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A longtime agoin a distantland,
There stooda palace oh so grand,
Where princesandkingswouldfeastall night,
Under the glowingtorchesof deepfire light,
The dreamsof manythere came true,
Wisheswere made amidstthe skysoblue,
Beautywasset inside itsmajesticstone walls,
Throughthe surroundingtreescouldbe heard the nightowlscalls,
Yet amidstall of thisgrandeurand indescribable joy,
Liveda verymistreatedandunhappyboy,
Under the abuse of the richer kindthe boydidcontinuouslysuffer,
His life wasone longharddaysworkwhichbecame tougherandtougher,
The young ladwas a servantto those whodweltinthatpalace,
He wastreatedabusivelyandspokentowithoutforethoughtandmalice,
Overmonthsand yearshe enduredtheirscathingandhurtful abuse,
Althoughhisworkwasof highvalue and hisyouthful strengthof muchuse,
But inorder forhisfamilytosurvive andhe hislife tobe worth living,
Of histime andhisenergyhe had to keepgivingandgiving,
Withpainand anxietyhe wasthoroughlyvexed,
His onlyrelease wouldbe the dayof hisinescapable death,
He wouldhave toworkin theircourtyardsuntil the dayof hisverylastbreath,
For the love of his motherand fatherhe wouldendure his wretched life,
He wouldgive upall hope of everhavingafamilyof hisownand a beautiful wife,
He wouldoftengaze atthe princesswhodweltinthe highesttower,
Andwishthat he couldhave beena prince withgreathonourand power,
Perhapsthenthe princesscouldsee himasa man to be loved,
Notjust a fool whodeservedtobe manhandled,mistreatedandshoved,
But it wasnevertobe forhe wasdirty,poor andlowly,
He couldnotbuilduphis wealthnotever,nonotevenslowly,
So he wouldjustdreamof livingalife like all of those above him,
To have servantsandsoldierswhowouldbow tohiseverywhim,
He knewinisheartthat it wouldneverbe,
He wouldhave toremaininthisturbulentsea,
Life todaytendsto be much the same,
People liveinpoverty,undercruelty,deprivationandshame,
Isntit sadhow life canbe so cruel and unkind,
Thisseemstohave beenthe case withall of mankind.

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The Slave

  • 1. A longtime agoin a distantland, There stooda palace oh so grand, Where princesandkingswouldfeastall night, Under the glowingtorchesof deepfire light, The dreamsof manythere came true, Wisheswere made amidstthe skysoblue, Beautywasset inside itsmajesticstone walls, Throughthe surroundingtreescouldbe heard the nightowlscalls, Yet amidstall of thisgrandeurand indescribable joy, Liveda verymistreatedandunhappyboy, Under the abuse of the richer kindthe boydidcontinuouslysuffer, His life wasone longharddaysworkwhichbecame tougherandtougher, The young ladwas a servantto those whodweltinthatpalace, He wastreatedabusivelyandspokentowithoutforethoughtandmalice, Overmonthsand yearshe enduredtheirscathingandhurtful abuse, Althoughhisworkwasof highvalue and hisyouthful strengthof muchuse, But inorder forhisfamilytosurvive andhe hislife tobe worth living, Of histime andhisenergyhe had to keepgivingandgiving, Theirungratefulnessandcrueltylefthimutterlyperplexed, Withpainand anxietyhe wasthoroughlyvexed, His onlyrelease wouldbe the dayof hisinescapable death, He wouldhave toworkin theircourtyardsuntil the dayof hisverylastbreath, For the love of his motherand fatherhe wouldendure his wretched life, He wouldgive upall hope of everhavingafamilyof hisownand a beautiful wife, He wouldoftengaze atthe princesswhodweltinthe highesttower, Andwishthat he couldhave beena prince withgreathonourand power, Perhapsthenthe princesscouldsee himasa man to be loved, Notjust a fool whodeservedtobe manhandled,mistreatedandshoved, But it wasnevertobe forhe wasdirty,poor andlowly, He couldnotbuilduphis wealthnotever,nonotevenslowly, So he wouldjustdreamof livingalife like all of those above him, To have servantsandsoldierswhowouldbow tohiseverywhim, He knewinisheartthat it wouldneverbe, He wouldhave toremaininthisturbulentsea, Life todaytendsto be much the same, People liveinpoverty,undercruelty,deprivationandshame, Isntit sadhow life canbe so cruel and unkind, Thisseemstohave beenthe case withall of mankind.