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The State
of Women
International Womens Day 2018
This is a snapshot of a big
and complex story.
Weve organized it into the
Bad, the Ugly, and the Good
(to end on a hopeful note).
ly. The Bad. The Go
ood. The Ugly. The
e Bad. The Good. T
y. The Bad. The Goo
Good. The Bad. Th
Men still run the world
Source: UN Women
Women lead 11 of 195 countries
The UN has never had a
female Secretary-General
Source: Council on Foreign Relations; Image: Stephanie Keith/Getty Images News
Source: UN Women; Image: Carl Court/Getty Images News
Women hold 23% of
seats in parliaments
4 of 113 Supreme Court
Justices have been women
Source: Rutgers; Image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Entertainment
United States
Women hold 20% of seats in
the U.S. Congress
Source: CAWP
United States
Women of color hold 7% of seats
in Congress
Source: CAWP
United States
Source: Rutgers
United States
6 states have female governors
Only 1 is a woman of color
Source: CAWP
United States
Source: NPR
And only 1 is an openly gay woman
United States
Source: Deloitte; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images
Women hold only
12% of corporate
board seats
1 in 5 C-suite executives is a woman
Source: Women in the Workplace
United States
Source: Women in the Workplace
And fewer than 1 in 30 is
a woman of color
United States
Source: Women in the Workplace; Image: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images
Nearly 50% of men think women
are well represented when 1 in 10
leaders is a woman
United States
Theres a gender imbalance
across nearly every major
industry in the United States
Teachers Superintendents
Source: NCES and Ahead of the Heard
United States
Nonprofit workforce Nonprofit CEOs
Source: NCGS and Chicago Business
United States
Accountants and auditors Fortune 500 CFOs
Source: Catalyst
United States
Food prep workers Chefs
Source: Data USA
United States
Consider how this power
imbalance plays out in one
industry: the media
Source: Box Office Mojo; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images
1 of the 10 largest movie
studios is run by a woman
United States
Source: Statista; Image: Alexander Spatari/Getty Images
Advertising agencies:
2 out of 10
United States
Source: Investopedia; Image: JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images
Media companies:
0 out of 10
United States
The people in power
shape our culture
Source: GirlPowerMarketing.com; Image: Yellow Tail, Super Bowl 2017
United States
91% of women say
advertisers dont
understand them
Source: WMC and USC; Image: Uconn Today
Womens sports get
3% of TV coverage
United States
Source: WMC; Image: Ethan Miller/Getty Images News
Far more men
report the news
United States
All this inequality is having an
impact on our girls
Source: BBC; Image: Maskot/Getty Images
At 6, girls start to see
themselves as less
talented than boys
Source: The Girls Index; Image: GeorgiaCourt/Getty Images
46% of girls do not
speak up because
they want to be liked
United States
Source: The Girls Index; Image: LWA/Dann Tardif/Getty Images
1 in 3 girls are
afraid to lead
United States
When women rise,
companies are stronger
and safer
Source: WMC; Image: Matelly/Getty Images
United States
Sexual harassment is 2X as common
in male-dominated organizations
Source: WMC; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images
United States
When more women are in
leadership, company
profits are higher
Tremendous amounts of talent are lost
to our society just because that talent
wears a skirt.
Shirley Chisholm
ly. The Bad. The Go
ood. The Ugly. The
e Bad. The Good. T
y. The Bad. The Goo
Good. The Bad. Th
Too many women and girls
are poor and marginalized
around the world
70% of people living in
extreme poverty are
women and girls
Source: PCI and One; Image: Scott Nelson/Getty Images News
Source: UN and World Development; Image: Aditya Tandon/Getty Images
Fewer than 20% of the
worlds landholders
are women
Source: UN; Image: Image: Philippe Roy/Getty Images
Women are concentrated in
lower-paid, lower-skilled jobs
Source: NWLC; Image: Mint Images RF/Getty Images
Nearly two-thirds
of minimum-wage
workers are women
United States
On average, women are paid
23% less than men
Source: UN Women
Rep. of Korea
130 million girls are
Source: The ONE Campaign and UN; Image: Chris McGrath/Getty Images Europe
not in school
Source: ICRW; Image: Allison Joyce/Getty Images News
On average, there
are 15 million child
marriages every year
Women have far too little
control over our reproductive
health and choices
Source: UN, The Worlds Women 2015, and WHO; Image: Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images
Almost half of all
abortions worldwide
are unsafe
Source: UN, The Worlds Women 2015, and WHO; Image: Carlo107/Getty Images
United States
87% of counties
do not have an
abortion clinic
Maternal mortality
is a leading cause of
death in women of
reproductive age
Source: WHO and NPR; Image: Ian Waldie/Getty Images News
Source: WHO and AVERT; Image: John Moore/Getty Images News
Modern contraception is
out of reach for 214 million
women who want to avoid
The United States is 1 of
only 2 countries with no
paid maternity leave
United States
Source: Huffington Post and Brookings; Image: Ian Lishman/Getty Images
Sexual harassment, sexual
assault, and violence against
women are pervasive
60% of women have been
sexually harassed
Source: Quinnipiac
United States
1 in 3 women have experienced
physical and/or sexual violence
Source: WHO
Source: UNICEF; Image: Mark Kolbe/Getty Images News
120 million girls have
experienced rape or
forced sexual acts
Women still lack fundamental
rights in many countries
46 countries do not provide
legal protection against
domestic violence
Source: Global Citizen; Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images News
In 26 countries,
spousal rape is legal
Source: World Bank; Image: Allison Joyce/Getty Images News
Source: World Bank ; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images
In 18 countries, a
husband can prevent his
wife from taking a job
Human rights are womens rights and
womens rights are human rights.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
ly. The Bad. The Go
ood. The Ugly. The
e Bad. The Good. T
y. The Bad. The Goo
Good. The Bad. Th
Women and girls today have a
better chance of leading safe
and healthy lives...
Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNSD; Image: Uwe Krejci/Getty Images
Since 1995, more than
60 countries have made
domestic violence
illegal, bringing the
total to at least 119
dMaternal deaths have
fallen 42% in the same period
Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Image: Tara Moore/Getty Images
Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Image: Tim Matsui/Getty Images News
Contraceptive use
is higher than its
ever been
Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Image: Bartosz Hadyniak/Getty Images
dThe global gender education
gap has virtually closed for
elementary-school-age girls
Slowly but surely, the
workplace is changing
90% of companies report gender
diversity is a high priority
Source: Women in the Workplace 2016; Image: MoMo Productions/Getty Images
United States
175 CEOs signed the
largest-ever commitment to
diversity and inclusion
Source: Fortune; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images
United States
Source: The Wall Street Journal; Image: Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
United States
Fearless Girl provoked a
debate about womens
representation on Wall Street
Source: Reuters; Image: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images
United Kingdom
The UK passed a law
requiring large companies
to publish pay information
by gender
Source: LeanIn.Org; Image: Lean In Kuwait
Every month, women in
162 countries meet in
Lean In Circles to support
each others ambitions
Women are negotiating at the same
rates as men (a decade ago men
negotiated 2-3 times more)
Source: Women in the Workplace 2017 and Women Don't Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation, Linda Babcock; Image: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images
United States
Source: Gallup; Image: JohnnyGreig/Getty Images
United States
For the first time, workers
are as happy to have a
female boss as a male boss
Around the world,
breakthroughs happened...
Women got behind the
wheel in Saudi Arabia
Source: NY Times; Image: FAYEZ NURELDINE/Getty Images
Saudi Arabia
U.S. womens soccer team
won a victory for pay equity
Source: Mother Jones; Image: Mike Hewitt/FIFA
United States
For the first time, an
all-female flight crew
circled the globe
Source: CNN; Image: CNN
The New York Times
hired its first-ever
gender editor
Source: Teen Vogue; Image: Andrew Burton/Getty Images News
United States
Source: NY Times; Image: NY Times
Senator Larissa
Waters breastfed in
Australian Parliament
The years 3 top-grossing films all
featured women in lead roles
Source: Huffington Post and Forbes; Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Entertainment
Source: USA Today; Image: Glamour
Ibtihaj Muhammad inspired
the first hijab-wearing Barbie
Source: NY Times; Image: NY Times
A girls robotics team from
Afghanistan competed on
the worlds stage
The Girl Scouts announced
23 new badges in STEM
Source: USA Today; Image: Steve Debenport/Getty Images
United States
Women showed their
political power...
Source: LA Times and Roll Call; Image: Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images News
Kamala Harris smashed
multiple glass ceilings
United States
Source: Mashable and Washington Post; Image: Zach Gibson/Getty Images News
Maxine Waters
reclaimed her time
United States
Source: CNN; Image: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images News
United States
Elizabeth Warren inspired a
new rallying cry:
Nevertheless, she persisted
Source: Washington Post; Image: Drew Angerer/Getty Images News
United States
98% of Black women in
Alabama made history by
electing Doug Jones
Source: BBC, NY Times, The Guardian; Image: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
Several countries selected
a woman to lead them,
including New Zealand,
Iceland, and Serbia
Source: Vox; Image: Stephanie Keith/Getty Images News
4+ million people
marched for womens
rights across 60 countries
and all 7 continents
The silence
breakers held men
accountable for
sexual harassment
Source: TIME; Image: TIME
Millions said #MeToo
Source: CBS News; Image: Business Insider
...and women won big
on Election Night
Source: CNN; Image: CNN
United States
Danica Roem was elected
as Virginias first openly
trans state lawmaker
Source: NY Times; Image: Karen Ducey/Getty Images News
Jenny Durkan became
Seattles first openly
lesbian mayor
United States
United States
Elizabeth Guzman and Hala Ayala
became the first Latinas in the
Virginia General Assembly
Source: NY Times; Image: Elizabeth Guzm叩n for Virginia and Hala Ayala for Delegate
Perspectives are
changing, too...
This was Getty Images top-selling
image for woman in 2017
Source: Getty Images
Source: Getty Images
Heres the top-selling
image from 2007
Source: CNN; Image: Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images News
The most talked-about
moment on Facebook was
International Womens Day
Word of the year: Feminism
Source: US News; Image: samdiesel/Getty Images
So far this 霞艶温姻
Source: Fortune; Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images Europe
Iceland passed the strongest
law in the world requiring equal
pay for women and men
United States
Source: The Atlantic ; Image: Ronald Martinez/Getty Images Sport
More than 150 female
athletes bravely shared
their stories of abuse
Source: NY Times; Image: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images News
United Kingdom
Incoming women outnumbered
men at Oxford for the first time
in the schools 900-year history
Source: The Huffington Post; Image: Jung Yeon-Je/Getty Images
United States
Team USAs women won more
Olympic medals than the men
for the first time in 20 years
Oprah won the Cecil B. DeMille Award
and challenged and inspired us
Source: The New Yorker; Image: Kevin Winter/Getty Images Entertainment
United States
Times Up became
a global rallying cry
Image: NY Times
United States
For the second year in a
row, millions marched for
womens rights
Source: USA Today; Image: Sam Morris/Getty Images News
United States
A record number of women
are running for political office
Source: Washington Post; Image: Roll Call
United States
There are still many causes worth
sacrificing for, so much history yet
to be made.
Michelle Obama
In the future, there will be no female
leaders. There will just be leaders.
Sheryl Sandberg
Lets make history.
Join us in the fight for
equality at leanin.org.
Special thanks to
This presentation contains stock photographs, for
illustrative purposes only, and does not show persons
who have actually experienced the events or
situations addressed.

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The State of Women

  • 2. This is a snapshot of a big and complex story.
  • 3. Weve organized it into the Bad, the Ugly, and the Good (to end on a hopeful note).
  • 4. ly. The Bad. The Go ood. The Ugly. The e Bad. The Good. T y. The Bad. The Goo Good. The Bad. Th
  • 5. Men still run the world
  • 6. Source: UN Women Women lead 11 of 195 countries Worldwide
  • 7. The UN has never had a female Secretary-General Worldwide Source: Council on Foreign Relations; Image: Stephanie Keith/Getty Images News
  • 8. Source: UN Women; Image: Carl Court/Getty Images News Women hold 23% of seats in parliaments Worldwide
  • 9. 4 of 113 Supreme Court Justices have been women Source: Rutgers; Image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Entertainment United States
  • 10. Women hold 20% of seats in the U.S. Congress Source: CAWP United States
  • 11. Women of color hold 7% of seats in Congress Source: CAWP United States
  • 12. Source: Rutgers United States 6 states have female governors
  • 13. Only 1 is a woman of color Source: CAWP United States
  • 14. Source: NPR And only 1 is an openly gay woman United States
  • 15. Source: Deloitte; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images Women hold only 12% of corporate board seats Worldwide
  • 16. 1 in 5 C-suite executives is a woman Source: Women in the Workplace United States
  • 17. Source: Women in the Workplace And fewer than 1 in 30 is a woman of color United States
  • 18. da d Source: Women in the Workplace; Image: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images d Nearly 50% of men think women are well represented when 1 in 10 leaders is a woman United States
  • 19. Theres a gender imbalance across nearly every major industry in the United States
  • 20. Teachers Superintendents 76% Education Source: NCES and Ahead of the Heard 23% United States
  • 21. 43% 75% Nonprofit workforce Nonprofit CEOs Source: NCGS and Chicago Business Nonprofits United States
  • 22. 12% 61% Accountants and auditors Fortune 500 CFOs Source: Catalyst Finance United States
  • 23. 19% 57% Food prep workers Chefs Source: Data USA Restaurants United States
  • 24. Consider how this power imbalance plays out in one industry: the media
  • 25. Source: Box Office Mojo; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images 1 of the 10 largest movie studios is run by a woman United States
  • 26. Source: Statista; Image: Alexander Spatari/Getty Images Advertising agencies: 2 out of 10 United States
  • 27. Source: Investopedia; Image: JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images Media companies: 0 out of 10 United States
  • 28. The people in power shape our culture
  • 29. Source: GirlPowerMarketing.com; Image: Yellow Tail, Super Bowl 2017 United States 91% of women say advertisers dont understand them
  • 30. Source: WMC and USC; Image: Uconn Today Womens sports get 3% of TV coverage United States
  • 31. Source: WMC; Image: Ethan Miller/Getty Images News d d Far more men report the news United States
  • 32. All this inequality is having an impact on our girls
  • 33. Source: BBC; Image: Maskot/Getty Images At 6, girls start to see themselves as less talented than boys Worldwide
  • 34. Source: The Girls Index; Image: GeorgiaCourt/Getty Images 46% of girls do not speak up because they want to be liked United States
  • 35. Source: The Girls Index; Image: LWA/Dann Tardif/Getty Images 1 in 3 girls are afraid to lead United States
  • 36. When women rise, companies are stronger and safer
  • 37. Source: WMC; Image: Matelly/Getty Images d d United States Sexual harassment is 2X as common in male-dominated organizations
  • 38. Source: WMC; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images d d United States d When more women are in leadership, company profits are higher
  • 39. Tremendous amounts of talent are lost to our society just because that talent wears a skirt. Shirley Chisholm
  • 40. ly. The Bad. The Go ood. The Ugly. The e Bad. The Good. T y. The Bad. The Goo Good. The Bad. Th
  • 41. Too many women and girls are poor and marginalized around the world
  • 42. d d d 70% of people living in extreme poverty are women and girls Source: PCI and One; Image: Scott Nelson/Getty Images News Worldwide
  • 43. Source: UN and World Development; Image: Aditya Tandon/Getty Images d d d Fewer than 20% of the worlds landholders are women Worldwide
  • 44. Source: UN; Image: Image: Philippe Roy/Getty Images d d Women are concentrated in lower-paid, lower-skilled jobs Worldwide
  • 45. d Source: NWLC; Image: Mint Images RF/Getty Images d d Nearly two-thirds of minimum-wage workers are women United States
  • 46. On average, women are paid 23% less than men Source: UN Women 16.5% Mexico 21% Chile 16% Brazil 11% Pakistan 26% Japan 14% Australia 24% Russia11% Poland Worldwide 15% Israel 37% Rep. of Korea 17% Botswana 39% Malawi
  • 47. 130 million girls are Source: The ONE Campaign and UN; Image: Chris McGrath/Getty Images Europe not in school Worldwide
  • 48. d d d Source: ICRW; Image: Allison Joyce/Getty Images News On average, there are 15 million child marriages every year Worldwide
  • 49. Women have far too little control over our reproductive health and choices
  • 50. d d Source: UN, The Worlds Women 2015, and WHO; Image: Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images Worldwide d Almost half of all abortions worldwide are unsafe
  • 51. d d Source: UN, The Worlds Women 2015, and WHO; Image: Carlo107/Getty Images United States d 87% of counties do not have an abortion clinic
  • 52. d d d d Maternal mortality is a leading cause of death in women of reproductive age Source: WHO and NPR; Image: Ian Waldie/Getty Images News Worldwide
  • 53. d d d Source: WHO and AVERT; Image: John Moore/Getty Images News d Modern contraception is out of reach for 214 million women who want to avoid pregnancy Worldwide
  • 54. d d d The United States is 1 of only 2 countries with no paid maternity leave United States Source: Huffington Post and Brookings; Image: Ian Lishman/Getty Images
  • 55. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and violence against women are pervasive
  • 56. 60% of women have been sexually harassed Source: Quinnipiac 60% United States
  • 57. 1 in 3 women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence Source: WHO Worldwide
  • 58. Source: UNICEF; Image: Mark Kolbe/Getty Images News d d d 120 million girls have experienced rape or forced sexual acts Worldwide
  • 59. Women still lack fundamental rights in many countries
  • 60. d d d 46 countries do not provide legal protection against domestic violence Source: Global Citizen; Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images News Worldwide
  • 61. d d In 26 countries, spousal rape is legal Source: World Bank; Image: Allison Joyce/Getty Images News Worldwide
  • 62. d d Source: World Bank ; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images Worldwide d In 18 countries, a husband can prevent his wife from taking a job
  • 63. Human rights are womens rights and womens rights are human rights. Hillary Rodham Clinton
  • 64. ly. The Bad. The Go ood. The Ugly. The e Bad. The Good. T y. The Bad. The Goo Good. The Bad. Th
  • 65. Women and girls today have a better chance of leading safe and healthy lives...
  • 66. d Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNSD; Image: Uwe Krejci/Getty Images d d Worldwide d d Since 1995, more than 60 countries have made domestic violence illegal, bringing the total to at least 119
  • 67. d dMaternal deaths have fallen 42% in the same period Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Image: Tara Moore/Getty Images Worldwide
  • 68. Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Image: Tim Matsui/Getty Images News d d d Contraceptive use is higher than its ever been Worldwide
  • 69. d Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Image: Bartosz Hadyniak/Getty Images Worldwide d dThe global gender education gap has virtually closed for elementary-school-age girls
  • 70. Slowly but surely, the workplace is changing
  • 71. d d 90% of companies report gender diversity is a high priority Source: Women in the Workplace 2016; Image: MoMo Productions/Getty Images United States
  • 72. d d d 175 CEOs signed the largest-ever commitment to diversity and inclusion Source: Fortune; Image: Hero Images/Getty Images United States
  • 73. d d Source: The Wall Street Journal; Image: Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images United States d Fearless Girl provoked a debate about womens representation on Wall Street
  • 74. d d d Source: Reuters; Image: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images United Kingdom d The UK passed a law requiring large companies to publish pay information by gender
  • 75. Source: LeanIn.Org; Image: Lean In Kuwait d d Worldwide d d Every month, women in 162 countries meet in Lean In Circles to support each others ambitions
  • 76. d d d Women are negotiating at the same rates as men (a decade ago men negotiated 2-3 times more) Source: Women in the Workplace 2017 and Women Don't Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation, Linda Babcock; Image: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images United States
  • 77. d d Source: Gallup; Image: JohnnyGreig/Getty Images United States d For the first time, workers are as happy to have a female boss as a male boss
  • 79. Women got behind the wheel in Saudi Arabia Source: NY Times; Image: FAYEZ NURELDINE/Getty Images Saudi Arabia
  • 80. d d U.S. womens soccer team won a victory for pay equity Source: Mother Jones; Image: Mike Hewitt/FIFA United States
  • 81. d d d For the first time, an all-female flight crew circled the globe Source: CNN; Image: CNN India
  • 82. The New York Times hired its first-ever gender editor Source: Teen Vogue; Image: Andrew Burton/Getty Images News United States
  • 83. Source: NY Times; Image: NY Times d d Australia d Senator Larissa Waters breastfed in Australian Parliament
  • 84. The years 3 top-grossing films all featured women in lead roles Source: Huffington Post and Forbes; Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Entertainment Worldwide
  • 85. Source: USA Today; Image: Glamour Worldwide Ibtihaj Muhammad inspired the first hijab-wearing Barbie
  • 86. Source: NY Times; Image: NY Times d d d A girls robotics team from Afghanistan competed on the worlds stage Afghanistan
  • 87. d d The Girl Scouts announced 23 new badges in STEM Source: USA Today; Image: Steve Debenport/Getty Images United States
  • 89. Source: LA Times and Roll Call; Image: Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images News d d Kamala Harris smashed multiple glass ceilings United States
  • 90. Source: Mashable and Washington Post; Image: Zach Gibson/Getty Images News d d Maxine Waters reclaimed her time United States
  • 91. d d Source: CNN; Image: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images News United States d Elizabeth Warren inspired a new rallying cry: Nevertheless, she persisted
  • 92. Source: Washington Post; Image: Drew Angerer/Getty Images News United States 98% of Black women in Alabama made history by electing Doug Jones
  • 93. d d d Source: BBC, NY Times, The Guardian; Image: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images Worldwide d Several countries selected a woman to lead them, including New Zealand, Iceland, and Serbia
  • 94. d d Source: Vox; Image: Stephanie Keith/Getty Images News Worldwide d d 4+ million people marched for womens rights across 60 countries and all 7 continents
  • 95. The silence breakers held men accountable for sexual harassment Source: TIME; Image: TIME Worldwide
  • 96. Millions said #MeToo Source: CBS News; Image: Business Insider Worldwide
  • 97. ...and women won big on Election Night
  • 98. Source: CNN; Image: CNN United States Danica Roem was elected as Virginias first openly trans state lawmaker
  • 99. Source: NY Times; Image: Karen Ducey/Getty Images News d D d Jenny Durkan became Seattles first openly lesbian mayor United States
  • 100. United States Elizabeth Guzman and Hala Ayala became the first Latinas in the Virginia General Assembly Source: NY Times; Image: Elizabeth Guzm叩n for Virginia and Hala Ayala for Delegate
  • 102. d d This was Getty Images top-selling image for woman in 2017 Source: Getty Images Worldwide
  • 103. d d Source: Getty Images Worldwide Heres the top-selling image from 2007
  • 104. Source: CNN; Image: Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images News d d D Worldwide The most talked-about moment on Facebook was International Womens Day
  • 105. Word of the year: Feminism Source: US News; Image: samdiesel/Getty Images Worldwide
  • 106. So far this 霞艶温姻
  • 107. Source: Fortune; Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images Europe Iceland Iceland passed the strongest law in the world requiring equal pay for women and men
  • 108. United States Source: The Atlantic ; Image: Ronald Martinez/Getty Images Sport More than 150 female athletes bravely shared their stories of abuse
  • 109. Source: NY Times; Image: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images News United Kingdom Incoming women outnumbered men at Oxford for the first time in the schools 900-year history
  • 110. Source: The Huffington Post; Image: Jung Yeon-Je/Getty Images United States Team USAs women won more Olympic medals than the men for the first time in 20 years
  • 111. Oprah won the Cecil B. DeMille Award and challenged and inspired us Source: The New Yorker; Image: Kevin Winter/Getty Images Entertainment United States
  • 112. Times Up became a global rallying cry Image: NY Times United States
  • 113. For the second year in a row, millions marched for womens rights Source: USA Today; Image: Sam Morris/Getty Images News United States
  • 114. A record number of women are running for political office Source: Washington Post; Image: Roll Call United States
  • 115. There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made. Michelle Obama
  • 116. In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders. Sheryl Sandberg
  • 117. Lets make history. Join us in the fight for equality at leanin.org.
  • 118. Special thanks to This presentation contains stock photographs, for illustrative purposes only, and does not show persons who have actually experienced the events or situations addressed.