White paper by Tolomatic that explains the six steps required for a motion control design engineer to match an actuator to a load.
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The Truth About Actuator Life
1. The Truth About Actuator Life:
Screw Drive Survival
By Tolomatic, Inc.
About the Author: Determining useful life of machines and their components is a fundamental problem of
Tolomatic is a leading supplier of any motion system design project. In a broad sense, actuator service life (or useful life)
linear actuators, both electric and is the period during which the actuator continues to operate and satisfy its required
pneumatically driven. Tolomatic's function. This paper discusses the causes of fatigue, factors affecting screw life, load-life
expertise includes linear actuators,
servo driven high thrust actuators,
relationships, dynamic and static loading and other variables that should be considered
servo and stepper motors, drives, when determining actuator life expectations.
and configured linear systems.
Standard products are built-to-order The useful life of any actuator depends on the life of the components that perform
and shipped in 5 days or less. most mechanical work or carry the most load. Lead screw drives are a typical example.
Tolomatic also manufactures right-
angle gear drives, caliper disc Service (useful) life of a lead screw can be defined as the actual life achieved by a screw
brakes, and clutches. before it fails for any reason. Among possible reasons for its failure are: fatigue,
excessive wear, corrosion, contamination, insufficient structural strength, or loss of any
Tolomatic has earned an industry- function required by the application.
wide reputation for designing and
manufacturing highly durable and
reliable actuators for a variety of How do you determine the life of a screw actuator and make comparisons that are truly
industries, including packaging, apples to apples? Examples of load-life conversion calculations contained in
material handling, medical, food this paper will demonstrate the importance of load on screw life and how application
processing, automotive, requirements sometimes may have to be modified in order to achieve the desired
semiconductor, and general
automation. life results.
Causes of fatigue failure
Fatigue life is influenced by the quality of screw/nut materials, manufacturing methods,
internal design and lubrication, as well as application conditions such as load, velocity
and temperature. The quality and cleanliness of steels used in screw assemblies today
are very high; however due to imperfections and non-metallic inclusions in the steel,
normal fatigue failure will eventually develop in any ball or roller screw.
Fatigue life is most heavily influenced by the applied load. Fatigue failure occurs due to
the cyclic compressive stresses between balls or rollers and threads. The rolling
components support the applied load and in doing so create high stresses underneath
the thread surfaces. Gradually this results in groove flaking (metal on the screw surface
falls apart in the form of scales).
Copyright 息 2007 Tolomatic, Inc. The Truth About Actuator Life: Screw Drive Survival
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9187_00
2. Predictability of life
Predicting lead screw life under laboratory conditions is different for various types
of screws.
As rolling contact devices, recirculating ball screws and planetary
roller screws are similar to ball or roller bearings in how they
behave. Their performance is also equally predictable. As a
result, it is possible to apply life evaluation standards and
methodology developed over the years by the American Bearing
Manufacturers Association for radial ball and roller bearings. The
concept of life fatigue or basic rating life was first defined for
Photo courtesy of radial bearings and later extended to ball and roller screws.
American Roller
By contrast, Acme lead screws are sliding contact devices. Wear
rates of the nut material (plastic or bronze) are generally non-
linear making it difficult to predict life even under well controlled
test conditions. One of the critical life factors of a solid nut is
the heat buildup in the nut due to sliding friction. Differences in
applications result in different heat conditions and life is affected
by the velocity of motion and the weight of the load the nut is
Photo courtesy of
Life estimations for machines Nook Industries.
moving. All of the above factors contribute to high life variability
and components employing in Acme lead screws. For this reason, most manufacturers do not
Acme screws have to be traditionally provide life data for these types of products.
based on empirical data.
Life estimations for machines and components utilizing Acme screws have to be based
on empirical data (test results, past experience, etc.)
Life definitions
International Standard ISO-3408-1 gives the following definitions of life:
Life, for an individual ball screw, is the number of revolutions that the ball screw shaft
makes in relation to the ball nut body before the first evidence of fatigue develops in
the material of screw shaft, nut body or in the balls or rollers.
Basic rating life, known by the symbol L10, for an individual ball screw or group of
apparently identical ball screws operating under the same conditions, is the life
associated with a 90% probability of achieving the nominal life.
Copyright 息 2007 Tolomatic, Inc. The Truth About Actuator Life: Screw Drive Survival
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9187_00
3. Load-life relationship
Standard engineering practices suggest that life estimation of any machine (actuator,
component) containing a ball or roller screw must be based on the L10 life of the screw.
Basic dynamic axial load rating, known by the symbol C, is a constant load acting
axially and centrally on a ball or roller screw such that it can endure for a basic L10 rating
life equal to one million revolutions.
Dynamic load rating, (measured in N or lbf) is provided by manufacturers for all screw/nut
combinations they offer. Magnitude of the dynamic load rating typically depends on the
screw pitch diameter, screw pitch (or lead) and number of recirculating rolling elements
Standard engineering practice (balls or rollers) inside the nut that simultaneously carry
suggests that life estimation of the load. Again citing the ISO-3408-1 standards, theoretical fatigue life of ball/roller
any machine (actuator, screws is inversely proportional to the third power of the dynamically applied load.
component) containing a
ball/roller screw, must be based
on the L10 life of the screw. If a load of the magnitude P needs to be applied to a lead screw, then its load-life
equation is:
L10 = (C/P)3 x 1,000,000 revolutions, where
L10 basic rating life,
C dynamic load rating,
P application load.
This equation reflects a fundamental relationship between load and life.
This demonstrates when reducing the load on any given screw by half, the life of the
screw becomes 8 times longer. Inversely, increasing the load by 50% reduces life
expectation to about 30% of life.
It is important to note that some screw manufacturers define basic rating life using units
of measurement other than revolutions, such as inches, feet, km of travel, etc. When
comparing different products, a designer must remember to convert dynamic ratings for
all products they are considering so they reflect the same L10 life parameters.
Below is an example of such conversion and comparison:
Let us say a designer needs to compare the two ball screws shown in the table below.
When comparing different
screw products a designer must SCREW LEAD DYNAMIC LOAD LIFE
remember to convert dynamic RATING
ratings for all products
considered such that they reflect BALL SCREW 1 0.500 in. C1=2,000 N 1,000,000
the same L10 life revolutions
BALL SCREW 2 0.500 in. C2=400 lbf 1,000,000
in. of travel
Copyright 息 2007 Tolomatic, Inc. The Truth About Actuator Life: Screw Drive Survival
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9187_00
4. First, convert the life of the second screw to revolutions (by dividing it by screw lead):
L10(2) = 1,000,000/0.500
L10(2)= 2,000,000 revolutions.
Second, convert the dynamic load rating of the second screw to newtons:
C2 = 400 lbf x 4.45
C2= 1,780 N
Third, calculate the load rating of the second screw so life is reflected in 1,000,000
C2 = 1,780 N x (2,000,000/1,000,000)1/3
C2 = 2,243 N
The results show the load rating of the first screw is lower than that of the second one.
BALL SCREW 1 0.500 in. C1=2,000 N 1,000,000
BALL SCREW 2 0.500 in. C2=2,243 N 1,000,000
Let us assume that the first ball screw has been selected for an application. Then, consider
the following application scenarios each with different objective:
Scenario 1. The applications load requirement is 500 N. What fatigue life can be
Expected fatigue life in scenario 1 is calculated as:
L10 = (2,000/500)3 x 1,000,000 = 64,000,000 revolutions.
This is an illustration of the fact that lighter loads significantly increase life.
Scenario 2. The same screw needs to be loaded with 5,000 N. Can the load rating be
exceeded and what are the consequences with regard to life?
Lighter loads can significantly
increase screw life.
Expected fatigue life in scenario 2 is calculated as:
L10 = (2,000/5,000)3 x 1,000,000 = 64,000 revolutions.
Expected life is significantly lower than the basic rating life of 1,000,000 revolutions. This
illustrates that any screw can be overloaded at the expense of life.
Copyright 息 2007 Tolomatic, Inc. The Truth About Actuator Life: Screw Drive Survival
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9187_00
5. Scenario 3. A fatigue life of 100,000,000 revolutions needs to be achieved. How
should the screw be loaded?
Load that can be attained in scenario 3 can be calculated as:
C = 2,000 x (1,000,000/100,000,000)1/3 = 431 N.
This shows that in order for the screw to last longer, its load should be decreased.
The above examples illustrate the L10 life-load relationship for rolling contact
power screws.
Wear Dynamic load factor
Fatigue is only one of the factors defining the useful life of a lead screw. The screw is
Corrosion also affected by wear, corrosion, contamination, strength of screw ends and nut
attachments. Screws can also be subjected to a variety of dynamic elements inherent in
Contamination the application such as load misalignment, and vibrations. Therefore, it is practical for a
designer to apply some safety ratio when calculating screw life values.
Material properties
Typically such safety ratio is provided by a dynamic load factor or coefficient,
f = 1.5-2.0, included in the denominator of the load-life formula.
L10 = (C / P x f)3, x 1,000,000 revolutions
L10 basic rating life,
C dynamic load rating,
P application load,
f dynamic load factor.
Varying load
It is practical for a designer
to apply some safety ratio When the load varies during the working cycle, it is necessary to calculate the
when calculating screw equivalent dynamic load Pe, a dynamic load acting on the screw axially and
life value. centrally, which if applied would have the same effect on the screw life as the
combined actual loads.
The equivalent dynamic load is given by the following equation:
Pe = ( (1/L) x (P13L1 + P23 L2+ + Pn3Ln)1/3
Copyright 息 2007 Tolomatic, Inc. The Truth About Actuator Life: Screw Drive Survival
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9187_00
6. where
Pe equivalent dynamic load,
P1, P2, ... , Pn = varying loads,
L1, L2, ... , Ln = distances, associated with varying loads respectively,
L = total distance traveled.
For example, let us consider an application with a total stroke of 12 inches and a load
of 30 lbf acting over the first 8 inches of travel and 100 lbf acting over the remaining 4
inches of travel.
Equivalent dynamic load to be considered in this applications life evaluation can be
calculated as:
Pe = ((P13L1 + P23 L2+ + Pn3Ln)/L)1/3 or,
Pe = ((303 x 8 + 1003 x 4) /12)1/3 = 70.6 lbf
L= 12 inches
P1 = 30lbf
L1 = 8 inches
P2 = 100 lbf
L2 = 4 inches
Static load rating
Another screw characteristic provided by the manufacturer is basic static load rating.
While it does not affect life directly, it should also be carefully considered when selecting
a ball or roller screw. The standard defines a basic static axial load rating of a ball screw,
While basic static load
Co, as the static load acting axially and centrally, that corresponds to a total permanent
rating does not affect the deformation of ball and ball track at the most heavily stressed point of contact between
life directly, it should also the ball and the ball track of .0001 times ball diameter.
be carefully considered
when selecting a ball or
roller screw.
The fatigue life of a screw actuator is heavily influenced by the load being applied to its
rolling components. Life can also be affected by wear, corrosion, contamination and
other dynamic elements such as misalignment and vibrations. Predicting the life of
these components can be done by applying the load/life equations to the specified
screws, applying the proper safety ratios, analyzing the results and comparing the
resulting performance when all the unit conversions have been made. Achieving
expected or desired life is possible when carefully considering and calculating L10 values.
Good designers do not accept marketing or advertised load values without qualifying
them for a specific application.
Copyright 息 2007 Tolomatic, Inc. The Truth About Actuator Life: Screw Drive Survival
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9187_00