This document discusses national minorities in Lithuania and the effect of negative messages about them in the media. It provides background on national minorities, noting that over 10% of Lithuania's population is non-Lithuanian. It analyzes headlines from newspapers that portray tensions between Lithuanians and Poles in a negative light and perpetuate stereotypes. Experts are quoted as saying such coverage can increase hatred, chauvinism, and political problems between the countries. The document proposes having students analyze Polish and Lithuanian media coverage of Lithuania-Poland relations and present ways to counteract the effects of negative messages, such as teaching critical reading skills and preventing the spread of stereotypes in schools.
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The trouble of national minorities
1. The trouble of national
minorities. Discussions in media
how to counteract the effect of
negative messages?
Audra Avi転i笛t
Gabriel Kloni笛nait
2. National minority
National minority is a demographic definition. It
refers to a group of foreign-borns, living not in
their native country.
According to the Lithuanians Department of
Statistics there are more than 10%
non-lithuanian nationality inhabitants.
6. Troubles of national
Despite the fact that the biggest number of
minorities in Lithuania consists of Russian
and Poles, it seems that problems were
facing applies only on Lithuanian - Polish
Media is one of the biggest factors to create
stereotypes of national minorities.
8. Variety of newspapers'
"Poles think about us better than we do."
"Parliamentarian in Poland: Polish parties in
Lithuania should stop making conflicts."
"Poles came up with the plan to bring Lithuania
back to XIX century."
"Will the relations between Lithuania and
Poland ever get better?"
10. Variety of newspapers'
"Three Poles desecrated Presidency."
"Jewish school headmaster: Polish
people are making a huge mistake about
Lithuanian language."
New stage of Lithuanias and Polands
partnership tension from the inside.
12. Variety of newspapers'
V. Adamkus: In Lithuania we dont know much about
Poland, we visit it only because of the shops.
How to restart partnership between
Lithuania and Poland?
B.Komorowskis: today Lithuania and Poland
are going to the same direction.
Latvia's minister of Defence Artis Pabriks noticed that
Warsaw's arguments about national minorities reminds
him of Moscow's position about Russian- speaking people
in Latvia
It is not enough to have traditionally good relationships.
We are sure, that they can and have to be better than just
good. says D. Tuskas
Analitics Kinga Dzudzinska and Vojciech Jablonski doubted
that Lithuania and Poland will stop fighting any time soon.
Poet Tomas Venclova in Gazeta Wyborcza: In the
partnership between Lithuania and Poland, both countres
have made lots of follies.
16. The effects of negative
Hatred between countries;
False stereotypes and misunderstanding;
Political problems;
18. Task
Find examples of messages about countries relationship
in both Polish and Lithuanian media
Compare them
Think about the ways of counteracting
the effects of negative messages
Prezi / Power Point presentation
Duration of presentation 20 min.
19. Ways to counteract the effect
of negative messages
Family members should ban negative
comments in their surrounding;
Schools also should prevent students from
all those negative effects by teaching them
about stereotypes;
20. Ways to counteract the
effect of negative messages
We should have a critical sense of reading
media. We have to learn not to believe
everything it gives;
We have to have our opinion, which doesnt
depend on what newspapers say;
21. Conclusion
We create media and media creates us. Media
does not say what to think, it offers us what to think