, London, Barcelona, and Sydney as technological leaders due to their extensive use of data-driven solutions across areas like transportation, utilities, security and citizen engagement. While each city demonstrates strengths in various technologies and policy areas, New York stands out as the overall leader in terms of development and implementation of data-driven practices in urban management.
This document outlines a research program for developing smart urban governance models. It proposes a three step approach: 1) Conduct a strategic analysis of city goals, functions, stakeholders. 2) Inventory "building blocks" like issues, resources, capabilities. 3) Integrate the building blocks into a smart city ecosystem model. The key is granting citizens equal control over the urban system while autonomously coordinating innovation. Data collection is critical to understand a city's evolution and improve social capital. The goal is developing resilient system architectures using standardized "Lego" blocks without utopian visions of perfect control.
1) The document discusses the concept of smart cities in India and their advantages. It notes that smart cities aim to efficiently manage resources and improve quality of life as urban populations grow.
2) A survey was conducted to understand public perceptions of smart cities. Most respondents were aware of smart cities and believed they could help optimize resource use. However, some had concerns about their environmental impacts.
3) The key benefits of smart cities discussed are improved environmental quality, optimized energy consumption, and strengthened quality of life through better public services and infrastructure.
The Evolution of Smart Cities and Connected Communities UPS Longitudes
The document discusses the evolution of smart cities and connected communities. It defines smart cities as integrating data-based infrastructure systems with other city functions like energy, buildings, mobility, government services, and more. The benefits of smart cities include reducing traffic and costs, improving services for residents, and addressing challenges of urbanization through data and technology. However, fully realizing smart cities also faces challenges around implementation, privacy, and the digital divide.
El documento presenta una lista de frases verbales en ingl¨¦s divididas en dos secciones. La secci¨®n A incluye frases verbales como "add up to", "add up", "ask after", "account for", y "add on" que tienen que ver con totalizar, preguntar y dar cuenta de algo. La secci¨®n B incluye frases como "back away", "back down", "back off", y "back up" relacionadas con retroceder y respaldar.
The document discusses various aspects of stress. It defines stress as demands exceeding one's personal and social resources. Stress can be caused by various reasons and have physical and psychological effects. The document discusses different types of stress including eustress, distress, hyperstress, and hypostress. It also discusses myths about stress and strategies for coping with stress such as prioritizing work, delegating tasks, exercising, practicing relaxation techniques, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep.
This document provides an overview of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system proposed to be implemented in India. It defines GST as a comprehensive indirect tax on the manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and services that will replace existing central and state level taxes. The document discusses the need for GST, its justification by replacing existing complex tax structures. It describes the key features of GST including the dual GST model, taxable events, persons, rates, treatment of imports and exports, and advantages of the proposed system.
La adicci¨®n a las drogas es una enfermedad caracterizada por la dependencia f¨ªsica y psicol¨®gica a sustancias qu¨ªmicas que modifican el funcionamiento del sistema nervioso y combaten el dolor. Existen diferentes tipos de consumidores de drogas, pero el adicto es aquel que las consume de forma compulsiva y permanente debido a la necesidad de experimentar los estados que producen.
El documento describe los s¨ªntomas y caracter¨ªsticas de la anorexia nerviosa. La persona que la padece tiene una imagen corporal distorsionada y siempre se siente gorda, a pesar de estar extremadamente delgada. Evita comer y si lo hace, puede vomitar despu¨¦s o tomar laxantes. F¨ªsicamente se ve p¨¢lida, huesuda y con la piel escamosa, y emocionalmente se siente enojada, poco sociable, desamparada y vulnerable.
Our mission is to serve small businesses owners, helping them to identify and act upon opportunities to grow their business. This presentation introduced you to our core services and explains more about how we can help you.
Plasticos Inti SA is a case study of constant innovation. In 2017, they launched pre-cut laminating sheets that save time and include index tabs. They produce various laminating and folder products under different brand names like Forrafacil, Intifan, Kellyfan, Perufan, Inti folders, and Student folders. They also produce Fotocheck.
The document summarizes a study on developing a novel methodological approach for identifying a city's problems and solutions based on citizen perspectives. The study focused on the city of Denton, Texas. Data was collected through an online survey of Denton residents. Through methods like topic modeling and textual analysis, the study identified key themes in the problems reported and solutions suggested, such as parking issues and improving infrastructure. The study developed a framework to map problems and solutions at different levels of abstraction. The findings provide an innovative approach to discovering urban challenges and opportunities through citizen engagement in a smart city context.
The document summarizes a study on developing a novel methodological approach for identifying a city's problems and solutions based on citizen perspectives. The study focused on the city of Denton, Texas. Data was collected through an online survey of Denton residents. Through methods like topic modeling and textual analysis, the study identified key themes in the problems reported and solutions suggested, such as parking issues and improving infrastructure. The study developed a framework to map problems and solutions at different levels of abstraction. The findings provide an innovative approach to discovering urban challenges and opportunities through citizen engagement in a smart city context.
The document discusses smart city initiatives in China, Iskandar Malaysia, Japan, New York, and Tarragona Spain. It defines smart cities as using technology and data to empower citizens, engage communities, and enable social and economic development. The authors analyze each case study's governance models, finding differences in leadership structures and the role of governments, universities, firms, and citizens. Overall, the cases show multi-faceted approaches to smart cities locally and differences in how initiatives stress technology versus community engagement.
Open Data Innovation in Smart Cities: Challenges and TrendsEdward Curry
Open Data initiatives are increasingly considered as defining elements of emerging smart cities. However, few studies have attempted to provide a better understanding of the nature of this convergence and the impact on both domains. This talk examines the challenges and trends with open data initiatives using a socio-technical perspective of smart cities. The talk presents findings from a detailed study of 18 open data initiatives across five smart cities to identify emerging best practice. Three distinct waves of open data innovation for smart cities are discussed. The talk details the specific impacts of open data innovation on the different smart cities domains, governance of the cities, and the nature of datasets available in the open data ecosystem within smart cities.
This document summarizes a paper about smart city policies in China from national and local perspectives. The paper examines how the concept of smart cities has been introduced in China's urban development policies since 2012. It analyzes key national policy documents that emphasize using technology to improve government operations and deliver better outcomes. It also studies local smart city plans in four cities, finding they generally align with the national, outcome-oriented approach rather than prioritizing more inclusive decision-making. The paper concludes the policies will impact China's future development as urbanization continues.
The document discusses the concept of data-driven cities and provides examples from several major cities. It finds that while there is no single definition of a data-driven city, key elements include the generation and analysis of data to improve living standards through social, economic, and environmental initiatives. The study analyzed 28 global cities and identified Moscow, New York, London, Barcelona, and Sydney as technological leaders due to their extensive use of data-driven solutions across areas like transportation, utilities, security and citizen engagement. While each city demonstrates strengths in various technologies and policy areas, New York stands out as the overall leader in terms of development and implementation of data-driven practices in urban management.
This document outlines a research program for developing smart urban governance models. It proposes a three step approach: 1) Conduct a strategic analysis of city goals, functions, stakeholders. 2) Inventory "building blocks" like issues, resources, capabilities. 3) Integrate the building blocks into a smart city ecosystem model. The key is granting citizens equal control over the urban system while autonomously coordinating innovation. Data collection is critical to understand a city's evolution and improve social capital. The goal is developing resilient system architectures using standardized "Lego" blocks without utopian visions of perfect control.
1) The document discusses the concept of smart cities in India and their advantages. It notes that smart cities aim to efficiently manage resources and improve quality of life as urban populations grow.
2) A survey was conducted to understand public perceptions of smart cities. Most respondents were aware of smart cities and believed they could help optimize resource use. However, some had concerns about their environmental impacts.
3) The key benefits of smart cities discussed are improved environmental quality, optimized energy consumption, and strengthened quality of life through better public services and infrastructure.
The Evolution of Smart Cities and Connected Communities UPS Longitudes
The document discusses the evolution of smart cities and connected communities. It defines smart cities as integrating data-based infrastructure systems with other city functions like energy, buildings, mobility, government services, and more. The benefits of smart cities include reducing traffic and costs, improving services for residents, and addressing challenges of urbanization through data and technology. However, fully realizing smart cities also faces challenges around implementation, privacy, and the digital divide.
The city is the economic and social life, as in the range of human abode, food and so on. The heights of the
dependence of man, his various powers of the time to have done, and by the desire to consolidate and bring
to the life of the necessary coordination with the villages thereof, and in the nature of necessity and for a
dwelling-place and information to build the human environment. In all, according to the nature of the
species, and the culture and civilization of the difference, and principal users, as one element in the human
city, and that the beneficiaries of the effective element of his own. Unfortunately, irregular to pass out to
the cities, especially the metropolises made us to increase of faces, to provide the service, and to the many
questions of the citizens. Smart of this question in recent decades, a number of strategies for the solution of
the great circles that was offered in the academic plans. That is powerful, smart electronic city and citizens
of continuous service users, but unlike electronic city so residents know each client, users smart and play
the role of the citizens of the city, the head of the fountain. Unlike the electronic city, only to meet the needs
of the citizens of the city had no pain, but in the interaction cycle, is exposed to the knowledge of the heads
of men, and were out of the city, provide services in the city, which is done in the way of life of the urban
development. On the other hand, it should be noted, because of the large and the density of the high places
of the cities of the time, already in the cities which have no matter to work on the administration of the
traditional methods of the town is rather moderate. This study tries to explain the history of the electronic
city, he laid the city: and the sorrow of mourning in the city. In this study, we found an expert to other
learned men proceeded so far, better to use.
This abstract paper talks how we can think a certain city as a smart one, representation on modern practices to make cities smart. A set of the everyday multidimensional factors motivating the smart city concept and the primary things for anup-and-coming smart city lead is identified by exploring current working definitions of smart city and a diversity of various theoretical connections related to smart city. The document deals considered principles aligning to the three main dimensions (technology, people, and institutions) of smart city: integration of infrastructures and technology-mediated services, social learning for strengthening human infrastructure, and governance for institutional improvement and citizen engagement.
Open Smart Cities in Canada - Webinar 3 - EnglishOpen North
In this webinar we present a first ever definition for an Open Smart City and the Open Smart Cities Guide V1.0, informed by research conducted in Canada and an examination of international best practices. In the context of Canada¡¯s Smart Cities Challenge and the public conversation regarding Sidewalk Labs, this webinar gave us timely opportunity to receive public feedback on the definition and structure of the guide. The webinar refers to tools, practices, policies, recommendations and legal frameworks to guide Canadian municipalities toward co-creating Open Smart Cities with their residents.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
The document discusses definitions of smart cities and dimensions of smart cities. It identifies six key dimensions of smart cities: smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment, and smart living. These dimensions are associated with different aspects of urban life. The document also discusses challenges cities face in Europe, South/East Mediterranean countries, and Malaysia according to these six dimensions. Finally, it provides examples of smart city initiatives and projects in Seoul, Singapore, and Iskandar Malaysia.
Survey on the Satisfaction of Residents in Creating a Civilized City in Beiji...ijtsrd
The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy not only aims to improve the level of living standards of rural residents, but also to continuously meet their growing spiritual needs. Based on this, this survey selected a town in Beijing as a research object, and conducted a survey on the creation of civilized urban areas from the perspective of residents in the town to understand residents awareness, participation, satisfaction, and the effectiveness and shortcomings of the creation process. Chengyao Yang | Yu Li | Jiazhou Huang "Survey on the Satisfaction of Residents in Creating a Civilized City in Beijing - Based on a Survey of a Town" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-5 , October 2023, URL: Paper Url:
Open Smart City in Canada Project
Funded by: GeoConnections
Lead by: OpenNorth
Project core team:
Rachel Bloom & Jean-Noe Landry, Open North
Dr. Tracey P. Lauriault, Carleton University
David Fewer, LL.M., Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)
Dr. Mark Fox, University of Toronto
Research Assistants Carleton University
Carly Livingstone
Stephen Letts
From Aspiration to Reality: Open Smart Cities
Open smart cities might become a reality for Canada.? Globally there are a number of initiatives, programs, and practices that are open smart city like which means that it is possible to have an open, responsive and engaged city that is both socio-technologically enabled, but also one where there is receptivity to and a willingness to grow a critically informed type of technological citizenship (Feenberg). For an open smart city to exist, public officials, the private sector, scholars, civil society and residents and citizens require a definition and a guide to start the exercise of imagining what an open smart city might look like. There is much critical scholarship about the smart city and there are many counter smart city narratives, but there are few depictions of what engagement, participatory design and technological leadership might be. The few examples that do exist are project based and few are systemic. An open smart city definition and guide was therefore created by a group of stakeholders in such a way that it can be used as the basis for the design of an open smart city from the ground up, or to help actors shape or steer the course of emerging or ongoing data and networked urbanist forms (Kitchin) of smart cities to lead them towards being open, engaged and receptive to technological citizenship.
This talk will discuss some of the successes resulting from this Open Smart Cities work, which might also be called a form or engaged scholarship. For example the language for the call for tender of the Infrastructure Canada Smart City Challenge was modified to include as a requisite that engagement and openness be part of the submissions from communities. Also, those involved with the guide have been writing policy articles that critique either AI or the smart city while also offering examples of what is possible. These articles are being read by proponents of Sidewalk Labs in Toronto. Also, the global Open Data Conference held in Argentina in September of 2018 hosted a full workshop on Open Smart Cities and finally Open North is working toward developing key performance indicators to assess those shortlisted by Infrastructure Canada and to help those communities develop an Open Smart Cities submission. The objective of the talk is to demonstrate that it is actually possible to shift public policy on large infrastructure projects, at least, in the short term.
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks for a Smart FutureMLOVE ConFestival
We live in times that are as exciting as unsure at once. For many it is the most stunning and promising era in human society and for others it is a scary derangement of the old world. To find a path which leads us into a great future we created a comprehensive study to get insights about possible ways and hypotheses.
MLOVE and VISITOR FIRST plan to expand their initial scoping research on the relations between people and future technologies of Mobility, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities. It considers important questions such as the consequences of bringing cutting edge technology into everyday life and the hopes, visions and fears tied to this process. The social frameworks that produce these technologies will also be analyzed.
MLOVE is a global community that brings together CEOs, CMOs, innovators and startup entrepreneurs from across multiple disci- plines to share, learn and inspire ideas with an array of scientists, artists and other pioneers.
In VISITOR FIRST, MLOVE found a partner with several years of experience in the field of ethnographic research and holistic research designs within a business context.
DealBook of Ukraine: 2025 edition | AVentures CapitalYevgen Sysoyev
The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2024 and the first deals of 2025.
[Webinar] Scaling Made Simple: Getting Started with No-Code Web AppsSafe Software
Ready to simplify workflow sharing across your organization without diving into complex coding? With FME Flow Apps, you can build no-code web apps that make your data work harder for you ¡ª fast.
In this webinar, we¡¯ll show you how to:
Build and deploy Workspace Apps to create an intuitive user interface for self-serve data processing and validation.
Automate processes using Automation Apps. Learn to create a no-code web app to kick off workflows tailored to your needs, trigger multiple workspaces and external actions, and use conditional filtering within automations to control your workflows.
Create a centralized portal with Gallery Apps to share a collection of no-code web apps across your organization.
Through real-world examples and practical demos, you¡¯ll learn how to transform your workflows into intuitive, self-serve solutions that empower your team and save you time. We can¡¯t wait to show you what¡¯s possible!
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Replacing RocksDB with ScyllaDB in Kafka Streams by Almog GavraScyllaDB
Learn how Responsive replaced embedded RocksDB with ScyllaDB in Kafka Streams, simplifying the architecture and unlocking massive availability and scale. The talk covers unbundling stream processors, key ScyllaDB features tested, and lessons learned from the transition.
UiPath Agentic Automation Capabilities and OpportunitiesDianaGray10
Learn what UiPath Agentic Automation capabilities are and how you can empower your agents with dynamic decision making. In this session we will cover these topics:
What do we mean by Agents
Components of Agents
Agentic Automation capabilities
What Agentic automation delivers and AI Tools
Identifying Agent opportunities
? If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
Unlock AI Creativity: Image Generation with DALL¡¤EExpeed Software
Discover the power of AI image generation with DALL¡¤E, an advanced AI model that transforms text prompts into stunning, high-quality visuals. This presentation explores how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing digital creativity, from graphic design to content creation and marketing. Learn about the technology behind DALL¡¤E, its real-world applications, and how businesses can leverage AI-generated art for innovation. Whether you're a designer, developer, or marketer, this guide will help you unlock new creative possibilities with AI-driven image synthesis.
30B Images and Counting: Scaling Canva's Content-Understanding Pipelines by K...ScyllaDB
Scaling content understanding for billions of images is no easy feat. This talk dives into building extreme label classification models, balancing accuracy & speed, and optimizing ML pipelines for scale. You'll learn new ways to tackle real-time performance challenges in massive data environments.
UiPath Document Understanding - Generative AI and Active learning capabilitiesDianaGray10
This session focus on Generative AI features and Active learning modern experience with Document understanding.
Topics Covered:
Overview of Document Understanding
How Generative Annotation works?
What is Generative Classification?
How to use Generative Extraction activities?
What is Generative Validation?
How Active learning modern experience accelerate model training?
? If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
This is session #4 of the 5-session online study series with Google Cloud, where we take you onto the journey learning generative AI. You¡¯ll explore the dynamic landscape of Generative AI, gaining both theoretical insights and practical know-how of Google Cloud GenAI tools such as Gemini, Vertex AI, AI agents and Imagen 3.
FinTech - US Annual Funding Report - 2024.pptxTracxn
US FinTech 2024, offering a comprehensive analysis of key trends, funding activities, and top-performing sectors that shaped the FinTech ecosystem in the US 2024. The report delivers detailed data and insights into the region's funding landscape and other developments. We believe this report will provide you with valuable insights to understand the evolving market dynamics.
Future-Proof Your Career with AI OptionsDianaGray10
Learn about the difference between automation, AI and agentic and ways you can harness these to further your career. In this session you will learn:
Introduction to automation, AI, agentic
Trends in the marketplace
Take advantage of UiPath training and certification
In demand skills needed to strategically position yourself to stay ahead
? If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
A Framework for Model-Driven Digital Twin EngineeringDaniel Lehner
ºÝºÝߣs from my PhD Defense at Johannes Kepler University, held on Janurary 10, 2025.
The full thesis is available here:
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
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The role of people and sensores in the development of the smart cities: A systematic literature review
1. The Role of People and
Sensors in the Development of
Smart Cities
A Systematic Literature
Felipe Silva Ferraz
Italberto Figueira Dantas
2. Introduction
¡è? Over the last few years, with rapid population growth, issues like air
pollution, water scarcity, and intense traffic conditions, have
become more evident.
¡è? Trying to mitigate them, the concept of Smart City was presented,
which uses technology and human resources to manage urban
¡è? But, it is not clear what role is occupied in the different stages of
evolution, which leads a city to be considered Smart.
¡è? We used the SLR method to analyze scientific publications, and thus
to determine what is the role of the human factor, represented by
people, and technological, represented by sensors, in the
development of smart cities.
3. Background
¡è? In the last century, the number of cities in the world with more than
1 million inhabitants jumped from 20 to 450 [1].
¡è? In 2007, the number of people living in urban centers exceeded
50% of the world population [1].
¡è? Technology is a way to solve the problems caused by the
population growth [2].
¡è? In the current scenario, every initiative is important if it helps
understand the growth of great urban centers and how it occurs,
as well as what measures should be adopted to extinguish the
problems caused by it, from a scientific and economic point of
¡è? In this work, we intend to provide the current panorama of the
scientific researches made in the field of Smart Cities that talk
about their development based on the participation of people and
the use of sensors,
4. Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
¡è? Research Question: What is the role of people and sensors in
the development of Smart Cities?
¡è? Q1.1. What is the influence of the participation of people or use
of sensors in the study?;
¡è? Q1.2. What is the level of previous infrastructure so the study
proposal is viable?;
¡è? Q1.3. What stage of social organization the city needs to be in
so the study is viable?;
¡è? Q1.4. What is the contribution of the study for the scientific
¡è? Q1.5. How was the study validated?;
¡è? Q.1.6. What was the main feature of the city affected by the
5. SLR Execution
¡è? Four steps were defined and for two of them, exclusion
criterion were defined as well:
¡è? ST01. The search must be done in the selected bases Scopus,
IEEExplore, Science Direct and Compendex.
¡è? ST02. This stage eliminates primary studies that do not attend
the purposes of this study.
¡è? ST03. Publications not excluded on the previous step will be
re-evaluated based on their title, abstract or full text.
¡è? ST04. Search for referenced of the remaining publications
must be made (snowballing search).
6. SLR Execution
¡è? Initially 1121 publications were found.
¡è? After applying exclusion criterion, we obtained 45
¡è? Each publication was evaluated under the subquestions
point of view.
¡è? Results of sub-questions were compared with the other
7. Results
¡è? Question Q1.1 Analysis
¡è? When a society is not organized to sustain initiatives to
create a Smart City, Technology is the most expressive
element to start the process.
¡è? In cities with no infrastructure and control of their resources,
the administration of the city prefer to invest their efforts to
acquire technologies.
¡è? When there are available infrastructure, human resource is
the most discussed issue, indicating the influence it may
have on the development of the city.
¡è? The human perception of the environment is being explored
in the monitoring of natural resources and urban
environment, being as important as the sensors in the
information acquisition.
8. Results
¡è? Question Q1.4 Analysis
¡è? Implementation was the most used method to validate the
efforts. It may indicate that there are not many options to test
the previously available proposals, which made the researchers
responsible for developing their own tools to validate their
¡è? Economic aspects were not addressed, It may indicate that
more researches about the economic features of Smart Cities
are necessary.
¡è? Question Q1.6 Analysis
¡è? Governance was the area that received more attention. This
result may point to a city in the Chaotic level as Governance as
the area that should get more attention, since it deals with the
decision making about the future of the city.
9. Conclusion
¡è? Results obtained during the protocol test show it could be
used in a consistent way to reach the objectives of this
¡è? We could notice that people and sensors have great
importance when developing Smart Cities. Their
importance changes ac- cording to the level of
technological and social development each city is in, as
well as the needs each city defines as priority.
10. Future Works
¡è? The economic aspect was showed pretty deficient, from
almost all analyzed points of view. So, this theme needs to
be deeply analyzed, in order to understand better the
relationship with the cities technological and social
¡è? This research was realized considering just a period of five
years of study. A new protocol execution can be made,
with a bigger range, in order to analyze the evolution of the
researched aspects with the development of new scientific
studies about Smart Cities, making it possible to enhance
the knowledge about how people and sensors influence the
Smart Cities development, drawing an evolutionary profile.
11. References
¡è? [1] ?C. E. A. Mulligan and M. Olsson, ¡°Architectural
Implications of Smart City Business Models : An
Evolutionary Perspective,¡± IEEE Communications
Magazine, vol. 51, no. 6, Jun. 2013, pp. 80¨C85.
¡è? [2] ?C. E. A. Mulligan and M. Olsson, ¡°Architectural
Implications of Smart City Business Models : An
Evolutionary Perspective,¡± IEEE Communications
Magazine, vol. 51, no. 6, Jun. 2013, pp. 80¨C85.