God spent extra time creating woman because she had to meet many complex specifications - she had to be washable but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, function on all foods, embrace and heal children with only two hands. An angel was impressed by her abilities but thought she was too complex, until God explained she can think, reason, negotiate and endure much while expressing herself through tears. The angel was amazed at God's creation of woman and her strengths.
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The woman : Amazing Lord Creation
1. The WomanThe Woman
When God created woman he was working lateWhen God created woman he was working late
on the 6th dayon the 6th day
An angel came by and said: Why spend soAn angel came by and said: Why spend so
much time on that one?much time on that one?
And the Lord answered:And the Lord answered:
Have you seen all the specifications I have toHave you seen all the specifications I have to
meet to shape her ?"meet to shape her ?"
2. She must be washable, but not made ofShe must be washable, but not made of
plastic, have more than 200 moving partsplastic, have more than 200 moving parts
which all must be replaceable and she mustwhich all must be replaceable and she must
function on all kinds of food, she must befunction on all kinds of food, she must be
able to embrace several kids at the sameable to embrace several kids at the same
time, give a hug that can heal anything fromtime, give a hug that can heal anything from
a bruised knee to a broken hearth and shea bruised knee to a broken hearth and she
must do all this with only two hands.must do all this with only two hands.
3. The angel was impressed.
Just two hands....impossible!Just two hands....impossible!
And this is the standard model?!And this is the standard model?!
Too much work for one day....wait untilToo much work for one day....wait until
tomorrow and then complete her.tomorrow and then complete her.
4. I will not, said the Lord. I am so close toI will not, said the Lord. I am so close to
complete this creation, which will be thecomplete this creation, which will be the
favourite of my heart.favourite of my heart.
She cures herself when sick and she canShe cures herself when sick and she can
work 18 hours a day.work 18 hours a day.
The angel came nearer and touched theThe angel came nearer and touched the
5. But you have made her so soft, LordBut you have made her so soft, Lord
She is soft", said the Lord, But I haveShe is soft", said the Lord, But I have
also made her strong. You cant imaginealso made her strong. You cant imagine
what she can endure and overcome.what she can endure and overcome.
Can she think?" the angel asked.Can she think?" the angel asked.
The Lord answered:The Lord answered:
Not only can she think, she can reason andNot only can she think, she can reason and
6. The angel touched the womans cheek....The angel touched the womans cheek....
Lord, it seems this creation is leaking!Lord, it seems this creation is leaking!
You have put too many burdens on her.You have put too many burdens on her.
She is not leaking....its a tear the lordShe is not leaking....its a tear the lord
corrected the angelcorrected the angel
Whats it for?" asked the angel.Whats it for?" asked the angel.
7. And the Lord said:And the Lord said:
Tears are her way of expressing grief, her doubts,Tears are her way of expressing grief, her doubts,
her love, her loneliness, her suffering and herher love, her loneliness, her suffering and her
This made a big impression on the angel; Lord,This made a big impression on the angel; Lord,
you are genius.you are genius.
You thought of everything. The woman is indeedYou thought of everything. The woman is indeed
8. Indeed she is!Indeed she is!
Woman has strengths that amazes man.Woman has strengths that amazes man.
She can handle trouble and carry heavyShe can handle trouble and carry heavy
She holds happiness, love and opinions.She holds happiness, love and opinions.
She smiles when feeling like screaming.She smiles when feeling like screaming.
She sings when she feels like crying, criesShe sings when she feels like crying, cries
when she is happy and laughs when shewhen she is happy and laughs when she
is afraid.is afraid.
9. She fights for what she belives in.She fights for what she belives in.
Stand up against injustice.Stand up against injustice.
She doesnt take no for an answer, whenShe doesnt take no for an answer, when
she can see a better solution. She givesshe can see a better solution. She gives
herself so her family can thrive. She takesherself so her family can thrive. She takes
her friend to the doctor if she is afraid.her friend to the doctor if she is afraid.
Her love is unconditional.Her love is unconditional.
10. She cries when her kids are victorious. SheShe cries when her kids are victorious. She
is happy when her friends do well.is happy when her friends do well.
She is glad when she hears of a birth or aShe is glad when she hears of a birth or a
11. Her heart is broken when a next of kin orHer heart is broken when a next of kin or
friend dies.friend dies.
But she finds the strength to get on with life.But she finds the strength to get on with life.
She knows that a kiss and a hug can heal aShe knows that a kiss and a hug can heal a
broken heart.broken heart.
12. There is only one thing wrong with herThere is only one thing wrong with her
She forgets what she isShe forgets what she is
13. Pass this on to your lady friends to remindPass this on to your lady friends to remind
them how fantastic they are....pass it on tothem how fantastic they are....pass it on to
males you know. Sometimes they need tomales you know. Sometimes they need to
be reminded..!!!be reminded..!!!