The document discusses the filmmakers' process of changing their film idea from a supernatural-themed film called "Aboretum" to a new idea inspired by research. They wanted to keep the supernatural element but make it less obvious and have the audience be surprised by the conclusion. They were influenced by the simplicity of the short film "Ennis Road" and how it portrayed the passing of time through changing routine and pace of shots. They decided to develop an idea showing the passing of time in a similar subtle way, influenced as well by techniques used in "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz".
? After receiving negative feedback from our focus group and
watching back our film we decided we wasn¡¯t happy with the direction
it was going, and we came to the conclusion that we should change
our idea.
? Although we didn¡¯t like aspects of Aboretum we wanted to keep
the supernatural feel, and this led us to researching it further.
? We began looking at short films with an element of supernatural,
? Virus
? The Curse
? The Angel
? Although we liked films such as Virus and The Angel, we found
that we didn¡¯t want the element of supernatural to be obvious. We
didn¡¯t like the idea of our film being dark and gloomy and decided
that although our film was to have a supernatural element to it, it
wasn¡¯t going to be known until the end of the film. Like The Angel,
we wanted the audience to be shocked and surprised at the
conclusion, and not to expect what is going to happen.
? Out of the numerous short films we watched, we really enjoyed the simplicity of
Ennis Road and we felt the repetitive action created an realistic view of passing time.
? We liked the idea that over time things were revealed to be going wrong. This was
shown through the change in routine and the pace of the shots increasingly becoming
faster. We therefore wanted to incorporate the idea of passing of time, and we began to
look into this idea further.
? When looking into how short films/films portray the passing of time Ennis
Road reminded us of films such as Shaun Of the dead and Hot Fuzz.
? (Shaun Of The Dead ¨C
Quick cuts)
? We liked the idea of portraying the passing of time through this technique as we
believed it was simplistic but effective in showing routine. We therefore shot a
preliminary to practice this technique
? (see blog ¨C under preliminary task)