The document discusses cognitive biases and provides tips for recognizing and mitigating biases in retrospectives. It recommends being aware of biases, talking to others to understand different perspectives, focusing on controllable factors, recording decisions made to avoid hindsight bias, and building trust within the team. The document cautions against making excuses that blame others, using only positive or negative frames, trying to manipulate people, feeling bad about not predicting outcomes, seeking unnecessary information, and making hurried decisions under pressure.
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The Saboteur in Your Retrospectives: How Your Brain Works Against You - The Handout (Prairie.Code 2017)
1. The Saboteur in Your Retrospectives
The Handout
Awareness isyourprimarytool infightingbias!
Actuallytalktootherpeople andfindoutwhattheyvalue,andwhattheirexternal circumstancesare.(Narrative
Be empathetictowardsotherpeople.(NarrativeBias,AttributionErrors)
Rememberthatthe fartheran actionisfrom itseffects,the lesslikelyitisthatyour intuitionwill connectthe
dots. (Narrative Bias)
Recastpeople inyouroutgroupsas yourally.(AttributionErrors,EgocentricBias)
Recordopinionsbefore discussion.(AnchoringandFramingEffects)
Vote ontopicsto discuss.(AnchoringandFramingEffects)
Focuson the thingsyour teamcan actuallycontrol.(Illusionof Control)
Recordyour teams decisions,andwhatinformationledyoutomake them.(HindsightBias)
Make sure youand your teamknowyourpurpose.(EgocentricBias)
Buildtrustin yourteamand become BiasBuddies.(BiasBias)
Be satisfiedwithexplanationsof eventsthatblame aperson.(Narrative Bias)
Fall preyto the posthoc ergo propterhocfallacy.(Narrative Bias)
Use framesthatare strictlypositive ornegativewhenproposingideas.(FramingEffect)
Try to use complex processesorevenyourknowledgeof biasestomanipulatepeople.(Illusionof Control)
Feel badbecause youshouldhave knownsomething.(HindsightBias)
Procrastinate bycontinuingtoseekmore informationwhenyoudontneedit.(InformationBias)
Make decisionsunderpressure!Cognitive loadmakesyou more likelytoacceptSystem1s outputwithout
checkingitfirst.(All Cognitive Biases)
If you do picka spiritanimalforyour System1, dontkidyourself itsstill apart of you.Takingtime to remember
that periodicallywill preventyoufromdevelopingabadcase of self-loathing.
Thinking,Fastand Slow Daniel Kahneman
You AreNot So Smart DavidMcRaney
You AreNowLess Dumb DavidMcRaney
The Hidden Brain ShankarVedantam
The Wikipedialistof Cognitive Biases
Chase downthe primarysources!A lotof the studiesare inPDFformat forfree!