Where facts in print resource, The Statesman's Yearbook, found in print at the Harold Washington Public Library. This presentation is intended for an adult or academic audience.
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The Statesman's Yearbook Presentation
1. Turner, Barry (Ed.). (2014) The Statesmans Yearbook: The Politics, Cultures,
and Economies of the World. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. Print.
2. What is the source used for?
Used to provide annually updated information on;
World Organizations, such as the United Nations
Area of influence, current members, official language,
and website.
Countries of the world
Key historical events and figures, social statistics, climate,
past and current governments, government figures,
economy, provinces and republics within a country.
3. Why should I use this
The resources goal is to provide users with absolute
correctness of the multiplicity of facts and figures
David Bull, Preface.
Updated every year.
Contains over 1,500 pages of factual information.
Is a reputable resource 2014 is the 150th edition.
Concise summaries with materials for further reading.
4. What Kind of Questions Can I
Where are all of the members in the European Union
What is the climate like in Afghanistan?
Where are the United Nations headquarters?
5. Why Should I Trust this
The Statesmans Yearbook has been
developing since 1864.
This is the 150th edition.
The editor, Barry Turner, is a reliable
He has a doctorate in Political History
and has worked a political journalist,
also covering fields such as biography,
travel, and education.
6. Where Can I Find this Source?
This source can be found in print at your local public library.
Most likely you will need to ask the reference librarian to
retrieve the book for you.
Often there you will need to leave some sort of photo ID
while you look at the book.
This book is usually a reference book and may not leave the
Previous editions from 1986 and earlier can be searched
online through HathiTrust.org
Later editions are not fully searchable.
7. Methodology
In order to best use this resource you can use two
different methods.
Search the Table of Contents
Search the Index
These methods work best for different types of
questions. I will walk through two examples, using the
table of contents for the first question and the index for
the second.
8. Example Question #1
Where can I find information on the
European Unions parliament?
There are many ways that you could choose to begin this
project, but I recommend that users choose one of two
9. Table of Contents
Begin your search by examining the table of contents.
The advantage of this approach is that you can see how
much information is listed for your area of interest.
The following slide contains photographs of the
section related to the European Union in The
Statesmans Yearbook.
10. Table of contents
As you can see, there are many entries that are
concerned with the European Union and the
organizations that are concerned with them.
11. Table of Contents
As you can see there are a lot of options. From the
table of contents you can consider more specific terms,
such as EU Institutions, EU Structures, or EU
Under EU Institutions we find a subheading of
European Parliament.
Your next step is to turn to that page (33) and see if
that is enough information.
12. Example Question #2
Where can I find information comparing
the governments of Canada and the
United States?
For this example, we are going to use a less specific
approach, which can be helpful when youre looking for
more general information.
13. Index
Another way to find information in this source is to use
the index.
The index is an alphabetical listing of the information
contained within the resource.
For this portion, I also recommend keeping a pencil
and paper handy for writing down pages numbers.
15. Index
Because the index is arranged alphabetically, I
recommend writing down the pages numbers that
involve Canada first, and then finding the page
numbers that are listed with the United States.
From the upcoming pictures, you will see that the
subheadings will generally line up, allowing for a more
direct comparison.
16. If you go to the first page numbers, you will find these images.
17. Additional Features
Aside from specific questions, The Statesmans Yearbook is
a wonderful source to consult with questions about
various countries.
Examining this resource before travel can alert you to
Current Political Leaders
Type of goods common in a specific area.
18. Additional Features
The Statesmans Yearbook also includes
Facts from the previous 149 editions
Original Statesmans Yearbook 19th century maps of
North American and Europe
Detailed maps of all listed countries (194!)
19. Follow up
If you need anymore assistance with this resource,
please do not hesitate to e-mail me directly, and I will
get back to you as soon as I can.
20. Works Cited
Hoos, M. (Photographer). (2014). Index1 [Photograph], Taken March 16, 2014, from Turner, Barry (Ed.). (2014) The Statesmans
Yearbook: The Politics, Cultures, and Economies of the World. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. Print.
Hoos, M. (Photographer). (2014). Index 2 [Photograph], Taken March 16, 2014, from Turner, Barry (Ed.). (2014) The Statesmans
Yearbook: The Politics, Cultures, and Economies of the World. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. Print.
Hoos, M. (Photographer). (2014). Canada [Photograph], Taken March 16, 2014, from Turner, Barry (Ed.). (2014) The Statesmans
Yearbook: The Politics, Cultures, and Economies of the World. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. Print.
Hoos, M. (Photographer). (2014). Table of contents 1 [Photograph], Taken March 16, 2014, from Turner, Barry (Ed.). (2014) The
Statesmans Yearbook: The Politics, Cultures, and Economies of the World. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. Print.
Hoos, M. (Photographer). (2014). Table of contents 2 [Photograph], Taken March 16, 2014, from Turner, Barry (Ed.). (2014) The
Statesmans Yearbook: The Politics, Cultures, and Economies of the World. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. Print.
Hoos, M. (Photographer). (2014). United States [Photograph], Taken March 16, 2014, from Turner, Barry (Ed.). (2014) The
Statesmans Yearbook: The Politics, Cultures, and Economies of the World. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. Print.
[Photograph of Barry Turner]. Retrevied March 16, 2014, from http://www.statesmansyearbook.com/resources/editor.html
Turner, Barry (Ed.). (2014) The Statesmans Yearbook: The Politics, Cultures, and Economies of the World. New York: Palgrave
Macmillian. Print.