One team hired an agile coach to help them transition to a new way of working. The coach helped the team focus on work rather than individuals and asked questions to uncover blockers or ways to help the team work faster. As an external coach, they did not stay with the team long-term. The document recommends that teams work with a coach for at least 3 months and appoint an internal team coach to continue growing the team's knowledge of agile practices after the initial external coach leaves.
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The story of one team
1. The story of one team
One teams journey with an agile coach – the ups and the downs
7. Focus on Work as opposed to what people are doing
? What is happening?
? What can be started?
? Is there anything anyone else can do to help
get it done today?
? Is anyone working on anything else?
? Any interruptions or problems that need
rolling out the way, or dealing with?
Anything that can help you go
faster as a team.
13. The horrible part
As an external coach, I don’t get to hang around.
I move on and lose touch.
15. Lesson
Get help from a coach
Get help for at least 3 months
Find a way to grow and keep the knowledge
(Team Coach)
Have the Team Coach continue getting
Editor's Notes
My story as a coach.
Does the team want this?
Does the manager want this?
What is behind this need?
What is their history?
Do they have any pressures in the near future?
So a 1 day to address the above and build trust and get on the same page as the team.
I had previously trained 90% of the team a month earlier.
General idea of what to look at and then use my experience and intuition to guide the rest of the day.
Step 1 – visualise all work
All work coming up for the team and all important deadlines for next 3. months
Step 2 – regain focus
Pull out all tasks related to the 2 deadlines (bottom half), all other work in top half.
Step 3 – Refine/Groom highest priority.
Green – test thinkingRed – concerns/ teamlets /other
X (cross)– not in scope Tick – done
Step 4 – new team process
A few changes to experiment with[1] one week sprints[2] check & adjust standups[3] work in teamlets on an item (2-3 people) [4] Steve as ‘Jessie’
[5] Show Me Column[6] Team to write test scenarios
Step 5 – planning for first sprint
In groups of 2-3 discuss top 3 work items and break into small tasks (<1hr) Think about testing, test data, external dependencies.Take about 45min for this.
Feedback to team: what you did, any design decisions and final thinking
Step 6 – commitment for sprint and teamlet leads
TOP 3 – due Friday 7 Sep
[1] Consignment – 1 screen (edit, view, add) – Richard A [2] Consignment Note - Ben[3] Unique Barcode Generation - Brent
Per priority item
Sprint 1 (or 48)
Jira vs boards…
There appears to be a lot of pressure on the team.There are many deliverables and demands, and they don’t seem to fit with the teams capacity.
Sprint 2 (or 49)
Sprint 3 (or 50)
Prioritised Jessie list of improvements
The perfection game
Rules around Jessie.
Having a BA and a Dev focus on this.
Remove deployments off the workload of Jessie.