1) The play explores how time destroys the illusions of the characters. Chance Wayne believes his good looks and youth will bring him success but realizes his chances are fading as he grows old.
2) Alexandra del Lago is haunted by her lost youth and fading beauty, spiraling into depression and excess.
3) Heavenly Finley has her youth destroyed when Chance gives her an STD, feeling like an "old woman" after losing her ability to have children.
4) Boss Finley clings to outdated ideas, refusing to acknowledge that time is passing him by, showing how illusions of youth can be dangerous when not accepted.
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Theme of Youth in Sweet Bird of Youth
1. Present the theme and consider the question providedprovide and
analyze quotes. Make links to other works studied on your OIB syllabus.
How does time ultimately destroy the illusions
of the characters in the play?
Maryam SADE
2. Projects summary
Introduction : Youth and time, their impact in the novel
Chance Wayne
Alexandra del Lago
Other Characters: Miss Lucy and Boss Finley
3. Youth and Time, their impact in the novel:
In Sweet Bird of Youth by Tennessee Williams various themes are explored by the author. Among them
are Youth and Time. Both are connected to one another as youth is ephemeral; it fades as time passes. In
the end, time is recognized as an universal enemy. I ask just for your recognition of me in you, and the
enemy, time, in us all.
The play satirizes the importance people grant youthful beauty in order to prove that its a mistake to
invest oneself in something so fleeting.
These two themes are explored differently through the cast of characters, each one having a different
personal connection with them I guess there's a clock in every room people live in. : The Princess
asserts that aging and time are constantly present in all people's lives.
4. Chance Wayne
Chance Wayne is the protagonist of the play. From the earliest age Chance was always the golden boy,
his illusions of success and grandeur are what drove him in life. He believed he deserved nothing but the
best. The minor successes he achieved in his younger years by virtue of his good looks are the only ones
he has experienced. But, as time passes, so does his beauty as he is slowly growing old, this hits Chance
with the realization that his chances of achieving fame are fading away. Chance returns to St Cloud
hoping he can become the Chance of his youth again, who could have been anything and who could
have the love of Heavenly. Chance fixates on Heavenly as a piece of his lost youth.
Of course, you were crowned with laurel in the beginning, your gold hair was wreathed with laurel, but
the gold is thinning and the laurel has withered.
Chance, you've gone past something you couldn't afford to go past; your time, your youth, you've
passed it. It's all you had and you've had it.
5. Alexandra Del Lago (aka Princess Kosmonopolis)
Alexandra Del Lago is a faded actress whos lost her youth. Her worry of how the public sees her and
her aging, her fading beauty causes her to spiral down in an endless pit of depression, alcohol, drugs and
sex. (If I had just been old but you see, I wasnt old... I just wasnt young, not young, young, I just wasnt young
How her audience sees her is just an illusion; under the facade she puts up, there is a broken and lost
monster. They perceive her in a certain way, and as time passed, her shallowness keeps increasing.
(For years they told me that it was ridiculous of me to feel that I couldnt go back to the screen or the
stage as a middle-aged woman. They told me I was an artist, not just a star whose career depended on
youth. But I knew in my heart that the legend of Alexandra del Lago couldnt be separated from an
appearance of youth)
Throughout the play she is very vocal about her lost youth, as if grieving it, for example; she gets rid of
all her clocks to try and escape from time even if at the bottom she knows it be escaped.
6. Heavenly Finley
Heavenly Finley: Chances youth sweetheart
Heavenly Finley, daughter of Boss Finley, is portrayed by the latter as the epitome of purity Lookin at
you, all white like a virgin [...]: he dresses her up in order to scotch these rumors about your
By giving her an STD on a previous visit Chance caused her destruction, she would never again be the
Heavenly of his youth. The resulting hysterectomy causes her to view herself as, Dry, cold, empty, like
an old woman and means that she no longer feels young: he stripped her of her youth. It is noticeable
to everyone, that she is not young now, shes faded and even being with Chance again wont change it.
The facade of purity her father has put up for her is see through and the feeling of youth her lover
Chance gave to middle-aged people ironically took away hers.
7. Other Characters
Boss Finley : the main antagonist of the book
Boss Finleys career (and life in general) is constantly threatened by the passing of time. His political
ideas are getting outdated and simply dont seem to work in todays world. This leads him to secretly
use violence to justify his white supremacist points of view: by brutally punishing a black man who
supposedly put a white woman in danger: they picked out a nigger at random and castrated the
The antagonist also seems to try to persevere his youth by having sexual intercourses with a younger
woman (Miss Lucy). However, this doesnt seem to workout as he learns from his own son that his
mistress describes him as a person too old to cut the mustard.
Despite the numerous clues the antagonist refuses to acknowledge that time is gaining on him. William
also uses this moment to add in a memorable moment between Boss and his son, having them both face
each other during an argument to symbolize the fact that the antagonist is at constant war with
everything new, and youthful : Pause: the two stags , the old and the young one, face each other
8. Miss Lucy: Boss Finleys mistress
Miss Lucy is at all times referred to as Miss Lucy to emphasize how young she is.
9. Conclusion
To conclude, the author shows through the characters how time can destroy ones
dream and put anyone who denies it in danger. Furthermore he shows the different
damages aging and time can have on someone by having a wide variety characters with
distinct backgrounds and perspectives to show how these two themes intertwine. May
it be losing youth and losing career opportunities or losing connection with oneself
due to aging.
10. Links to others works
The work could be linked to Love in the time of Cholera as Youth also plays a large role in the
story. Just like Chance Wayne, Florentino remains stuck to his childhood lover, Fermina, and
refuses to let this part of his past go until he completely obtains it.
The play could also be linked to some of the short stories on Jhumpa lahiris, especially to
Interpreter of Maladies were the character of Ms.Das feels as she has lost her time and youth
because of her arranged marriage, a feeling similar to that experienced by Chance Wayne on his
The book could be linked to the Handmaids Tale, as Youth is something really important to the
new republic of Gilead as newborns represent the future of the Regime since radiation has
rendered most infertile. The Handmaid's are expected to be fertile, healthy and thus have an allure
of youngness and purity this could be linked to the expectation placed on Heavenly by her
Finally, just like Sweet bird of Youth, the narrator in the essay A stranger in the village, repeatedly
talks about time and how some people are still stuck in the past keeping old mentalities fresh in
their minds this could easily be linked to Boss Finley and his political connection to white
supremacy and his ideas of purity and virginity.