The Satelite's way is the route from Roncesvalles to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. A pilgrimage we make with supporting technologies. An initiative OM3.0 by FUNDACION TECNOLOGIA SOCIAL.
2. Whats it? An innitiative aimed to make the St. James way easier to all using supporting ICTs. An event to promote the responsible use of ICT. A pilgrimage with supporting ICT . 740KMS in 32 stages from Roncesvalles to Santiago The 1st issue whas held from October 4 to November 10 2010. Showed how ICT can really help people for a better life. And idea in the OM3.0 scope that wed like to repeat each year. In fact, we are looking for SUPPORT for this 2011 issue.
3. Who is organising? Idea and CO ordination: FUNDACIN TECNOLOGA SOCIAL (FTS). Co organiser: AGESTIC : Asociaci坦n Gallega de empresas TIC. ALENTI: A Galician company with expertise in the organisation of tourism events.
4. Who is the event addressed to? Who are the pilgrims? Persons with dissability (we called them persons with functiona diversity) Elderlies Persons who like technology Companies or persons who would like to show the use of any technology in the St. James Way. Some companies where pressent in the 1 st issue with their technologies.
5. Used technologies (ny the organisation) Sound and signed guides Smart shoes and clothes Tracing services Services for the communication of the pilgrims each other GPS navigators Bi directional (QR and others) codes for tagging (foods, medicine and others.) Measures of the stages with GPS apps for iPhone and others.
6. Used technologies (by pilgrims) Pilgrims showed their own ICT tools as part of their CV to be part of the event. So each one took their own ICT devices that was show to the others. Not just the devices but its use. A good experience. Many different people with different needs sharing the use of different ICTs. And a good experience too to walk the way itself.
7. Multimedia an social network FTS set up a TV/IP and a channel in Youtube: Broadcasting of videos of the event LIFE. The pilgrims made their own interviews and other multimedia events. The organisation broadcasted important events such as some concerts during the event. The channel is active with most of this materials. Including a good summary of o popular program in the Spanish TV Espa単a Directo
8. Multimedia and social network Some other activities:: Many interviews in local radios. A 4 minutes summary (we got more than 300 video ours) A presentation in Brussels, the 3 rd of December, at the European Disability day.
9. Exhibitions: A rolling workshop in a prepared coach that was present at the end of every stage in every city/town/village. It helds an exhibition of ICT and disabled and elderly people. With a set of TV for interviews. With a place to give support to the pilgrins.
10. A blind famous singer and sport fun in Spain. Twice in the Eurovision Festival. He walked the ST. James Way as its personal 2010 sport challenge. He donated the official song Una l鱈nea en el cielo for the event. Seraf鱈n Zubiri: Official 2010 pilgrim
11. A Facebook page A gallery Flikr A channel in YouTube Presence in Twitter Audioguides in WOICES. An audiolocaliced service Portal at Web 2.0 and social networks