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Special Educational
Needs and Disability
(SEND) Project
Thursday 6 February
National Council for
Our objectives for today
The SEND reforms
James Cooper
Public Affairs and
Policy Officer
Together for Short
The SEND reforms
The Governments vision for reform
Progress to date
The implications for childrens palliative care
The Government's vision
for reform
Problem with the current
Its a minefield and you get frightened going through it.
Services dont join up and people dont explain things to
you. They dont tell you what all the services actually do.
By the time I had made it all fit together my child had
passed away - that makes me sad that he could have
had so much more out of life..
Recent Square Table participant: parent of a child who need palliative care
The proposals for reform
 New requirement for local authorities, health and care
services to commission services jointly, to ensure that
the needs of disabled children and young people and
those with SEN are met.
 Local authorities to publish a clear, transparent local
offer of services, so parents and young people can
understand what is available; developed with parents
and young people.
 More streamlined assessment process, which
integrates education, health and care services, and
involves children and young people and their families.
Department for Education: Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and
disability - Progress and next steps.
The proposals for reform
 New 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan, replacing
the current system of Statements and Learning Difficulty
Assessments, which reflects the child or young persons
aspirations for the future, as well as their current needs.
 Option of a personal budget for parents of children with
a Plan and young people with a Plan, extending choice
and control over their support.
 New statutory protections for young people aged 16-25
in further education and a stronger focus on preparing
for adulthood.
Department for Education: Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and
disability - Progress and next steps.
The proposals for reform
 Academies, Free Schools, Further Education and Sixth
Form colleges, independent special schools / colleges
can be named in EHC Plans.
 Involvement of children, young people and parents
in developing assessments and local offers.
 Key strands:
 Parent participation.
 Preparing for adulthood.
 Key working .
Department for Education: Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and
disability - Progress and next steps.
Our position on the
Children and Families Bill
Our position on the Bill
We strongly support the aspirations of the reforms;
however, we retain a number of reservations about the
Children and Families Bill, which will enshrine the reforms
in law:
EHC Plans should be made available to all disabled
children, including those without a statement of SEN - 25%
of disabled children do not have an SEN statement .
Without this, children who need palliative care but who
are able to attend mainstream school will not benefit
from the reforms - e.g. children with cystic fibrosis, liver
failure and cancer.
Our position on the Bill
 The entitlement to Education, Health and Care Plans
(EHCPs) should extend to all disabled 18 to 25 year
olds, including those no longer in education.
The SEND pathfinder
The pathfinders
Since 2011, 20 pathfinders, involving 31 local authorities
and health bodies, have been working towards the
following objectives:
Developing a new birth to 25 assessment process and a
Exploring how the voluntary and community sectors can
introduce more independence to the process.
Ensuring that children and young people, their parents and
families are fully engaged.
Ensuring that schools and colleges are fully engaged.
The pathfinders
Choice, control and outcomes for children and young
people are encouraged through the use of personal
budgets and direct payments.
The pathfinder sites
Progress to date
Developments to date
 September 2011: Government Green Paper published;
pathfinders planned and initiated.
 Spring 2012: Pathfinders - families recruited and new
testing of new approaches begun; DfE publishes Support
and aspiration: Progress and next steps.
 September 2012: Draft SEND clauses published for pre-
legislative scrutiny by Education Select Committee.
 December 2012: Pre-legislative scrutiny report
Developments to date
 January - June 2013: House of Commons scrutiny of
Bill; Government amends Bill to include stronger duties
on the NHS to deliver the single assessments and
 March 2013: Interim pathfinder report published; new
draft SEN code of practice and regulations published.
 June 2013  present: House of Lords scrutiny of Bill;
more Government amendments:
 new duties on all types of state schools (excluding early
years providers) to support pupils who have medical
Developments to date
 amendments to include all disabled children and young
people within the scope of the Bill - including in local
offers and joint commissioning duties.
 September 2013: Draft SEN Code of Practice and
regulations published for consultation:
 local agencies must include childrens palliative care as
part of their SEN planning.
 local offers must include information about healthcare
provision for children and young people with SEN; this
should include palliative and respite care and other
provision for children with complex health needs.
Developments to date
 December 2013: DfE publishes implementation pack for
local authorities; Mott Macdonald publishes Pathfinder
information packs.
 February 2014: more DfE amendments to strengthen
rights of parent carers - including access to automatic
assessments; consultation on statutory guidance for
supporting pupils at school with medical conditions:
 where pupils have life threatening conditions, specific
transport healthcare plans should be carried on
 governing bodies should consider that conditions that
require school support may be life-threatening.
Developments to date
 February 2014 (continued) - DfE have also committed
 clarifying local authorities duties in delivering social
care elements of EHC Plans
 review complaints and appeals in relation to those with
EHC Plans; pilots will examine how SEND Tribunal can
link up complaints and appeals processes.
The implications for
childrens palliative care
Implications for CPC
 More integrated assessments and services for children,
young people and families.
 Opportunities for services to be included in local offers
and CPC recognised in Joint Strategic Needs
Assessments - enhanced by code of practice.
 More chance of NHS and local authorities jointly
commissioning CPC services.
 Potential for better links with schools and other
education providers.
Implications for CPC
 Potential risk to prospects of being commissioned if not
included in local offers.
 Services may become less attractive to families if they
are not included in the local offers.
 Personal budgets: changes to funding streams for
services; increased competition from other providers;
difficult conversations with families.
Next steps
Next steps: England-wide
 Early 2014: Bill will receive Royal Assent .
 April 2014: The SEND regulations, statutory guidance
and transitional arrangements will be published .
 September 2014: legislation will comes into force;
children and young people with existing SEN statements
and LDAs will begin to transfer to the new system.
 Until March 2015: pathfinder programme will continues.
 Also during 2014: public consultation on statutory
guidance on new duties on schools to support pupils
who have medical conditions.
Next steps: local strategy
Local milestones:
 Until March 2014: each local area raising awareness of
reforms and appointing local lead for SEND reform.
 January - August 2014: planning service delivery and
preparing for implementation. Local transition plan
should be published in June.
 September 2014: local offer published; newly referred
children and young people assessed under new system
and given EHC plan; those already with statements and
LDAs begin to transfer to the new system; personal
budgets available.
Next steps: local services
Now - September 2014 :
 Joint commissioning plans
 The local offer
 Processes for assessment, planning and EHC plans
 Services to be provided through personal budgets
 Planning provision of local information, advice and
support (with users)
 Reviewing and developing local mediation and
disagreement resolution arrangements
 Engaging local partners, including further education and
training providers.
Next steps: local services
September 2014 onwards:
 Joint commissioning underway locally - needs
assessment, planning, market development,
collaboration with families.
 Regular review and raising awareness of local offer
 Annual reviews of EHC plans.
 Transfer of children and young people with existing
statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments.
 Review service budgets to offer increased personal
budgets - and information, advice and support available
to families.
SEND Project 
engagement with
palliative care
Andrew Fletcher
6 February 2014
SEND reform: evaluation
 Good progress made by many Pathfinders in
many areas but:
 Poor representation from health agencies
 Uncertainty about the role the voluntary sector could
and should play
 Significant opportunities to add value as:
 An England wide network of providers
 Health interventions, often in complex care
 Delivered largely through the voluntary and community
The SEND project
Project objectives
1. Children and young people with life-limiting and life-
threatening conditions are included in Pathfinder testing
and benefitting from greater integration
2. Childrens hospice and palliative care providers play an
active role in supporting the Pathfinders and in the
delivery of the reforms.
3. Schools and health and social care services are better
equipped to support children with life-limiting conditions
Project activity
 Work with Pathfinders to encourage inclusion of
children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions
and the services that support them
 Develop resources, workshops and tools to help
voluntary childrens hospice and palliative care services to
engage with local authority and health commissioners and
support families in using personal budgets.
 Strengthen understanding of childrens palliative care
across health, social care and education, including
Project activity
 Support engagement with young people who need
palliative care so that they have a voice in the
development of their personalised plans
 Identify and disseminate examples of good practice via
case studies, web hub and e-newsletter
 Support the childrens palliative care sector in non-
Pathfinder areas in readiness for the future roll out of new
SEND system
For children and families
 Greater understanding of their needs in Pathfinder
 More are included in the testing of the reforms
 Improved support within schools as a result of schools
 They are better supported to understand and use
personal health budgets
 In the longer term, childrens palliative care is
embedded in Local Offers
For providers
 Build new relationships with local authorities, which will
play an increasing role in planning and commissioning.
 Position services as key providers of specialist support
Better understand and influence how joint commissioning
might work in the future.
Be better prepared for the introduction of Personal Budgets,
including their extension into health
Improve links with schools and other agencies
Help to embed childrens palliative care services in the
Local Offer.
Progress to date
 Established the project, including the steering group with
representatives from families, providers and national
 Appointed the Centre for Children and Families Applied
Research at Coventry University to evaluate the project
 Launched a bi-monthly e-newsletter for the childrens
palliative care sector on the reform and the project
 Launched dedicated web space
 Mapped childrens palliative care services within the
pathfinder areas and secured their engagement
Progress to date
Presented to Pathfinder network, organised by National
delivery agency Mott Macdonald
 Approached Pathfinders individually to seek an initial
meeting with local services to discuss the project
 Secured 12 introductory engagement meetings with
Pathfinder areas and local services with a further 5
 Delivered Personal Budgets workshop for voluntary
providers in November and shared briefing from it
 Scoped a toolkit for providers to influence their local
authorities and Pathfinders
 Exploring how to support non-Pathfinder areas
Coming up
 Ongoing 1:1 engagement with Pathfinders (ongoing)
 Rolling out the local engagement resource for all
providers of childrens palliative providers (February)
 Resources for providers to support them to use personal
budgets (March)
 National Network meetings of local services to share
information about the reform and the project
 Regional events for schools and local agencies on
childrens palliative care (April-July 14)
Resources for schools to better support children who
need palliative care (Oct 14)
Evaluating the project
 Coventry University independently evaluating the project
 Baseline surveys of services, pathfinders and non-
 Evaluation of resources, events and workshops
 Interim evaluation in April 2014
 Further evaluation surveys in 2014
 Final evaluation in March 2015
How you can get
involved Share information about the project within your service
and wider network
 Are there examples of good partnership working between
health, education and social care in your area? Share them
with us for the web hub and newsletter
 Support us by participating in Pathfinder engagement
work locally
 Attend regional network events and share your
Andrew Fletcher
Director of External Affairs
Together for Short Lives
Tel: 0117 9102 464
Email: andrew.fletcher@togetherforshortlives.org.uk
Visit: www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk/sendproject
Any questions?
 What are the opportunities for local services to be able to
better integrate services for children who need palliative
 What are the barriers?

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The send reforms_and_together_for_short_lives__project

  • 1. Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Project Network Thursday 6 February 2013 National Council for Voluntary Organisations
  • 3. The SEND reforms James Cooper Public Affairs and Policy Officer Together for Short Lives
  • 4. The SEND reforms The Governments vision for reform Progress to date The implications for childrens palliative care
  • 6. Problem with the current system Its a minefield and you get frightened going through it. Services dont join up and people dont explain things to you. They dont tell you what all the services actually do. By the time I had made it all fit together my child had passed away - that makes me sad that he could have had so much more out of life.. Recent Square Table participant: parent of a child who need palliative care
  • 7. The proposals for reform New requirement for local authorities, health and care services to commission services jointly, to ensure that the needs of disabled children and young people and those with SEN are met. Local authorities to publish a clear, transparent local offer of services, so parents and young people can understand what is available; developed with parents and young people. More streamlined assessment process, which integrates education, health and care services, and involves children and young people and their families. Department for Education: Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability - Progress and next steps. http://www.education.gov.uk/childrenandyoungpeople/send/b0075291/green-paper
  • 8. The proposals for reform (continued) New 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan, replacing the current system of Statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments, which reflects the child or young persons aspirations for the future, as well as their current needs. Option of a personal budget for parents of children with a Plan and young people with a Plan, extending choice and control over their support. New statutory protections for young people aged 16-25 in further education and a stronger focus on preparing for adulthood. Department for Education: Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability - Progress and next steps. http://www.education.gov.uk/childrenandyoungpeople/send/b0075291/green-paper
  • 9. The proposals for reform (continued) Academies, Free Schools, Further Education and Sixth Form colleges, independent special schools / colleges can be named in EHC Plans. Involvement of children, young people and parents in developing assessments and local offers. Key strands: Parent participation. Preparing for adulthood. Key working . Department for Education: Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability - Progress and next steps. http://www.education.gov.uk/childrenandyoungpeople/send/b0075291/green-paper
  • 10. Our position on the Children and Families Bill
  • 11. Our position on the Bill We strongly support the aspirations of the reforms; however, we retain a number of reservations about the Children and Families Bill, which will enshrine the reforms in law: EHC Plans should be made available to all disabled children, including those without a statement of SEN - 25% of disabled children do not have an SEN statement . Without this, children who need palliative care but who are able to attend mainstream school will not benefit from the reforms - e.g. children with cystic fibrosis, liver failure and cancer. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/2012-2013/0131/cbill_2012-20130131_en_1.htm
  • 12. Our position on the Bill The entitlement to Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) should extend to all disabled 18 to 25 year olds, including those no longer in education. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/2012-2013/0131/cbill_2012-20130131_en_1.htm
  • 14. The pathfinders Since 2011, 20 pathfinders, involving 31 local authorities and health bodies, have been working towards the following objectives: Developing a new birth to 25 assessment process and a EHCP. Exploring how the voluntary and community sectors can introduce more independence to the process. Ensuring that children and young people, their parents and families are fully engaged. Ensuring that schools and colleges are fully engaged. http://www.sendpathfinder.co.uk/pathfinder/
  • 15. The pathfinders (continued) Choice, control and outcomes for children and young people are encouraged through the use of personal budgets and direct payments. http://www.sendpathfinder.co.uk/pathfinder/
  • 18. Developments to date September 2011: Government Green Paper published; pathfinders planned and initiated. Spring 2012: Pathfinders - families recruited and new testing of new approaches begun; DfE publishes Support and aspiration: Progress and next steps. September 2012: Draft SEND clauses published for pre- legislative scrutiny by Education Select Committee. December 2012: Pre-legislative scrutiny report published.
  • 19. Developments to date January - June 2013: House of Commons scrutiny of Bill; Government amends Bill to include stronger duties on the NHS to deliver the single assessments and EHCPs March 2013: Interim pathfinder report published; new draft SEN code of practice and regulations published. June 2013 present: House of Lords scrutiny of Bill; more Government amendments: new duties on all types of state schools (excluding early years providers) to support pupils who have medical conditions.
  • 20. Developments to date amendments to include all disabled children and young people within the scope of the Bill - including in local offers and joint commissioning duties. September 2013: Draft SEN Code of Practice and regulations published for consultation: local agencies must include childrens palliative care as part of their SEN planning. local offers must include information about healthcare provision for children and young people with SEN; this should include palliative and respite care and other provision for children with complex health needs.
  • 21. Developments to date December 2013: DfE publishes implementation pack for local authorities; Mott Macdonald publishes Pathfinder information packs. February 2014: more DfE amendments to strengthen rights of parent carers - including access to automatic assessments; consultation on statutory guidance for supporting pupils at school with medical conditions: where pupils have life threatening conditions, specific transport healthcare plans should be carried on vehicles. governing bodies should consider that conditions that require school support may be life-threatening.
  • 22. Developments to date February 2014 (continued) - DfE have also committed to: clarifying local authorities duties in delivering social care elements of EHC Plans review complaints and appeals in relation to those with EHC Plans; pilots will examine how SEND Tribunal can link up complaints and appeals processes.
  • 23. The implications for childrens palliative care (CPC)
  • 24. Implications for CPC Opportunities More integrated assessments and services for children, young people and families. Opportunities for services to be included in local offers and CPC recognised in Joint Strategic Needs Assessments - enhanced by code of practice. More chance of NHS and local authorities jointly commissioning CPC services. Potential for better links with schools and other education providers.
  • 25. Implications for CPC Threats Potential risk to prospects of being commissioned if not included in local offers. Services may become less attractive to families if they are not included in the local offers. Personal budgets: changes to funding streams for services; increased competition from other providers; difficult conversations with families.
  • 27. Next steps: England-wide Early 2014: Bill will receive Royal Assent . April 2014: The SEND regulations, statutory guidance and transitional arrangements will be published . September 2014: legislation will comes into force; children and young people with existing SEN statements and LDAs will begin to transfer to the new system. Until March 2015: pathfinder programme will continues. Also during 2014: public consultation on statutory guidance on new duties on schools to support pupils who have medical conditions.
  • 28. Next steps: local strategy Local milestones: Until March 2014: each local area raising awareness of reforms and appointing local lead for SEND reform. January - August 2014: planning service delivery and preparing for implementation. Local transition plan should be published in June. September 2014: local offer published; newly referred children and young people assessed under new system and given EHC plan; those already with statements and LDAs begin to transfer to the new system; personal budgets available.
  • 29. Next steps: local services Now - September 2014 : Joint commissioning plans The local offer Processes for assessment, planning and EHC plans Services to be provided through personal budgets Planning provision of local information, advice and support (with users) Reviewing and developing local mediation and disagreement resolution arrangements Engaging local partners, including further education and training providers.
  • 30. Next steps: local services September 2014 onwards: Joint commissioning underway locally - needs assessment, planning, market development, collaboration with families. Regular review and raising awareness of local offer Annual reviews of EHC plans. Transfer of children and young people with existing statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments. Review service budgets to offer increased personal budgets - and information, advice and support available to families.
  • 31. SEND Project improving engagement with children's palliative care Andrew Fletcher 6 February 2014
  • 32. SEND reform: evaluation Good progress made by many Pathfinders in many areas but: Poor representation from health agencies Uncertainty about the role the voluntary sector could and should play Significant opportunities to add value as: An England wide network of providers Health interventions, often in complex care Delivered largely through the voluntary and community sector
  • 34. Project objectives 1. Children and young people with life-limiting and life- threatening conditions are included in Pathfinder testing and benefitting from greater integration 2. Childrens hospice and palliative care providers play an active role in supporting the Pathfinders and in the delivery of the reforms. 3. Schools and health and social care services are better equipped to support children with life-limiting conditions
  • 35. Project activity Work with Pathfinders to encourage inclusion of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and the services that support them Develop resources, workshops and tools to help voluntary childrens hospice and palliative care services to engage with local authority and health commissioners and support families in using personal budgets. Strengthen understanding of childrens palliative care across health, social care and education, including schools.
  • 36. Project activity Support engagement with young people who need palliative care so that they have a voice in the development of their personalised plans Identify and disseminate examples of good practice via case studies, web hub and e-newsletter Support the childrens palliative care sector in non- Pathfinder areas in readiness for the future roll out of new SEND system
  • 37. For children and families Greater understanding of their needs in Pathfinder areas More are included in the testing of the reforms Improved support within schools as a result of schools resources They are better supported to understand and use personal health budgets In the longer term, childrens palliative care is embedded in Local Offers
  • 38. For providers Build new relationships with local authorities, which will play an increasing role in planning and commissioning. Position services as key providers of specialist support locally Better understand and influence how joint commissioning might work in the future. Be better prepared for the introduction of Personal Budgets, including their extension into health Improve links with schools and other agencies Help to embed childrens palliative care services in the Local Offer.
  • 39. Progress to date Established the project, including the steering group with representatives from families, providers and national partners Appointed the Centre for Children and Families Applied Research at Coventry University to evaluate the project Launched a bi-monthly e-newsletter for the childrens palliative care sector on the reform and the project Launched dedicated web space www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk/sendproject Mapped childrens palliative care services within the pathfinder areas and secured their engagement
  • 40. Progress to date Presented to Pathfinder network, organised by National delivery agency Mott Macdonald Approached Pathfinders individually to seek an initial meeting with local services to discuss the project Secured 12 introductory engagement meetings with Pathfinder areas and local services with a further 5 planned Delivered Personal Budgets workshop for voluntary providers in November and shared briefing from it Scoped a toolkit for providers to influence their local authorities and Pathfinders Exploring how to support non-Pathfinder areas
  • 41. Coming up Ongoing 1:1 engagement with Pathfinders (ongoing) Rolling out the local engagement resource for all providers of childrens palliative providers (February) Resources for providers to support them to use personal budgets (March) National Network meetings of local services to share information about the reform and the project Regional events for schools and local agencies on childrens palliative care (April-July 14) Resources for schools to better support children who need palliative care (Oct 14)
  • 42. Evaluating the project Coventry University independently evaluating the project Baseline surveys of services, pathfinders and non- pathfinders Evaluation of resources, events and workshops Interim evaluation in April 2014 Further evaluation surveys in 2014 Final evaluation in March 2015
  • 43. How you can get involved Share information about the project within your service and wider network Are there examples of good partnership working between health, education and social care in your area? Share them with us for the web hub and newsletter Support us by participating in Pathfinder engagement work locally Attend regional network events and share your experience
  • 44. Contact Andrew Fletcher Director of External Affairs Together for Short Lives Tel: 0117 9102 464 Email: andrew.fletcher@togetherforshortlives.org.uk Visit: www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk/sendproject
  • 46. Integration What are the opportunities for local services to be able to better integrate services for children who need palliative care? What are the barriers?