This document discusses the importance of truth and having an open mind. It argues that truth shapes our lives whether we know it or not, and that facing truths we may not want to see is necessary for growth. It warns of denial as an "unseen enemy" that hides in our overconfidence and reluctance to accept facts that contradict our preexisting beliefs. Maintaining an open mind allows us to consider new ideas and perspectives, while still making decisions, in order to more fully grasp realities that affect our lives and progress.
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The Truth about Truth 2019
1. The Truth about Truth
To SEE More Clearly, Freely, Creatively... This is our great Journey...
2. Truth's Healing
Truth is the Foundation for Heart, Mind, Body... And Our World!
When the Foundation is Strong, the Heart will Bloom Forth
3. Truth --- the Only Solid, True Ground
It is our creative ability to think that separates us from animals & machines;
without developing this capacity we are confined to the lower rungs of life…
The Open Mind Is the Hallmark of human Creativity, Maturity & Intelligence--
It is the mind that will thrive over calamity, creating a doorway into a better day.
The Conformist, "follow-the-crowd" mentality limits and impedes great progress.
Truth Shapes our Lives (Whether we Know it, Accept or Reject it!)—
4. Truth Stands Firm
Truth Shapes our lives--
Whether we know of it or not, or like or dislike it, whether we prejudge or reject what is true,
truth doesn't change and we will still be affected by it.
5. Truth Remains, Unchanged As the Rock--
That's part of Her beauty...
Even if I don't like what I see, still, it's best to know, then more wisely choose my action...
The maturity to face truth with an open mind, setting aside old opinions to try a new fit calls for great courage.
6. Knowledge Is Power
One who most quickly grasps the truth of a thing, holds a powerful tool
For Example: The idea of the Wheel can be used to create many useful devices,
but only when one knows the Truth of Why & How it works...
To know truth is to hold in hand the Modern Map...
Truth is the most Powerful force shaping our Lives
...and the most powerful healing force there is.
7. Denial: A Killing Disease
Most of us are much more attached to our ideas and opinions than to any person or thing— but that can and does
harm us. Denial is a hidden enemy attacks under cover of what is accepted or even seen as "right" & good, normal &
Tests & Trials of our Time often involve turning away from what's true. For example, not facing our own
weaknesses or our life situation honestly keeps us more deeply wrapped in our behaviors & difficulties, adding to
them . Facing the truth is the only way out.
Whatever we tell ourselves that helps to shut out truth does nothing but cause harm, for to turn away from truth is
deadly. Tests and trials often come to us to point us back to truths we have missed or turned away from in the paths
of our lives. If there is something we need to see, we ourselves— the spirit part of us— can actually draw difficulties
to us until we become humbled enough to be willing to see.
Many who conform to accepted standards, and many who don’t conform may pride themselves on their own clear &
independent thinking, but beware, for denial is a master of illusion, hiding well its own shape.
8. Truth’s “Roadblocks
The biggest “roadblock” in the path to truth is our own mind’s hiding in conformity, overconfidence,
and avoidance of the change that can come with greater knowledge. For knowledge changes lives, and
may call us to change what is dear to us; our ideas, actions, our dreams, plans, and more. This is the
“roadblock” or hurdle that turns many away. The unknown can be scary, and so we make excuses or
reasons “explaining” or rationalizing our refusal to give proper weight to realities that could threaten
our “status quo’. We think we are protecting ourselves, but denying any important truth actually drives
another nail into our coffin. At this time in history, especially, humanity holds in its hands many deadly
weapons— and the denial of that import can end life as we know it. Yet it is a very cunning
9. “disease’”— its nature is such that the denier usually is unaware of his own denial!
How can we fight such an unseen enemy?
Warning— Denial Ahead !?
Most of us may never be certain just how open or closed– minded we are. We may be wide open on some
subjects, yet in other areas tight as a clam. Being "sure” of our open-mindedness guarantees nothing-- in fact, the
“sureness” of one’s own objectivity can exist even in the most closed-minded of people!
Some self-proclaimed "open minded” people :)) are simply attached to ideas that seem different from the
norm, or those they were raised with. Our thinking may have gone ahead of others in younger years, but have we
closed our minds in the process? We all need to make some decisions that exclude further investigation, yet allowing
for some softness and flexibility around them, and openness to possible new developments as well. Can we become
free and independent of even our own self-programmed belief systems?
10. Crisis = Denial breakthrough ?
In life, when we come on harsh times or crises, we often search deep in our hearts. What did we do or avoid doing
that could change or remove difficulties ? What could we have missed in our thinking? In the pit of hell, we are so
ready to break old patterns— but must we wait for crisis to break denial’s spell?
The practices in other truth- tools of this series can help in living more in the open mind,
so that we see and recognize truth more clearly and make more direct choices in keeping with that.
More from Lucky Joy Wells at or TruthfulSearch site
Blog at
11. To SEE More Clearly, Freely, Creatively... This is our great Journey...
If these ideas are just tempting enough to invite you in,
then you may want to join in our journey beyond self to a space beyond the usual limits of mind.
More at or TruthfulSearch site
Blog at
12. Could you believe that there ARE answers out there and that each one of us,
no matter how vulnerable, unsure or sure of ourselves we may be, can Search our own Hearts to see more deeply
what we may be shutting out that affects us and hampers our progress and that of the world?
Read more-- championing Unity and Spirit at
Engaging and awakening Love, soul and the God- Spirit- Mind,
investigating truths that are of import to ourselves and our world.
13. More for Spirit, God or Great Heart-Mind- Soul Sweet, Soulful and Streamlined
Links and writing by Lucky Joy Wells, copyrighted with sharing on request.