A new era in human development is emerging from the rubble of the global financial crises, in which "the wise application of knowledge" is the key driver, and the complex adaptive system the core metaphor.
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The wisdom economy
1. Are you Wisdom Economy ready?John Findlay & Abby StrausMaverick & Boutique/Zing
2. This presentationA complex and uncertain futureWhat stage is your organization or school?The pace of innovation has changed.Thinking like a complex adaptive organizationWisdom Economy criteriaWhat next?1.
4. In 1982 John Naisbitidentified these major trends.
5. Last year it was change,now its complexityARMONK, NY, - 18 May 2010:According to a major new IBM (NYSE:IBM) survey of more than 1,500 Chief Executive Officers from 60 countries and 33 industries worldwide, chief executives believe that -- more than rigor, management discipline, integrity or even vision -- successfully navigating an increasing complex world will require creativity.
6. Faster, more complex and uncertainGlobalization of relationships.Growth in interconnectedness..Acceleration and democratization of the knowledge creation process.Divergence and diversity of world views.Increasing complexity and interdependence of systems.
8. Organizations as complex adaptive systemsEmergent, self-organizing, fractal (self-similarity at every scale), low level rules (boundary conditions) lead to complex outcomes, auto-catalytic, order for free, sensitive to initial conditions e.g. butterfly effect
10. During the 20th Century the US workforce expanded US Department of Labor, 2001This story is repeated across most OECD countries.
11. But now routine jobs are declining andexpert jobs are increasing.
12. There have been some radical shifts in 20th century workforce compositionUS Department of Labor, 2001, and other sourcesThis story is repeated across most OECD countries.
31. This pattern to human social and technological development closely approximates the Feigenbaum delta, 4.669*, the ratio of the emergence of successive periods (period doubling cascades) of complex systems such as ecologies and markets.
32. Crisis prior to emergenceSaynisch, M (2010). Beyond frontiers of traditional project management, 41(2). (21-37).
33. ComplexitySelf-organizing system with many degrees of freedom. Shift to more complex order at bifurcation points. such as team formation, the brain, breakthrough innovation.ChaosSmall error occurs in a highly constrained system that spins out of control, such as the BP oil spill, sprouts deaths in Europe, A380 engine. FractalsSelf-similar at every scale. Leadership distributed throughan organization system. All adhere to the samerules/principles.1.
46. In times of rapid change, breakthrough innovation is essential
47. Words, tools and job extinctionsWith the horse went the buggy, the buggy whip, the smithy. The saddlery and the harness maker. With the car came the oil and gasoline industry, motels, paved roads, traffic courts, suburbs, shopping malls and fast food restaurants Stuart Kauffman, complexity theorist
62. New wise application of knowledge products, servicesand jobs Brainstorm one or more concepts for new products or services which have wise application of knowledge inside. Describe how the product/service/job automatically causes people to behave or operate wisely.
63. The new way to dynamically steer organizations
64. New order emerges in complex adaptive systemswhen the system becomes richly connected think brains, communities, markets and ecologies but not too highly connected.
65. The complex adaptive organization is like an ecology of interdependent speciesA multi-flex organization of interdependent types include the cost efficient machine bureaucracy, the powering ahead entrepreneurial, the creative innovative as well as the professional, diversified and missionary.
66. Complex adaptive systems are sustained by energy flowing through themRed spot on JupiterThe economyAn ecosystem
69. Different initial conditions (start points) can have radically different outcomes Simple local rule or boundary condition: Starting with different initial conditions, at the next step, delete all numbers to the left of the decimal point and multiply by 10,
70. Attractors can be a powerful driver or limit the development of a system
85. Sequences of rich questions are used to reach consensus about strategy, tactics, new theories, etc. through idea integration.
86. Experiment: What happens in our brains when we ask different kinds of questions?Closed, left brain, automaticRich and open, right brain, auto catalytic
88. Conversations in pairs, sharing of ideas, and sense-making using a dialectical discourse method achieves consensus, so the best, most richly integrated ideas emerge that are a good fit with the environment/context.