5. Our reality
Emerging Swine Production Disease?
Trans boundary?
OIE Listed Diseases?
Zoonotic Disease?
6. Working on Our Preparedness
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to
repeat it.
Santayana (in The Life of Reason, 1905)
When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and
now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the
remedies which then might have effected a cure.
Winston Churchill, 1935
7. Lessons??
1.Pathway of introduction is difficult at best
Be prepared for the next one because it is coming
1.We cant expect USDA alone to respond to emerging
Industry needs to take more responsibility for
non-regulatory diseases
1.Better state-federal-industry response coordination is
Agreed upon response plan before the next disease
Working on Our Preparedness
9. AASV Task Force: PEDv Wasnt a Surprise!
Anecdotal reports from the region
Published papers from researchers
Researcher to researcher communications
Reports to AASV Swine Health Committee
BUT, what did we do with this information?
15. Working on Our Preparedness
Swine Health Information Center
Identify the biggest threats that are around the world
Be better prepared
Have better diagnostic capabilities in place
Have better awareness of how to respond to specific
Inform production decisions
Sharing information will see trends and find risks much more
Analysis of the information will inform swine health
decisions on the farm
16. Board of Directors
NPB Mark Greenwood Brett Kaysen
NPPC Howard Hill Bill Luckey
AASV Matt Anderson Daryl Olsen
At Large Mark Schwartz Mike Terrill Matthew Turner
Lifespan and funding
5 year lifetime
One time Checkoff investment of supplemental funds
Swine Health Information Center
19. How will WE be different? (Dr. Max
Trans boundary?
Emerging Swine Production Disease?
OIE Listed Diseases?
Zoonotic Disease?
Nothing should impede
investigating the index case!!
20. Trans boundary?
Emerging Swine Production Disease?
OIE Listed Diseases?
Zoonotic Disease?
Centralized Coordination
Disease status transparency
Transform traceability
Premises identification
Electronic Health Certificates
How will WE be different? (Dr. Max
22. Trans boundary?
Emerging Swine Production Disease?
OIE Listed Diseases?
Zoonotic Disease?
More attention of disease in Grow-Finish units
Notify if something unusual is occurring
Informative diagnostic lab submissions
Biosecurity will need to change
How will WE be different? (Dr. Max
23. Working on Our Preparedness
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to
repeat it.
Santayana (in The Life of Reason, 1905)
When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and
now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the
remedies which then might have effected a cure.
Winston Churchill, 1935
Editor's Notes
#13: To address these concerns about how to better address future emerging diseases NPPC passed a wide-ranging resolution at this springs Pork Forum.
It was a multi-part resolution including developing a plan in the event of new economically significant swine diseases. T
#14: To address these concerns about how to better address future emerging diseases NPPC passed a wide-ranging resolution at this springs Pork Forum.
It was a multi-part resolution including developing a plan in the event of new economically significant swine diseases. T
#15: To address these concerns about how to better address future emerging diseases NPPC passed a wide-ranging resolution at this springs Pork Forum.
It was a multi-part resolution including developing a plan in the event of new economically significant swine diseases. T
#17: To address these concerns about how to better address future emerging diseases NPPC passed a wide-ranging resolution at this springs Pork Forum.
It was a multi-part resolution including developing a plan in the event of new economically significant swine diseases. T