8 JUNI 2015_VRP-wooncongres_Luc Lampaert_VERGRIJZING EN VERZILVERINGEls Brouwers
Het VRP-Wooncongres is een wake-up call, want ondanks de stedelijke revival gaat in Vlaanderen per dag nog altijd zes hectare open ruimte op de schop voor lintbebouwing en verkavelingen, terwijl bestaande huizen en villa¡¯s nauwelijks verkocht raken en files almaar dieper in de ¡®groene¡¯ rand kerven. Weinigen lijken te beseffen dat ons ruimtelijk woonmodel van versnipperd bouwen, suburbaan wonen en verkavelen onhoudbaar is en een zware hypotheek legt op welvaart en levenskwaliteit. Daar bovenop zien we dat er nauwelijks ruimte is voor kansarme groepen. De woningmarkt dreigt op een structurele crisis af te stevenen. Het VRP-wooncongres (8 juni 2015, Gent) ging met plenaire sessies en themaworkshops dieper op verschillende woonvraagstukken waar Vlaanderen de komende decennia mee geconfronteerd zal worden.
De presentatie van workshop 'Wat kan de inclusieve wijk voor ex-gedetineerden betekenen?' verzorgd tijdens het congres 'Samen werken aan sociale inclusie' op 15 maart 2018. Bekijk voor meer presentaties en verslagen de website www.nieuwewegenggzenopvang.nl.
David Trejo earns $57,000 per year or $4,750 per month as an actor, though his net income is only $166.25. While his career has been successful, allowing him financial backing, he prefers a simple lifestyle. To become an actor typically requires 4-5 years of acting school, and directors won't consider applicants without this experience unless strongly recommended. Trejo is also interested in pursuing music and wants to start a band or perform as a solo musician, as he enjoys multiple art forms and wants to accomplish much before the end of his life.
The document is a Spanish language blog post about a special education classroom. It contains a series of math problems involving filling in tables with numbers and counting by increments. The problems start with numbers from 101 to 120 and continue counting up to 180, getting more complex as they progress. The post is intended as an educational activity for students in the special education classroom.
David Trejo earns $57,000 per year or $4,750 per month as an actor, though his net income is only $166.25. While his career has been successful, allowing him financial backing, he prefers a simple lifestyle. To become an actor requires at least 4-5 years of acting school, as producers won't consider applicants without this experience. Acting school also exposed Trejo to other arts, and he hopes to also pursue a career in music by starting a band or performing solo, as he wants to accomplish much more than just acting before the end of his life.
The Swirl Cupcake Truck provides unique and delicious cupcakes from their food truck. Their mission is to offer excellent customer service and high-quality cupcakes. They aim to uphold the tradition of Tuscaloosa through their treats. The truck employs bakers, decorators, cashiers, catering operators, managers, and drivers. The document outlines job descriptions, specifications, recruitment, training, benefits and potential hazards for employees.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan ringkasan singkat tentang Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 dan contoh penggunaannya untuk presentasi, termasuk penjelasan fitur-fiturnya seperti pengaturan animasi slide dan teks, pencetakan dokumen, serta tampilan interface yang lebih menarik. Juga contoh penggunaan presentasi untuk memperjelas penyampaian informasi secara interaktif.
The document discusses how WebLogic Server uses a single common thread pool that prioritizes and schedules work. The thread pool size adjusts automatically based on historical throughput statistics to maximize performance while reducing complexity compared to custom thread pools. Work is prioritized according to user-defined rules and run-time metrics like request processing time and rates.
The document outlines the business plan for a new coffee shop called Le Caf¨¦. It includes an organizational chart, vision/mission statements, long-range plan, marketing plan, commercial, marketing tools, nutrition information, layouts for the kitchen, restaurant, storage and delivery rooms, inventory lists, and financial projections. The financial section projects annual revenue of $3,168,308 based on serving an average of 3,190 items per day at an average check of $19.10 over 52 weeks.
Earthquakes can cause significant damage to human structures and trigger tsunamis. Structures are designed to withstand seismic activity but the level of damage depends on the duration and intensity of shaking. The 2011 T¨hoku earthquake in Japan, measured at a magnitude 8.9, caused widespread damage including moving the city of Sendai over 8 feet and generating a tsunami over 4 kilometers high along the coast. Broken power lines and gas mains are also common due to collapsed buildings and pose fire and air quality hazards.
The document is a Spanish language blog post about a special education classroom. It contains a series of math problems involving filling in tables with numbers and counting by increments. The problems start with numbers from 101 to 120 and continue counting up to 180, getting more complex as they progress. The post is intended as an educational activity for students in the special education classroom.
David Trejo earns $57,000 per year or $4,750 per month as an actor, though his net income is only $166.25. While his career has been successful, allowing him financial backing, he prefers a simple lifestyle. To become an actor requires at least 4-5 years of acting school, as producers won't consider applicants without this experience. Acting school also exposed Trejo to other arts, and he hopes to also pursue a career in music by starting a band or performing solo, as he wants to accomplish much more than just acting before the end of his life.
The Swirl Cupcake Truck provides unique and delicious cupcakes from their food truck. Their mission is to offer excellent customer service and high-quality cupcakes. They aim to uphold the tradition of Tuscaloosa through their treats. The truck employs bakers, decorators, cashiers, catering operators, managers, and drivers. The document outlines job descriptions, specifications, recruitment, training, benefits and potential hazards for employees.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan ringkasan singkat tentang Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 dan contoh penggunaannya untuk presentasi, termasuk penjelasan fitur-fiturnya seperti pengaturan animasi slide dan teks, pencetakan dokumen, serta tampilan interface yang lebih menarik. Juga contoh penggunaan presentasi untuk memperjelas penyampaian informasi secara interaktif.
The document discusses how WebLogic Server uses a single common thread pool that prioritizes and schedules work. The thread pool size adjusts automatically based on historical throughput statistics to maximize performance while reducing complexity compared to custom thread pools. Work is prioritized according to user-defined rules and run-time metrics like request processing time and rates.
The document outlines the business plan for a new coffee shop called Le Caf¨¦. It includes an organizational chart, vision/mission statements, long-range plan, marketing plan, commercial, marketing tools, nutrition information, layouts for the kitchen, restaurant, storage and delivery rooms, inventory lists, and financial projections. The financial section projects annual revenue of $3,168,308 based on serving an average of 3,190 items per day at an average check of $19.10 over 52 weeks.
Earthquakes can cause significant damage to human structures and trigger tsunamis. Structures are designed to withstand seismic activity but the level of damage depends on the duration and intensity of shaking. The 2011 T¨hoku earthquake in Japan, measured at a magnitude 8.9, caused widespread damage including moving the city of Sendai over 8 feet and generating a tsunami over 4 kilometers high along the coast. Broken power lines and gas mains are also common due to collapsed buildings and pose fire and air quality hazards.
4. Inkomen en koopkracht; CBS (2009)
gem. inkomen per persoon gemiddeld inkomen per gemiddeld koopkracht van huishoudens
[1000 euro] persoon met een heel huishoudensinkomen [1000 [Koopkracht, Nederland =
jaarinkomen [1000 euro] euro] 100]
Hoogkerk-dorp Hoogkerk-Zuid Nieuw-West Stad
5. Inkomensverdeling particuliere huishoudens per
20% groep; CBS (2009)
1e 20% groep [perc.] 2e 20% groep [perc.] 3e 20% groep [perc.] 4e 20% groep [perc.] 5e 20% groep [perc.]
6. Inkomensverdeling particuliere huishoudens per
20% groep; CBS (2009)
1e 20% groep [perc.] 2e 20% groep [perc.] 3e 20% groep [perc.] 4e 20% groep [perc.] 5e 20% groep [perc.]
7. Inkomensverdeling particuliere huishoudens per
20% groep; CBS (2009)
1e 20% groep [perc.] 2e 20% groep [perc.] 3e 20% groep [perc.] 4e 20% groep [perc.] 5e 20% groep [perc.]
8. Inkomensverdeling particuliere huishoudens per
20% groep; CBS (2009)
1e 20% groep [perc.] 2e 20% groep [perc.] 3e 20% groep [perc.] 4e 20% groep [perc.] 5e 20% groep [perc.]