Jessy is a senior at MSUM studying Elementary Education with an emphasis in Pre-primary Education. She currently works in childcare and plans to stay in the Fargo area after graduating. Women in Panama have reached top levels of government and education, though there is little feminist movement. Prostitution is legal and some claim economic hardship forced them into it. Women are seen as equal to men both publicly and privately.
2. I am a senior at MSUM My major is Elementary Education with an emphasis in Pre-primary Education I currently work in childcare services at a before- and after- school program
3. I am from Bismarck, ND I have lived in the Fargo area for almost six years! I plan to stay in this area after finishing school, as I have really enjoyed it!
4. Women of Panama: Division of Labor by Gender Panama has had their first female President (1999-2004) Women have reached the top levels of all the professions, especially government service and education.
5. There is almost no feminist movement Prostitution is legal, and workers in highly visible urban brothels claim to have been secretaries or schoolteachers from other republics whom hard times forced to emigrate in search of economic survival.
6. Women enjoy public equality with men They are seen on the job and in public places such as restaurants, mingling freely with male family members, while being accorded deference and respect.