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Assignment – Challenge Assumptions 3
December 11, 2012
Robin Teigland
Steve Mahaley
Penny Mudd

             Solving the Problem of
            Not Getting Enough Sleep
                In a Hotel Room
We all may suffer from sleepless nights when traveling …

What if you could…

…drown out all those noises outside your room?
…play music and/or sleep therapy recordings?
…adjust the temperature and humidity to be just
like home?
…carry your own fire alarm?
…reduce jetlag through simulating the sunrise?
…keep the mosquitos and other bugs away?
A panic alarm in the
  Introducing the             handle can be activated
  Slumber Buddy
     Smart Line
  The GPS tracking device
   syncs with an app on
  your phone and/or with                  It is bluetooth-enabled,
 your airline so you always                and its features can be
  know where the case is!                        controlled by your

 Batteries charge when
                                          The QR code display
the case is rolled or can
                                           allows for owner
be pre-charged at home.
                                        identification and travel
Inside the Slumber Buddy
case are all the secrets to
                                                 Sonic insect
a great night’s sleep!          Sunrise
                              alarm lamp
 Digital / satellite
 radio / mp3 dock                             Extendable
   with wireless                            smoke detector /
bluetooth speakers                             fire alarm

           White noise
                                            humidity) and
 Inside surface                            mini-Heater/ air
  designed for                               conditioner /
 foot massage                                 humidifier
Slumber Buddy gets on
board for you!

  Signing up for the Slumber Buddy Smart Line
  service gives you remote access to a fully equipped
  Slumber Buddy that you can remotely tailor to your
  needs – creating a unique QR code for its display,
  pre-setting the controls for all of its features, and
  even routing it to your departing flight or train.

1. Order your    2. Details of      3. Your Slumber
Slumber          your Slumber       Buddy arrives at
Buddy and        Buddy are          your ticketing
customize its    passed on to       counter, or can be
settings and     your air or        forwarded straight
travel details   train line.        on board!
?Natural medication                    ?Powerfood pack
                                        ?OTC medication                  ?24hour service in town
                                          ?Bed massage                  ?Filling powder for water                                                ?Video from home
                                                                                                          ?Hotel clickworkers
                                           ?Jetlag app                  ? Breakfast / granola bars                                        ?MMOs to play with people at
                                                                                                        ?Hotel time consultant
                                          ?Exercise app                                                                                                home
     ?Natural medication                                                                                     ?App alarm
                                       ?Online consultant                                                                                    ?Bring digital photoframe
       ?OTC medication                  ?Hotel consultant                                                                                   ?TV becomes big screen to
        ?Bed massage                     ?Travel planner                                                                                   connect with home or show
          ?Stress app                                                                                                                             pictures/videos
                                                                                                             Too much
         ?Exercise app                                                                                                                     ?Bring own sheets/pajamas
                                                                            Hungry/Thirsty                     work
  ?Online stress consultant
   ?Hotel stress consultant                                Jetlag
       ? Hotel massage
                                                                          Problems with                                                                   ?Check hotel
      ?Take own AC/heater                                                                                                                                 ?Deodorizer
        ?Take own blanket                                                    Person                                                                        ?Noseplugs
                                                                                                                         Too much smell
         ?Special pajamas
       ? Adjust thermostat              Room
    ? Wet towel on radiator          temperature /
                                       humidity                          Trouble sleeping                                                              ?Check hotel
                                                                                                                        Uncomfortable                ?Move mattress
                                                                             in hotel                                       bed                    ?Take own mattress
           ?Special lamp                                                                                                                                ?Take own
          ?Plug-in dimmer                                                                                                                           hardener/softener
                                      Too little light
         ?Smartphone app                                                     Problems with                       Too much noise                     ?Take own sheets
      ? Room facing equator

        External light                                                Unwanted                                                                External noise
      ?Room location?                     Too much light               vermin                                                                ?Room location?
 ?Construction site nearby?                                                                                                                 ?Traffic patterns?
         ?Eyeshades                                                                            Internal noise                           ?Construction site nearby?
?Window insulator, eg tape,                                    ?Mosquito nets              ?Number of rooms?                       ?Nightclubs/bars in neighborhood?
   curtain holder, curtain                                    ? Close windows                 ?Fully booked?                             ?Closing times for bars?
       ?Special pillow                                       ? Keep food out of       ?Where is room located: stairs,                      ?National holidays?
        ? Sleep mask                Internal light                  room              elevator, generator, breakfast                        ?Sign for window
                                ?Unplug appliances               ? Moth balls                    room, etc?                                      ?Earplugs
                                 ?Appliance covers           ? Ant / roach trap                ?Sign for door                                  ?Headphones
                                     ?Eyeshades                                                   ?Earplugs                         ?Sound interference app/machine
                              ?Door insulator, eg tape,                                        ?Headphones                         ?Window insulator, eg tape, curtain
                                        curtain                                            ?Sound interference                                ?Special pillow
                                   ?Special pillow                                           ?Door insulator                                  ? Traffic noise
                                     ? Eye masks                                              ?Special pillow                       ? Proximity to emergency services

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The slumber buddy

  • 1. Assignment – Challenge Assumptions 3 December 11, 2012 Robin Teigland Steve Mahaley Penny Mudd Solving the Problem of Not Getting Enough Sleep ---- In a Hotel Room
  • 2. We all may suffer from sleepless nights when traveling … http://hypnosishealthinfo.com/sleepless-in-seattle-this-hypnosis-download-allows-you-to-sleep-sleep-sleep/
  • 3. What if you could… …drown out all those noises outside your room? …play music and/or sleep therapy recordings? …adjust the temperature and humidity to be just like home? …carry your own fire alarm? …reduce jetlag through simulating the sunrise? …keep the mosquitos and other bugs away?
  • 4. A panic alarm in the Introducing the handle can be activated Slumber Buddy Smart Line The GPS tracking device syncs with an app on your phone and/or with It is bluetooth-enabled, your airline so you always and its features can be know where the case is! controlled by your smartphone Batteries charge when The QR code display the case is rolled or can allows for owner be pre-charged at home. identification and travel info
  • 5. Inside the Slumber Buddy case are all the secrets to Sonic insect a great night’s sleep! Sunrise repeller simulation alarm lamp Digital / satellite radio / mp3 dock Extendable with wireless smoke detector / bluetooth speakers fire alarm White noise generator Multimeter (temperature, humidity) and Inside surface mini-Heater/ air designed for conditioner / foot massage humidifier
  • 6. Slumber Buddy gets on board for you! Signing up for the Slumber Buddy Smart Line service gives you remote access to a fully equipped Slumber Buddy that you can remotely tailor to your needs – creating a unique QR code for its display, pre-setting the controls for all of its features, and even routing it to your departing flight or train. 1. Order your 2. Details of 3. Your Slumber Slumber your Slumber Buddy arrives at Buddy and Buddy are your ticketing customize its passed on to counter, or can be settings and your air or forwarded straight travel details train line. on board!
  • 7. ?Natural medication ?Powerfood pack ?OTC medication ?24hour service in town ?Bed massage ?Filling powder for water ?Video from home ?Hotel clickworkers ?Jetlag app ? Breakfast / granola bars ?MMOs to play with people at ?Hotel time consultant ?Exercise app home ?Natural medication ?App alarm ?Online consultant ?Bring digital photoframe ?OTC medication ?Hotel consultant ?TV becomes big screen to ?Bed massage ?Travel planner connect with home or show ?Stress app pictures/videos Too much ?Exercise app ?Bring own sheets/pajamas Hungry/Thirsty work ?Online stress consultant ?Hotel stress consultant Jetlag ? Hotel massage Stress Homesick Problems with ?Check hotel ?Take own AC/heater ?Deodorizer ?Take own blanket Person ?Noseplugs Too much smell ?Special pajamas ? Adjust thermostat Room ? Wet towel on radiator temperature / humidity Trouble sleeping ?Check hotel Uncomfortable ?Move mattress in hotel bed ?Take own mattress ?Special lamp ?Take own ?Plug-in dimmer hardener/softener Too little light ?Smartphone app Problems with Too much noise ?Take own sheets ? Room facing equator Room External light Unwanted External noise ?Room location? Too much light vermin ?Room location? ?Construction site nearby? ?Traffic patterns? ?Eyeshades Internal noise ?Construction site nearby? ?Window insulator, eg tape, ?Mosquito nets ?Number of rooms? ?Nightclubs/bars in neighborhood? curtain holder, curtain ? Close windows ?Fully booked? ?Closing times for bars? ?Special pillow ? Keep food out of ?Where is room located: stairs, ?National holidays? ? Sleep mask Internal light room elevator, generator, breakfast ?Sign for window ?Unplug appliances ? Moth balls room, etc? ?Earplugs ?Appliance covers ? Ant / roach trap ?Sign for door ?Headphones ?Eyeshades ?Earplugs ?Sound interference app/machine ?Door insulator, eg tape, ?Headphones ?Window insulator, eg tape, curtain curtain ?Sound interference ?Special pillow ?Special pillow ?Door insulator ? Traffic noise ? Eye masks ?Special pillow ? Proximity to emergency services

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Image: http://www.4seasonsbowling.com/BIRTHDAY-PARTIES.html