
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
The use of paper
and the environmental
Paper is now regarded as one of the Worlds great
sustainable products. Its biodegradable, recyclable and
made from renewable raw materials.
Media Group In partnership with one of their clients
has recently sourced their Q4 print requirement using
with the Woodland Trust, they will plant over 5680sq
meters of British native woodland whilst capturing
over 405 tonnes of C02
on this project alone.
balanced facility. Talk to them on how they can enhance
your environmental commitment whilst saving you
money. They will provide a FREE calculation on your
paper usage and the potential C02
How it works
Media Group offer their customers
and their clients the opportunity
emissions from
their paper purchases by planting
native woodland, right here in the UK,
through the Woodland Trust and the
Woodland Carbon scheme.
What happens next?
When customers place their print
order they may elect to capture the
carbon from the manufacture and
distribution of the paper.
generated in the
production and delivery of their paper
is calculated.
The Woodland Carbon logo may be
used in conjunction with the print job
to demonstrate their commitment to
All Carbon Capture charges are paid
to the Woodland Trust who will plant
woodland at one of their accredited
woodland creation sites in the UK.
What is
Woodland Carbon?
Woodland Carbon is an accredited, award-
winning carbon removal scheme that is
Woodland Carbon Code.
environmental impact and mitigate their
carbon emissions can fund tree planting
with Woodland Trust, the UKs leading
woodland conservation charity. It is
estimated that 25m2
of native British
Use the Woodland
Carbon logo?
When you choose to Carbon Capture your
print jobs from Media Group, you may use
a specially developed logo on all print jobs
has been captured from the
paper purchases. The logo will contain a
and traceability. Using the Woodland
Carbon logo enhances your brand and
reinforces your environmental message.
About the
Woodland Trust
The Woodland Trust aims to improve the
landscape of Britain by planting more trees
and protecting our national heritage of
precious ancient woodland. Its vision is a
UK rich in native woods and trees enjoyed
and valued by everyone and they work to
deliver three guiding principles:
woods and places rich in trees.
their wildlife for the future.
woods and trees.
woodlands cared for
woodlands which have free and easy
access for everyone to enjoy. With a
member and supporter base of over
is growing year on year. Media Group
recognises the vital role that the charity
plays in securing a sustainable future
through trees, improving biodiversity and
protecting the habitat of native wildlife.
The UK is one of the least wooded
countries in Europe, with just 13 per cent
tree coverage compared to the European
average of 44 per cent.
woodland creation
The Woodland Trust has established
home-grown woodland creation projects
that offer companies the chance to
emissions. At the same
time, organisations will also be supporting
projects that improve biodiversity, enhance
social well-being, help the landscape adapt
to climate change and ensure the UK is
no longer one of the least wooded nations
in Europe. Woodland Carbon provides
a strong external message but also has
tangible outcomes  trees that can be seen
and visited throughout the UK.
Carbon Capture
Environment issues are becoming more
and more important to organisations of all
sizes and a carbon reduction strategy often
provides a commercial advantage including:
Providing a reduced carbon solution for you
and your business.
A tangible demonstration of companys
responsible approach to the environment.
Use of The Woodland Carbon logo to enhance
your companys brand.
inconjunction with Media Group, for more

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The use of paper and the environmental impact

  • 1. The use of paper and the environmental impact Paper is now regarded as one of the Worlds great sustainable products. Its biodegradable, recyclable and made from renewable raw materials. Media Group In partnership with one of their clients has recently sourced their Q4 print requirement using with the Woodland Trust, they will plant over 5680sq meters of British native woodland whilst capturing over 405 tonnes of C02 on this project alone. balanced facility. Talk to them on how they can enhance your environmental commitment whilst saving you money. They will provide a FREE calculation on your paper usage and the potential C02 saving! CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 1
  • 2. How it works Media Group offer their customers and their clients the opportunity 2 emissions from their paper purchases by planting native woodland, right here in the UK, through the Woodland Trust and the Woodland Carbon scheme. CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 2
  • 3. What happens next? When customers place their print order they may elect to capture the carbon from the manufacture and distribution of the paper. 2 generated in the production and delivery of their paper is calculated. The Woodland Carbon logo may be used in conjunction with the print job to demonstrate their commitment to 2 paper. All Carbon Capture charges are paid to the Woodland Trust who will plant woodland at one of their accredited woodland creation sites in the UK. CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 3
  • 4. What is Woodland Carbon? Woodland Carbon is an accredited, award- winning carbon removal scheme that is Woodland Carbon Code. environmental impact and mitigate their carbon emissions can fund tree planting with Woodland Trust, the UKs leading woodland conservation charity. It is estimated that 25m2 of native British 2 www.woodlandcarbon.co.uk CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 4
  • 5. Use the Woodland Carbon logo? When you choose to Carbon Capture your print jobs from Media Group, you may use a specially developed logo on all print jobs 2 has been captured from the paper purchases. The logo will contain a and traceability. Using the Woodland Carbon logo enhances your brand and reinforces your environmental message. CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 5
  • 6. About the Woodland Trust The Woodland Trust aims to improve the landscape of Britain by planting more trees and protecting our national heritage of precious ancient woodland. Its vision is a UK rich in native woods and trees enjoyed and valued by everyone and they work to deliver three guiding principles: woods and places rich in trees. their wildlife for the future. woods and trees. CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 6
  • 7. woodlands cared for woodlands which have free and easy access for everyone to enjoy. With a member and supporter base of over is growing year on year. Media Group recognises the vital role that the charity plays in securing a sustainable future through trees, improving biodiversity and protecting the habitat of native wildlife. The UK is one of the least wooded countries in Europe, with just 13 per cent tree coverage compared to the European average of 44 per cent. CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 7
  • 8. Home-grown woodland creation The Woodland Trust has established home-grown woodland creation projects that offer companies the chance to 2 emissions. At the same time, organisations will also be supporting projects that improve biodiversity, enhance social well-being, help the landscape adapt to climate change and ensure the UK is no longer one of the least wooded nations in Europe. Woodland Carbon provides a strong external message but also has tangible outcomes trees that can be seen and visited throughout the UK. www.woodlandtrust.org.uk CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 8
  • 9. Carbon Capture Environment issues are becoming more and more important to organisations of all sizes and a carbon reduction strategy often provides a commercial advantage including: Providing a reduced carbon solution for you and your business. A tangible demonstration of companys responsible approach to the environment. Use of The Woodland Carbon logo to enhance your companys brand. inconjunction with Media Group, for more www.media-group.co.uk CASE PROFILE - SUSTAINABILITY 9 www.media-group.co.uk