How can you make sure you will get exactly what you need when specifying or purchasing glass louvre ventilators?
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The top three considerations when specifying glass louvred ventilators
1. The top three considerations when specifying glass louvred
Glass louvred ventilators, or
louvred window ventilators as
they are commonly known, are
becoming increasingly popular
for use in natural and smoke
ventilation systems. There are
several suppliers on the
market, offering products that
vary widely in terms of
performance and controls
There are three critical
considerations you should
make when preparing to
specify a glass louvred ventilator:
Testing: avoid bad surprises on quality
Surprisingly not all suppliers have fully tested their product to the current standards. To prevent quality
issues, ensure that your ventilator has been fully tested in accordance with the following standards:
EN 12101-2
EN 14351-1
Smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
Windows and doors
EN 1026
Air permeability
EN 1027
EN 12211
Resistance to wind load
Its worth checking that all tests have been undertaken and the test report prepared by an independent
accredited test institute.
Also, be aware that under the Construction Products Regulations it is now a legal requirement that
smoke and heat exhaust ventilators are CE marked and certified to EN 12101-2 by a Notified Body.
Performance and Classification: not all ventilators are created equal!
Glass louvred ventilators often look similar, but this can hide vast differences in performance. We
would recommend the following minimum performance standards are met and classified in
accordance with the relevant EN standard:
U value
Coefficient (Cv)
2.6 W/m2K
息 2013 Colt International Licensing Ltd.
Air permeability
Class 3 (In accordance with EN 12207)
Class 4 A (In accordance with EN 12208)
Resistance to wind load
Class A 5 (In accordance with EN 12210)
These are the classification standards based on testing to the standards listed in my first point.
Controls: the devil is in the detail
Each ventilator will come complete with its own control mechanism, whether it be a simple hand
control or a sophisticated modulating, anti finger trapping actuator. Actuated control is the most
common, as these products are mostly used at high and low level as part of a natural or smoke
ventilation system.
Define the systems control at an early stage
You will very often find the wiring and control of these ventilators to be specified with a simple clause
stating control from the BMS system. However, it is important to consider how the system will be
controlled from an early stage and include a more detailed specification to prevent confusion.
Dual purpose ventilators are controlled by the smoke ventilation system
If the ventilators are dual purpose (day to day and smoke ventilation) then control of the system cannot
be directly through the BMS; they will need to be controlled by a smoke ventilation control system. In
this instance, one would normally provide a BMS link to the smoke ventilation control panel so that the
system can operate as directed by the BMS in day to day mode and then switch to emergency mode
in the event of a fire.
Natural ventilation can be controlled by the BMS but not powered by it
If the ventilators are for natural ventilation only, they can be controlled directly by the BMS. However,
you should consider that the BMS will only provide a data signal and is not capable of powering the
ventilator open or close. You will need local power units with reverse polarity relays for this. You may
also require a transformer to reduce voltage from 230v to 24v depending upon the actuator.
Different ways of modulating the blades
Modulation of the blades is also commonly specified, though there are various ways to achieve this
depending upon the actuator used. Some actuators require a power time delay module, some require
special servo card modules, whist others have intelligent actuators which can modulate directly from
the BMS signal.
In conclusion: dont feel shy about getting advice!
Most reputable suppliers will have control specialists who can help you with the control system; we
recommend getting in touch with your supplier to discuss in more detail before specifying your glass
louvred ventilators.
Or you can speak to a Colt specialist : Contact Colt (linking to
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3. and read about our Coltlite glass louvred ventilator (linking to
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