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               the legend of

         by M i KE Cass i dy

Defend yourself against bullies and cyberbullies.
                                                            TO BULLYING BY THE BIGGER 8TH GRADERS.

                                                                                    CAN WE TALK
                                                                                    ABOUT THIS!?!

13                                                                                                              15

                                                                       WHAT IS BULLYING?
     CHANGING SCHOOLS CAN BE A                             A lot of young people have a good idea of what bullying
                                                           is because they see it every day! Bullying happens
        DIFFICULT TRANSITION                               when someone hurts or scares another person on
                                                           purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time
 A new school means new freedoms, people, classes,
                                                           defending himself or herself. Usually, bullying happens
 and responsibilities.
                                                           over and over. Bullying also can happen online or
 The best thing you can do is prepare and organize         electronically. Cyberbullying is when children or teens
 yourself for your first day. Dont let yourself get too   bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones, or
 nervous. Discuss any concerns you have with an adult      other cyber technology.
 you trust. Enjoy yourself. Being in school should be
                                                                                     Stop Bullying Now, HHS.gov

14                                                                                                              16
 A Bullying policY can vary from school to school.
                                                             MANAGED TO STAY UNDER THE BULLYS RADAR.
 Its best to talk to a parent or teacher to learn exactly
 how bullying is defined at your school.

17                                                                                                        19

                                                             LESTER PICKLES HAS NOT BEEN AS FORTUNATE.
      There are Four main types                              HES a common TARGET FOR BULLIES LIKE CHRIS
                                                             LOGAN AND HIS henchmen. BY THE LOOK OF IT,
             of bullying                                     HES HAVING A HARD TIME AT SCHOOL.

     1.	 Physical - Intentionally hurting someone
        with force
     2.	 Verbal - Using words to hurt others

     3.	 Indirect - When you hurt someone behind
        their back, not to their face
     4.	 cyberbullying - Bullying that occurs
        online or electronically

18                                                                                                        20

               Beth! Do you see the size of                    how can you help a victim
 Billy, you
               that kid!?! He could smash                             of bullying?
               me into jelly. I think its better
 should say    if I just keep my mouth shut.

                                                                 1.	 				                     Talk to an adult
                                                                 2.	 Stand up to the bully
                                                                 3.	 Be an ally: Lend a helping hand

21                                                                                                                      23

 Billy and Beth, Im going to call a time out. Ive noticed
 youve stayed under the bullies radar so far and
 thats great. Unfortunately, avoiding bullies simply is
 not enough. You need to STAND UP to bullying
 whenever you see it, especially when it involves
 someone else.
                                                              If you dont feel safe confronting the bully yourself,
                                                              talk to an adult. You can talk to a teacher, principal,
                                                              parent, counselor, nurse, coach, or any adult
                                                              you trust. Make sure you tell them exactly what
                                                              happened. (If they dont do anything to help, tell
                                                              someone else!)

22                                                                                                                      24
2. Stand up to the bully: If you feel safe, tell the bully   Always try to put yourself into the shoes of
 to stop. Its important to establish that bullying is not    the person being bullied.
 cool at your school.

25                                                                                                          27

 3. Be an ally: Lend a helping hand to those being bullied.
 You can listen to their problems, walk them home from
 school, invite them to join your friends, or tell them you           Are you OK,          Ive been
 understand what they are going through. These small                  Lester?              better, guys.
 things can make a BIG difference in someones life.                                        That Chris
                                                                                            Logan is a
                                                                                            real jerk.

26                                                                                                          28
You know, Lester, we                                                Good morning class, settle down. Today, I have prepared a
 are going to audition                        Dont worry, Lester.   special presentation using the rules of the ocean to demonstrate
 for the 6th grade play,                      Were gonna practice    how you kids can avoid bullies. As you know, the ocean is filled
 The Wizard of Oz. You                        everyday after          with creatures big and small. The smaller creatures stand little
                           Ehh... I dont
 should come try out                          school. And some        chance against a big, hungry shark. In order to stay alive, the
                           know. Im not
 with us.                                    of the parts only       smaller animals have learned certain tricks to avoid being eaten
                           a very good
                           actor. What if I   have a few words.      for dinner.
                           get stage fright
                           and forget my

29                                                                                                                                   31

                                                                              How to avoid
                                                                              being bullied
30                                                                                                                                   32
                                                                  B. Another benefit of schooling is that large groups are
                                                                  less likely to be attacked by a predator because the group
                                                                  looks like a bigger, scarier animal.


33                                                                                                                               35

 Some fish travel in a school just like you kids. The main      C. Finally, its harder for predators to pick out individual prey
 reason is that there is power in numbers. Fish gain specific     in a group because many moving fish confuse and distract
 advantages by traveling together in groups.                      the predator. When a fish is alone, it becomes an easy
 A. By staying active in a group, fish have more eyes to look
 out for sharks. The sooner one of the fish spots the predator,
 the more quickly the group can flee.


                Look out!

                                    Lets get
                                    outta here!!!
34                                                                                                                               36
Once a shark sets his eyes on a small seal, it has little
                  LEsson Learned:                             chance to escape. Sharks tend to gather in areas like shallow
                                                              water and feeding grounds where seals are an easy target.
 Stay active:  Like the fish in our lesson, students are      These areas are called hot spots.
 better off staying together with friends in a group. Stay
 active and participate in as many groups and clubs as
 you can. The more involved you are in school, the more
 people will be around you. Its harder for a bully to pick
 out a single target in a group.

37                                                                                                                        39

                                                              In order to avoid being eaten, seals have developed
                                                              strategies to avoid hot spots. Some seals have learned to
                                                              hunt in deep water where sharks do not look for them.


38                                                                                                                        40
LEsson Learned:                        Puffer fish are very slow and have poor reflexes,
                                                       making them an easy target for predators. In order to
 Avoid hot spots: Do your best to avoid unsupervised   stay alive, puffer fish have developed a unique ability to
 areas where bullies might hang out.                              fill their stomachs with water so they appear
                                                                      to be much larger than they actually are.
                                                                        This scares the predator and gives the
                                                                          puffer a few extra seconds to escape.

41                                                                                                              43

                                                                        LEsson Learned:
                                                       Stay confident: A bully tends to target people who
                                                       seem to lack confidence or have a low self-esteem.

     STAY CONFIDENT                                    Always try to project confidence and inner strength.  
                                                       Believe in yourself, take pride in your accomplishments,
                                                       exercise, and eat healthy. If you follow these steps, you
                                                       might be able to scare the bully off.

42                                                                                                              44
After years of studying how people learn, Rand Media Co has created
      The Skinny On series of books to provide a plain-English explanation
      of todays most important topics. Information is presented in an
      entertaining story format.

The Skinny on Bullying is the story of two popular 5th graders at
Stickville Elementary School named Beth and Billy. After a fun
filled summer, the time has come to start 6th grade at Stickville
Middle School. Once school starts, the two soon realize they arent
as popular as they used to be. They experience bullying from some
older kids and a new student named Gretchen with a mysterious past.
With the help of teachers, adults, and friends they devise strategies
to put a stop to bullying and grow up a bit in the process.

          The Skinny on Bullying will teach you to:

   dentify forms of bullying
   I                                                    njoy recess and lunch
   now when you are being
   K                                                    elp a friend being
   bullied                                              bullied
   rotect yourself from
   P                                                    alk to an adult about
   cyberbullying                                        bullying
   alk the halls without fear
   W                                                   Avoid conflicts with bullies

               Mike Cassidy is a writer and social media
               expert who grew up in the Connecticut
               suburbs outside New York City. Mike is
               a 2006 graduate of Villanova University
               with a degree in Communications.

               learn more at:

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The skinny on bullying

  • 1. KNOWLEDGE that STICKS! bullying the legend of gretchen by M i KE Cass i dy Defend yourself against bullies and cyberbullies.
  • 2. UPON ARRIVAL, BILLY AND BETH REALIZE THAT THEY IN THEIR FIRST MONTH AT STICKVILLE MIDDLE ARENT GOING TO BE AS POPULAR AS THEY USED TO BE. SCHOOL, BILLY AND BETH HAVE BEEN BY-STANDERS TO BULLYING BY THE BIGGER 8TH GRADERS. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS!?! 13 15 WHAT IS BULLYING? CHANGING SCHOOLS CAN BE A A lot of young people have a good idea of what bullying is because they see it every day! Bullying happens DIFFICULT TRANSITION when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time A new school means new freedoms, people, classes, defending himself or herself. Usually, bullying happens and responsibilities. over and over. Bullying also can happen online or The best thing you can do is prepare and organize electronically. Cyberbullying is when children or teens yourself for your first day. Dont let yourself get too bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones, or nervous. Discuss any concerns you have with an adult other cyber technology. you trust. Enjoy yourself. Being in school should be Stop Bullying Now, HHS.gov fun! 14 16
  • 3. BILLY AND BETH HAVE BEEN LUCKY SO FAR. THEYVE A Bullying policY can vary from school to school. MANAGED TO STAY UNDER THE BULLYS RADAR. Its best to talk to a parent or teacher to learn exactly how bullying is defined at your school. 17 19 LESTER PICKLES HAS NOT BEEN AS FORTUNATE. There are Four main types HES a common TARGET FOR BULLIES LIKE CHRIS LOGAN AND HIS henchmen. BY THE LOOK OF IT, of bullying HES HAVING A HARD TIME AT SCHOOL. 1. Physical - Intentionally hurting someone with force 2. Verbal - Using words to hurt others 3. Indirect - When you hurt someone behind their back, not to their face 4. cyberbullying - Bullying that occurs online or electronically 18 20
  • 4. BILLY IS TOO SCARED TO HELP LESTER Beth! Do you see the size of how can you help a victim Billy, you that kid!?! He could smash of bullying? me into jelly. I think its better should say if I just keep my mouth shut. something. 1. Talk to an adult 2. Stand up to the bully 3. Be an ally: Lend a helping hand 21 23 Billy and Beth, Im going to call a time out. Ive noticed youve stayed under the bullies radar so far and thats great. Unfortunately, avoiding bullies simply is not enough. You need to STAND UP to bullying 1. whenever you see it, especially when it involves someone else. If you dont feel safe confronting the bully yourself, talk to an adult. You can talk to a teacher, principal, parent, counselor, nurse, coach, or any adult you trust. Make sure you tell them exactly what happened. (If they dont do anything to help, tell someone else!) 22 24
  • 5. 2. Stand up to the bully: If you feel safe, tell the bully Always try to put yourself into the shoes of to stop. Its important to establish that bullying is not the person being bullied. cool at your school. 25 27 3. Be an ally: Lend a helping hand to those being bullied. You can listen to their problems, walk them home from school, invite them to join your friends, or tell them you Are you OK, Ive been understand what they are going through. These small Lester? better, guys. things can make a BIG difference in someones life. That Chris Logan is a real jerk. 26 28
  • 6. You know, Lester, we Good morning class, settle down. Today, I have prepared a are going to audition Dont worry, Lester. special presentation using the rules of the ocean to demonstrate for the 6th grade play, Were gonna practice how you kids can avoid bullies. As you know, the ocean is filled The Wizard of Oz. You everyday after with creatures big and small. The smaller creatures stand little Ehh... I dont should come try out school. And some chance against a big, hungry shark. In order to stay alive, the know. Im not with us. of the parts only smaller animals have learned certain tricks to avoid being eaten a very good actor. What if I have a few words. for dinner. get stage fright and forget my lines? 29 31 How to avoid being bullied MR. GRISWALDS SCIENCE CLASS, THE NEXT DAY. 30 32
  • 7. I. B. Another benefit of schooling is that large groups are less likely to be attacked by a predator because the group looks like a bigger, scarier animal. STAY IN GROUPS 33 35 Some fish travel in a school just like you kids. The main C. Finally, its harder for predators to pick out individual prey reason is that there is power in numbers. Fish gain specific in a group because many moving fish confuse and distract advantages by traveling together in groups. the predator. When a fish is alone, it becomes an easy target. A. By staying active in a group, fish have more eyes to look out for sharks. The sooner one of the fish spots the predator, the more quickly the group can flee. Shark! Look out! Lets get outta here!!! 34 36
  • 8. Once a shark sets his eyes on a small seal, it has little LEsson Learned: chance to escape. Sharks tend to gather in areas like shallow water and feeding grounds where seals are an easy target. Stay active: Like the fish in our lesson, students are These areas are called hot spots. better off staying together with friends in a group. Stay active and participate in as many groups and clubs as you can. The more involved you are in school, the more people will be around you. Its harder for a bully to pick out a single target in a group. 37 39 II. In order to avoid being eaten, seals have developed strategies to avoid hot spots. Some seals have learned to hunt in deep water where sharks do not look for them. AVOID HOT SPOTS 38 40
  • 9. LEsson Learned: Puffer fish are very slow and have poor reflexes, making them an easy target for predators. In order to Avoid hot spots: Do your best to avoid unsupervised stay alive, puffer fish have developed a unique ability to areas where bullies might hang out. fill their stomachs with water so they appear to be much larger than they actually are. This scares the predator and gives the Lets puffer a few extra seconds to escape. move!!! 41 43 III. LEsson Learned: Stay confident: A bully tends to target people who seem to lack confidence or have a low self-esteem. STAY CONFIDENT Always try to project confidence and inner strength. Believe in yourself, take pride in your accomplishments, exercise, and eat healthy. If you follow these steps, you might be able to scare the bully off. 42 44
  • 10. After years of studying how people learn, Rand Media Co has created The Skinny On series of books to provide a plain-English explanation of todays most important topics. Information is presented in an entertaining story format. The Skinny on Bullying is the story of two popular 5th graders at Stickville Elementary School named Beth and Billy. After a fun filled summer, the time has come to start 6th grade at Stickville Middle School. Once school starts, the two soon realize they arent as popular as they used to be. They experience bullying from some older kids and a new student named Gretchen with a mysterious past. With the help of teachers, adults, and friends they devise strategies to put a stop to bullying and grow up a bit in the process. The Skinny on Bullying will teach you to: dentify forms of bullying I njoy recess and lunch E now when you are being K elp a friend being H bullied bullied rotect yourself from P alk to an adult about T cyberbullying bullying alk the halls without fear W Avoid conflicts with bullies Mike Cassidy is a writer and social media expert who grew up in the Connecticut suburbs outside New York City. Mike is a 2006 graduate of Villanova University with a degree in Communications. learn more at: theskinnyon.com