3. Background Never Identified in Scripture as such Evagrius Ponticus made a list of eight Pope Gregory narrowed the list to seven and applied them to all Christians (540-605) Fourth Lateran Council (1215) made confession of all mortal sin a requirement Thomas Acquinas Summa Theologica
4. Catechism of the Catholic Church Calls them vices that can be classified according to the virtues they oppose Links them to capital sins because they bring about other sins Names them as pride avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, sloth
5. Popular Use In Chaucers Canterbury Tales In Dantes The Divine Comedy
7. Themes in Narnia The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe -gluttony Prince Caspian lust (luxury) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - greed The Silver Chair - sloth The Horse and His Boy - pride The Magicians Nephew- anger The Last Battle - envy
13. Jesus Gives Us Another Choice - Pride (5:3) a spirit that is hungry - Envy (5:8) a pure motive - Gluttony (6:33-34) a daily provision - Lust (5:29-30) strategy of avoidance - Anger (5:44) a greater love - Greed (5:39-42)a giving nature - Sloth (7:24) build