The document outlines a group presentation for an English literature assignment. It includes an introduction, presentation outline, aims, objectives, story summary, characters, moral, and events linked to current society. The group will present on the short story "The Sanctuary", discussing the plot, characters, lesson learned, and connecting it to real world events in Cambodian society.
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The sanctuary
1. Group Assignment
Literature For English
Guided by : Mr. Long Kan
Presented by:
Ms. Phanny Pungputthima, Ms. Try Vannaran
Mr. Por Lundy, Mr. Kim Phanit
Mr. Mao Sokuntheara
Group 2 Presentaion 1 7/7/2012
2. Presentation Outline
- Introduction to the story (Por
- New title of the story + reasons
(Por Lundy)
- Summary + All characters (Kim
- Moral + What you learnt from the
(Mao Sokuntheara)
- Event link to the current society
Group 2 Presentaion
(Try2 7/7/2012
3. Aim
- About the story
Understanding about the story
The morals of the story
What you learnt from the story
Answering the questions from the story
Knowing the real events in the society that
linked from the story
- Grammar
Past Simple
-ed ending
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4. Objective
By the end of the presenting you will
- The story meaning
- Get the moral from the story
- The questions from the story
- Grammar point (Past Simple)
- Can solve all the question that you want to know
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6. New Title
The last treasure in my
grandmas life
- The story talk about the writers grandmas
- The story talk about her last treasure in life
- The story mention on the reasons why
grandma did not want to leave the house
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7. Story summarize
Grandma lived alone in her big house.
Pa and Mom asked grandma to live
Grandma had decided to live with
Grandma wanted to cut the apple tree
in the apple orchard.
Grandma was sent to her own house.
Grandma was died in her house where
she wanted to die.
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8. Grandma (the main character)
The writer
Ma and Pa
The writers sister (Mary)
Grandpa, Uncle, & Nephew Herbert
(reminded characters)
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9. The important things in life before death
Craziness about something too much can
make you fall in disaster.
Dont let your emotion limit everything in
your life.
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10. Life is important than everything else in the
Learnt to be pretical person but not to be an
inflexible person
Let the old things go, so that the new things
can come to replace.
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11. Events link to the current society issue
There are three vital events were found in
the story that mostly related to the
Cambodias events.
Two of these events in term of the
natural disaster in the story, First
important one are effected peoples life.
It is serious flooding water in 2011. Phy
Siphan spokesman of the council of
ministers said at least 97 people, including
a British nation, were died during flooding
in Cambodia. He added that 90,300 families
in 15 flood-hit provinces have been
affected seriously.
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12. And about 170,000 hectares of their rice
field have been destroyed.
Next one is windstorm on Thursday, August
30, 2007. A fierce windstorm blew over the
Ang Khnong village, Chom Choa commune,
Dangkao district, Phnom penh.
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13. At the same time a heavy rain fell at 7: 30 pm in
the evening of August. The storm caused
damages to 35 house and other kinds of the
properties. Beside of these, a woman was
seriously injured when lightening stuck her.
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14. Her name is Pov, 80 years old. She lives
number4 villige, Khom Ompel Tapok,
Oureang Ouv, Kompong cham Province. She
still live in a old cottage alone with three
dogs where is her husband and her six
children died by Pol Pot. She tries to pick
water convolvulus to support her life.
15. We form affirmative statements in the
simple past with a subject and the past
form of a verb
I finished my homework after lunch
I ate a sandwich for lunch
We form the past form of regular verbs
with d, -ed
We use the auxiliary verb did to form
negative statements, questions and short
We didnt like the film last night
Did you hear the news?, Yes, I did
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16. To describe an action that happened at a definite time in
the past
I travelled to Paris in 1985
To talk about an action that interrupted another action
that was in progress in the past
I was studying when the electricity went off
To talk about actions that happened in a sequence in the
I came home, picked up my laptop and left
To narrate the main actions and events in a story
It was getting dark, I was walking down the road,
when I saw a strange man
With time expressions such as yesterday, last night, ,
four days ago, in 2004,
I saw a great film last night
17. Most verbs add ed: started, obeyed,
Verbs which end in a consonant +e, add d: lived, moved,
Verbs that have 1 syllable and end in a single vowel + a
single consonant, double the consonant and add ed
1. Verbs ending in w or x, do not double the consonant:
fixed, showed
2. Verbs with 2 syllables, ending in a vowel + a
consonant, with stress on the last syllable, double the
final consonant: preferred
3. Verbs with 2 syllables ending in l, double it: travelled
4. Verbs ending in a consonant + y, change y to i and add
ed: worried
5. Verbs in ie, add d: tied, died
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18. Krom Ngoy ( ) , The Father of Khmer Poetry
Krom Ngoy was born Ouk Ou but is known as
"Phirum Ngoy" or "Ngoy the language master
Date and Place of birth
- We dont Know exactly when did he was
born but some documents proof that he was
born in 1865 Prey Ondong Svay Vil,Kom
Kombol, Srok Phnom Penh (Srok Angsnol),
Kandal Province.
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19. Date of Death
- On Friday 6ket Makase Month 1936 in the
age of 71 because of Constipated.
His Live works
There are many works that he has done:
Chbab Lbek Tmey (Kakate song 1922)
Chbab Kekal Tmey (Promket song 1922)
SechKdey Romleakdas tearn (Seven words
song 1931)
Pak Kab Broday Chon bros Srey
(can be in 1935) Seven words song
Bandam Kromnguy (Promket, around 1935)
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20. Chbab Lbek Tmey
Chbab Kekal Tmey
SechKdey Romleakdas tearn
Pak Kab Broday Chon bros Srey
Bandam Kromnguy
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21. Pro. Keng Vansak
the origins of Khmer language
Date of birth
- 19 September 1925
- Srok Kompong Leng, Kompong Chnang Province
Date and place of death
- Professor Keng Vansak was dead in the age of 84s in
Montmorency hopital, France
His live works
- Kok Kamkeles Story
- Ream Ke (not Ramayanak)
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22. Burn Your Brain with true/false
1.Grandma wanted to lived in her old house with me
because the house was the place where she was
born, grew up, and got marry.
True False
2. The story was written by Jos辿 Stuart.
True False
3. Pa cut the apple trees for Grandma.
True False
4. Pa thought that Grandmas house was going to crash
True False
5. Grandma lived alone in her big house.
True False
23. 1.The writer wrote about .
a. her story b. Her grandmas story
her Grandmas story
2. Grandma lived on a high hill surrounded . .
a. small tree giant trees
b. c. giant tree
3. Grandmas wouldn't let pa fix. .
a. her room b. her motor c. her roof
4. The writer saw her Mom and Pa standing by the. .
a. b. house c. window
5. The story end with . ending.
a. happy b. surprise c. sad
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24. 1. Did Grandma say that her need to be fixed?
2. Did Grandma die in her big house?
3. Was the apple tree cut down by Pa?
4. Could Grandma get out?
5. Had the tree been uprooted during a windstorm.
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25. Chbab Krom Nguy
Cambridge Advance Learners Dictionary
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Angkor Thom Magazine
Google search
The Phnom Penh
Post News
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