The document discusses how people often see themselves as victims and blame outside forces for their problems rather than taking responsibility. It provides examples of common victim statements like "It's not my fault" and "There's nothing I can do." The document argues that victims live in a state of perceived powerlessness and must learn to take responsibility, cope with difficult feelings like shame and inadequacy, and recognize that they always have a choice in how they respond. It encourages readers to stop using "should" and "must" statements and instead focus on what they want and choose.
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1. Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference
2. I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the footpath. I fall in. I am lost..I am hopeless. It isnt my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. 油 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the footpath. I pretend I dont see it. I fall in again. I cant believe I am in the same place. But, it isnt my fault. It still takes a long time to get out. 油 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the footpath. I see it is there. I still fall in.. Its a habit.but My eyes are open, I know where I am, It is my fault, I get out immediately. 油 I walk down the same street, There is a deep hole in the footpath I walk around it. 油 I walk down a different street! 油
4. I am overweight and I cant do anything about it its genetic. My wife has had an affair, my marriage is over, and its her fault. My business is failing because of the economy. I am powerless to turn it around. I am depressed and I cant find my way out of it there is nothing I can do about it. I dont love my wife anymore, but I cant change the way I feel. I hate my job but I cant leave my job because I have a family to feed. Its not my fault. (It was Eve!) Why does it always happen to me? There is nothing I can do about this. I have to I should I must The Victim Thinks...
6. They live in a constant state of perceived powerlessness, refusing to grow up, take responsibility and feel whilst they learn to cope. Possible UBFs Inadequate/Stupid Responsibility Guilty Shame The Victim Refuses to Feel Shame
7. I always have a choice. (I can always change my attitude.) There are only 2 things I have to do; Take up physical space on the earth. Breath. I have to feel inadequate/stupid/guilty/responsible sometimes in order to grow up! The Victim Doesnt Know
8. I will stop must erbating and I will stop should ing on myself. I will not say or think: I should I have to I must You make me feel Because, I want to and I choose to! And! I will ask, how did I contribute to this. Determine from this day forth
9. Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference