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The status of biomass certification in

Harmen Willemse,
Jakarta, March 3, 2011

The status biomass of certification in Europe   1
Presentation outline

 EU legislative developments
 Implementation by EU members
 International standardisation network
 NTA 8080 Certification system

The status of biomass certification in Europe
EU Legislative developments
  EU          Regulatory framework
            European Directive for the promotion of the use
             of energy from renewable sources (2009/28/EC)
            Directive 2009/30/EC - amendment to Directive
             98/70/EC on environmental quality standards for
             fuel (Fuel Quality Directive)
            on the practical implementation of the EU biofuel
             and bioliquids sustainability scheme and on
             counting rules for biofuels
            on voluntary schemes and default values in the
             EU biofuels and bioliquids sustainability scheme

The status of biomass certification in Europe
            on guidelines for the calculation of land carbon
             stocks for the purpose of Annex V to Directive
            on certain types of information about biofuels and
             bioliquids to be submitted by the economic
             operators to Member States
            on sustainability requirements for the use of solid
             and gaseous biomass resources in electricity,
             heating and cooling

The status of biomass certification in Europe
Renewable Energy Directive

...a target of at least a 20 % share
      of energy from renewable
    sources in the Communitys
     gross final consumption of
           energy in 2020.
                                                      the share of energy from
                                                   renewable sources in all forms of
                                                   transport in 2020 is at least 10 %
                                                      of the final consumption of
                                                       energy in transport in that
                                                            Member State.

   The status of biomass certification in Europe
RED Themes
 Economic                            operators
     Greenhouse                       gas emissions
     Carbon stock
     Environment (via cross compliance within EU)
     Mass balance

 Reporting                          requirements for member

The status of biomass certification in Europe
Implementation EU members
 Voluntary schemes under evaluation by EC
 No recognised schemes available yet
 No guidelines for the intermediate period
 Unclear status of EU members nationally
  recognised schemes

The status of biomass certification in Europe   7
Dutch (concept) legislation
 Voluntary                         schemes
       Accept all schemes submitted to EC for 2011
       Accept EU members nationally recognised schemes
        after Quick Scan for 2011
       Testing protocol for nationally submitted schemes
 Sustainable                              biofuels
       H1 2011: choose certification scheme
       H2 2011: statement of authorised CB
       2012: CB compliance

The status of biomass certification in Europe               8
Dutch (concept) legislation

 Portion                   renewable energy in transport:
    o 10%  in 2020
    o Gradual implementation;
       o 4.25% in 2011,
       o 4.5% in 2012,
       o 5% in 2013,
       o 5.5% in 2014

The status of biomass certification in Europe                9
Regulations, standards and

      Global criteria                                      Legal documents
                                                     (Directives, laws, regulations)

Detailed elaboration                             Standards (NTA, NEN, NEN-EN, ISO)
                                                              NTA 8080

           Conformity 1st, 2nd, 3th party certification, System plans et cetera.
                             NTA 8081, Interpretation document, CE mark,

     The status of biomass certification in Europe
European & international framework
                                                 Legislation    Standardization

                                                    No barriers to trade
                                          WTO                              PC 248

                                   European Mandates
                                  Commission                               TC 383
                        Directives                                                Standards
                                   government                                NEN
                                                 Regulation    Standards

 The status of biomass certification in Europe
NC 310 383
 Sustainability                                criteria for biomass
   (Duurzaamheidscriteria voor biomassa)
          & Dutch representation in
   CEN/TC 383 and ISO/PC 248

The status of biomass certification in Europe
CEN/TC 383 "Sustainably produced
biomass for energy applications"
 Original                     scope:
     sustainability     criteria based on "people, planet,
        profit" for all types of biomass for energy
 Current                     scope
     sustainability criteria limited to RED aspects:
        prEN 16214 series, Sustainably produced biomass
        for energy applications
 Study   group to evaluate on what basis the
   existing EN 16214 standards can be utilised
   for solid biomass

The status of biomass certification in Europe
CEN/TC 383 EN 16214
 WG            1 Terminology
     Part        1: Terminology (public enquiry)
 WG             2 GHG calculations
     Part  4: Calculation methods of the greenhouse gas
        emission balance using a life cycle analysis (soon public
 WG            3 Environment and biodiversity
       Part 3: Biodiversity and environmental aspects (public enquiry)
 WG            4 Social and economic (on hold)
 WG            5 Verification and auditing
       Part 2: Conformity assessment including chain of custody and mass
        balance (public enquiry)
 WG            6 Indirect effects (NL convenor/on hold)

The status of biomass certification in Europe
ISO/PC 248 "Sustainability criteria for
 Development   of standard ISO 13065
 Scope: Sustainability criteria for production,
  supply chain and application of bioenergy;
       including terminology and aspects related to the sustainability
        (e.g. environmental, social and economic) of bioenergy
     Comply with national and/or regional legislation
     Respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
     Use natural resources in a rational and sustainable way
     Bioenergy from production up to use should be sustainable in
      relation to biological diversity

The status of biomass certification in Europe
ISO/PC 248 "Sustainability criteria for

 Objectives                       (continued)
     Reduce GHG emissions in relation to the fossil energy source
      it substitutes
     Promote economic and social development where the
      production up to use of bioenergy occurs
     Bioenergy production should be economically and financially
      viable in the long term
 Final            publication expected April 2014

The status of biomass certification in Europe
NTA 8080

 NTA  8080 Sustainability criteria for biomass for
  energy purposes (2009)
 NTA = Netherlands Technical Agreement
 Developed with a diverse group of Dutch
  stakeholders with international operations
 For international application
 Voluntary scheme for RED compliance
 Input in international standardization

The status of biomass certification in Europe
Certification system

 NTA  8080 sustainability criteria
 NTA 8081: certification scheme
 Interpretation document
 Portal www.NTA8080.org
     Register   with certified companies
     Affiliated CBs

The status of biomass certification in Europe
NTA 8080 Sustainability criteria
  (soil, water and air)
 Greenhouse gases
  (emission and carbon
 Competition with other

The status of biomass certification in Europe
NTA 8081 certification scheme

 NTA 8081 describes the certification
  scheme for NTA 8080
 Developed by Committee of Experts
       multi stakeholder approach (as in NTA 8080)
              scheme is owned and
  maintained by NEN scheme management
    Updated                 regularly based on experiences
 Only             used by affiliated CBs

The status of biomass certification in Europe
NTA 8081 content
    Requirements     for certification bodies and auditor(s)
    Audit effort in man-days
    Method of conformity assessment
    Non-conformities: 'minor' & 'major'
    Assessment frequency and validity of certificate
    Certification criteria
    Conditions and requirements for group certification
    Necessary information for register and report
    Procedures for: complaints, objection, appeal,
     suspension and de-registration

The status of biomass certification in Europe
Scope of certification

 Solid,Liquid and Gaseous biomass
 Producers, Processors, Traders, End-

The status of biomass certification in Europe
Thank you for your attention

                                                Contact details:

                                                NEN Energy
                                                Harmen Willemse
                                                +31 (0)15 2 690 326

The status of biomass certification in Europe
(Backup slides)

Introduction NTA 8080




NTA 8080          Inter-         1. Examining
    NTA 8081
                     System      2. Performing a self-
        GHG Tool                 assessment

                                 3. Implementing

recognized Registra-
   CBs               Agreement   4. Contracting a
           tion form with CB
 (website)    CB                 certification body

                     Registra-   5. Registering at scheme
                     tion form
                        NEN      manager
                                                            << back
Initial audit
  Other        Permits                                  Stage 1
documents                    1. Pre-audit

    Research       System
     reports        plan
                             2. Prepare on-site audit

                                                        Stage 2
                             1. On-site audit
                             2. Feedback

                                                                  << back
Issuing of certificate

                    1. Issuing certificate

      Web-portal    2. Record in central

                    2. Mention certificate on
                        own website

                                                << back
Maintenance of certificate

                                                1 year

                            Surveillance n属 1

                                                1 year
  Other        Permits
                            Surveillance n属 2

    Research       System                       1 year
     reports        plan
                            Surveillance n属 3

                                                1 year

                            Surveillance n属 4

                                                1 year
                                                         << back
System Plans
   Determine Scope
   Actor specific self assessment:
           Existing unit / New unit
           Smallholder / non-smallholder
           Residues / main product

                                            << Back
GHG tool NL Agency
   Calculation method according to RED
    annex V
   Administered by Agentschap NL
     BKG-tool transport fuels
     CO2 tool electricity and heat

   Calculation method is required
       Demonstrate that same calculation method is

                                               << Back
BKG Tool
NTA 8080: Chain of custody (1)

                   Mass balance (required by RED, 2009/28/EC)
 Certified chain

Primary       Processing    Refinery   Production

Primary       Processing    Refinery   Production

  Regular (uncertified) chain
NTA 8080: Chain of custody (2)

                            Segregation (= 100% mass balance)
Certified chain

Primary       Processing    Refinery   Production   Distribution

              Processing    Refinery   Production   Distribution

  Regular (uncertified) chain

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The status of biomass certification in Europe - Jakarta, March 3, 2011

  • 1. The status of biomass certification in Europe Harmen Willemse, Jakarta, March 3, 2011 The status biomass of certification in Europe 1
  • 2. Presentation outline EU legislative developments Implementation by EU members International standardisation network NTA 8080 Certification system The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 3. EU Legislative developments EU Regulatory framework European Directive for the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (2009/28/EC) Directive 2009/30/EC - amendment to Directive 98/70/EC on environmental quality standards for fuel (Fuel Quality Directive) Communication on the practical implementation of the EU biofuel and bioliquids sustainability scheme and on counting rules for biofuels on voluntary schemes and default values in the EU biofuels and bioliquids sustainability scheme The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 4. EU Decision on guidelines for the calculation of land carbon stocks for the purpose of Annex V to Directive 2009/28/EC on certain types of information about biofuels and bioliquids to be submitted by the economic operators to Member States Report on sustainability requirements for the use of solid and gaseous biomass resources in electricity, heating and cooling The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 5. Renewable Energy Directive ...a target of at least a 20 % share of energy from renewable sources in the Communitys gross final consumption of energy in 2020. the share of energy from renewable sources in all forms of transport in 2020 is at least 10 % of the final consumption of energy in transport in that Member State. The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 6. RED Themes Economic operators Greenhouse gas emissions Biodiversity Carbon stock Environment (via cross compliance within EU) Mass balance Reporting requirements for member states The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 7. Implementation EU members Voluntary schemes under evaluation by EC No recognised schemes available yet No guidelines for the intermediate period Unclear status of EU members nationally recognised schemes The status of biomass certification in Europe 7
  • 8. Dutch (concept) legislation Voluntary schemes Accept all schemes submitted to EC for 2011 Accept EU members nationally recognised schemes after Quick Scan for 2011 Testing protocol for nationally submitted schemes Sustainable biofuels H1 2011: choose certification scheme H2 2011: statement of authorised CB 2012: CB compliance The status of biomass certification in Europe 8
  • 9. Dutch (concept) legislation Portion renewable energy in transport: o 10% in 2020 o Gradual implementation; o 4.25% in 2011, o 4.5% in 2012, o 5% in 2013, o 5.5% in 2014 The status of biomass certification in Europe 9
  • 10. Regulations, standards and certification Global criteria Legal documents RED (Directives, laws, regulations) Detailed elaboration Standards (NTA, NEN, NEN-EN, ISO) NTA 8080 Conformity 1st, 2nd, 3th party certification, System plans et cetera. NTA 8081, Interpretation document, CE mark, The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 11. European & international framework Legislation Standardization No barriers to trade WTO PC 248 ISO Vienna agreement Europe European Mandates RED Commission TC 383 CEN Standards Directives Standards Laws Netherlands Dutch government NEN NTA8080 Laws Regulation Standards The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 12. NC 310 383 Sustainability criteria for biomass (Duurzaamheidscriteria voor biomassa) Mirroring & Dutch representation in CEN/TC 383 and ISO/PC 248 The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 13. CEN/TC 383 "Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications" Original scope: sustainability criteria based on "people, planet, profit" for all types of biomass for energy applications Current scope sustainability criteria limited to RED aspects: prEN 16214 series, Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications Study group to evaluate on what basis the existing EN 16214 standards can be utilised for solid biomass The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 14. CEN/TC 383 EN 16214 WG 1 Terminology Part 1: Terminology (public enquiry) WG 2 GHG calculations Part 4: Calculation methods of the greenhouse gas emission balance using a life cycle analysis (soon public enquiry) WG 3 Environment and biodiversity Part 3: Biodiversity and environmental aspects (public enquiry) WG 4 Social and economic (on hold) WG 5 Verification and auditing Part 2: Conformity assessment including chain of custody and mass balance (public enquiry) WG 6 Indirect effects (NL convenor/on hold) The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 15. ISO/PC 248 "Sustainability criteria for bioenergy" Development of standard ISO 13065 Scope: Sustainability criteria for production, supply chain and application of bioenergy; including terminology and aspects related to the sustainability (e.g. environmental, social and economic) of bioenergy Objectives Comply with national and/or regional legislation Respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Use natural resources in a rational and sustainable way Bioenergy from production up to use should be sustainable in relation to biological diversity The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 16. ISO/PC 248 "Sustainability criteria for bioenergy" Objectives (continued) Reduce GHG emissions in relation to the fossil energy source it substitutes Promote economic and social development where the production up to use of bioenergy occurs Bioenergy production should be economically and financially viable in the long term Final publication expected April 2014 The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 17. NTA 8080 NTA 8080 Sustainability criteria for biomass for energy purposes (2009) NTA = Netherlands Technical Agreement Developed with a diverse group of Dutch stakeholders with international operations For international application Voluntary scheme for RED compliance Input in international standardization The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 18. Certification system NTA 8080 sustainability criteria NTA 8081: certification scheme Interpretation document Portal www.NTA8080.org Information Register with certified companies Affiliated CBs The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 19. NTA 8080 Sustainability criteria Well-being Environment (soil, water and air) Biodiversity Greenhouse gases (emission and carbon stock) Prosperity Competition with other applications The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 20. NTA 8081 certification scheme NTA 8081 describes the certification scheme for NTA 8080 Developed by Committee of Experts multi stakeholder approach (as in NTA 8080) Certification scheme is owned and maintained by NEN scheme management Updated regularly based on experiences Only used by affiliated CBs The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 21. NTA 8081 content Scope Requirements for certification bodies and auditor(s) Audit effort in man-days Method of conformity assessment Non-conformities: 'minor' & 'major' Assessment frequency and validity of certificate Certification criteria Conditions and requirements for group certification Necessary information for register and report Procedures for: complaints, objection, appeal, suspension and de-registration The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 22. Scope of certification Solid,Liquid and Gaseous biomass Producers, Processors, Traders, End- users The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 23. Thank you for your attention Contact details: NEN Energy resources Harmen Willemse nta8080@nen.nl +31 (0)15 2 690 326 www.nta8080.org The status of biomass certification in Europe
  • 26. Preparation NTA 8080 Inter- 1. Examining pretation document requirements NTA 8081 System 2. Performing a self- plan GHG Tool assessment 3. Implementing improvements recognized Registra- CBs Agreement 4. Contracting a tion form with CB (website) CB certification body Registra- 5. Registering at scheme tion form NEN manager << back
  • 27. Initial audit Other Permits Stage 1 documents 1. Pre-audit Research System reports plan 2. Prepare on-site audit Stage 2 1. On-site audit Audit report 2. Feedback << back
  • 28. Issuing of certificate Certificate 1. Issuing certificate Web-portal 2. Record in central register 2. Mention certificate on own website << back
  • 29. Maintenance of certificate (Re)certification 1 year Surveillance n属 1 1 year Other Permits documents Surveillance n属 2 Research System 1 year reports plan Surveillance n属 3 1 year Surveillance n属 4 1 year << back
  • 30. System Plans Determine Scope Actor specific self assessment: Producer Existing unit / New unit Smallholder / non-smallholder Residues / main product Processor Trader End-user << Back
  • 31. GHG tool NL Agency Calculation method according to RED annex V Administered by Agentschap NL BKG-tool transport fuels CO2 tool electricity and heat Calculation method is required Demonstrate that same calculation method is applied << Back
  • 33. NTA 8080: Chain of custody (1) Mass balance (required by RED, 2009/28/EC) Certified chain Primary Processing Refinery Production production Primary Processing Refinery Production production Distribution Regular (uncertified) chain
  • 34. NTA 8080: Chain of custody (2) Segregation (= 100% mass balance) Certified chain Primary Processing Refinery Production Distribution production Primary Processing Refinery Production Distribution production Regular (uncertified) chain