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The Twitter Game

 For Trades Unionists
You will need....

 A piece of paper & pencil
 A list of people who youd like to influence a bit
  more than you do (local journalists, activists,
  politicians, other Trades Unionists, etc).
 Think of ten of them (to be on the safe side)
Next. Get a Twitter Account.
 Think about what name you want first.
 Follow all of the steps that it tells you to.
Now find some of your targets
 Use the search box and maybe Who To Follow once
  youve got going. Follow anyone interesting
 Write down the names of five people youve
Now open a new tab on your browser
         (Ctrl+T usually)
 Make sure youre still signed into Twitter before you...
 Sign in to Klout
Write down your score...
 ... on that bit of paper.
Your bit of paper should look like this...
 Your twitter name
 Your Klout score
 Five named targets 
  people you want
  following you
Youre now ready!

    Go to this web-page:
   .... and start the game

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The twitter game

  • 1. The Twitter Game For Trades Unionists
  • 2. You will need.... A piece of paper & pencil A list of people who youd like to influence a bit more than you do (local journalists, activists, politicians, other Trades Unionists, etc). Think of ten of them (to be on the safe side)
  • 3. Next. Get a Twitter Account. Think about what name you want first. Follow all of the steps that it tells you to.
  • 4. Now find some of your targets Use the search box and maybe Who To Follow once youve got going. Follow anyone interesting Write down the names of five people youve targeted
  • 5. Now open a new tab on your browser (Ctrl+T usually) Make sure youre still signed into Twitter before you... Sign in to Klout
  • 6. Write down your score... ... on that bit of paper.
  • 7. Your bit of paper should look like this... Your twitter name Your Klout score Five named targets people you want following you
  • 8. Youre now ready! Go to this web-page: http://tinyurl.com/TUKlout .... and start the game