Presentation at OEGlobal 2022 23-25 May 2022 in Nantes. Findings and lessons learned from an OER project where sharing and reuse of OER is sustainable
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The Truth is Out There: Dutch Nursing realized sustainable adoption of OER
1. The Truth is Out There:
Dutch Nursing realized sustainable
adoption of OER
Marja Versantvoort, LOOV projectmanager Together sharing Nursing
Robert Schuwer, Fontys UAS, Professor OER
2. We Make a Journey
Pictures: CC by Geralt visit on Pixabay
17 million
90 hospitals
17 universities
>200.000 nurses!
Picture from LOOV
3. Project SAMEN (means together)
National project with support of the ministry of Education in the Netherlands
17 Universities of Applied Sciences (Bachelor of Nursing)
Sharing 1900 open educational resources
Create an active nursing community
5. Study: what can we learn from this project?
Research questions
1. How was the process?
2. Which elements of the project contributed positively to the project result,
which did not, and why?
3. What has affect teachers to adopt sharing and reuse of OER?
4. What lessons can be learned from this project?
5. What advice can be given for continuation of this (and similar other) project?
6. Methodology
Create a narrative from all reports available (project plan, notes from
meetings, mandatory reports for the Ministry and SURF (grant providers)
Structured using the ESH framework (Weggeman, 2000)
Two analyses:
Which factors have influenced teachers in the desired behavior to share and reuse
OER? Model: Reasoned Action Approach (Ajzen, Fishbein). Data: interviews with
four teachers and open questions from a survey among teachers (N=116)
What influence had project decisions and activities on the project goals and what
can we learn from this? Model: the ESH framework (Weggeman). Data: reports
from visits to the participatory institutions and self-reports from each institution
7. Methodology
Factual description
Analysis process
Analysis behavior
Visit reports
Selftests institutions
Analysis interviews 4 teachers
Analysis open questions survey
Lessons learned and advices
4 & 5
using using
All available reports
(e.g. projectplan,
minutes of meeting,
mandatory reports
for Ministry)
8. Main findings
Working with a quality model
Management style (indirect influence)
Working on sustaining the community from day 1
Involve management toward gaining management support for continuation
Targets on number of OER to be shared
Numerous tips and lessons learned
E.g. organize support within institution, involve early adaptors actively when
reaching out to the early and late majority, connect adoption with major changes
(e.g. blended learning programs),
10. Quality improvement
Criteria Quality checklist:
Professional quality (EBP nursing)
Didactic quality
Language: English or Dutch
Weblinks are working
Open license (CC by)
No copyright infringements
Picture: CC by
13. References
1. 際際滷 1,4 and 11 picture from Fontys University of applied sciences
2. 際際滷 2 pictures by Geralt visit on Pixabay
3. 際際滷 2 Picture from LOOV, BN2020 Bachelor of Nursing opleidingsprofiel
4. 際際滷 8 picture from
Editor's Notes
#2: Its great to be here today and to able to give you an introduction a Dutch way of collaboration and sharing.
#3: 際際滷 19:
Lets make a journey to the Netherlands.
This is a small country with a population of seventeen million.
We have 90 hospitals.
Students who would like to become a nurse can go to seventeen different universities.
Each year 4000 Students graduate as a nurse with a bachelor degree
In our country the population of nursing professionals is more than 200.000!
Before this project started there already was a cooperation between 17 Dutch Bachelor of Nursing universities with the aim to create one education profile. From that perspective we used this profile as shared basics and continue this cooperation.
Because there already was a cooperation going on, all the universities have the same goals and are thrilled to share their lectures, videos and other materials as well. For them this next step in this collaboration made sense.
#4: The Ministry of Education has set a goal for all teachers in Dutch Higher Education share Educational Resources openly among each other by 2025. In order to reach that goal, several activities have been pursued. This project received grant to reach some goals.
Our goal for this year is to share at least 1900 learning materials. Our other goal is to create an active nursing community.
#5: To share our educational resources we used an existing platform for sharing OER, Wikiwijs.
So we could use already existing features. We did create our own home page in which a visitor can right away can start searching in our database of educational resources.
Free for use
Registration required
Give feedback
Community: virtual and face-to-face A place to collaborate, share and learn.
In our project, creating a vibrant community seem essential to sustain the initiative.
We want to build a community with different kinds of people like educators, lecturers, students, nurses. They can share their opinions and beliefs. We hope with this project that people in this community will discuss things/subjects so that they can be improved or even develop better, new subjects. That is what connects people they care about their job and want to be better in it. The quality will be better if people respond to each other and react positively when they like materials. This is already a big goal for this project but maybe there will be nurses from different countries joining us in this community. Who knows!
We just start with our community. Its quite empty. We think that its really important that users can create their own community. Start discussion groups and share what they want. We hope that this will work.
#11: For the learning materials to be used, it is important that the educators and learners are confident about the quality of the materials. Trust is key. Our approach in this consists of several components.
First, we have defined a quality model. For certain aspects of learning materials we have defined requirements the materials should meet. The requirements include correctness and validity of the content, the look and feel, correct use of language and the way the materials are described (by metadata) to enhance retrievability.
we have a split in requirements: must have and nice to have.
#13: Second, quality auditors will check if the learning materials adhere to the quality model. If this is the case, the quality status will be made visible by connecting a quality mark to it.
If your learning material meets all the must have requirements, the learning material gets a quality mark.