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丕  New Millennium English.7  ..亠亠于礌从仂, 弌..舒于仂仂仆从仂于舒 Unit  8 , Lesson  3 Elena Kolobaeva, Julia Shalakina group 751 The Internet and Computer Addiction
Lesson Aims Communicative Develop reading   for specific information skills  Develop writing skills ( taking notes, writing slogans) Develop speaking skills (organising physical exercises) Develop vocabulary and grammar skills (exercises for revising grammar and vocabulary) Develop listening skills (listening for specific information while working on filling the table) Educational Develop collaborative skills Developing Develop creative skills Develop memory Develop different types of intelligence( verbal, logical-mathematical, visual-spacial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal)
Lesson Process This lesson is planned for 80 minutes It will consist of 4 phases Warm-Up = Lead-In -10 minutes Group work  40 minutes Presentation of the works 20-25 minutes Reflexion  5 minutes
Phase 1. Warm-up The teacher says that today they have the final lesson, devoted to the topic The Internet and Computer Addiction. The teacher encourages the pupils to recollect all the activities they did during this chain of lessons. While discussing every pupil completes the bubble scheme in the following way:
The teacher says that in order to make the conclusion he needs some help. For that he needs 5 groups. The pupils must be aware of the fact that they will be divided into groups according to the results of the intelligence tests which they did last time. Each group will work on their own topic: 1st group  will write a diary of an addicted person 2 nd  group  will be drawing posters and writing slogans which will prevent people from becoming computer addicts 3 rd  group  will be creating some physical exercises for people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer 4 th  group  will be responsible for the tasks concerning revising 5 th  group  will work with the lyrics of the song and performing it in front of the class
Phase 2. Students work Group 1 The teacher gives the students the  a list of pieces of advice  how to write a diary.  The students make a plan of their diary, including the main ideas there. Then together they write One page from the life of a computer addict. (Verbal, Intrapersonal)
Group 2 The teacher provides the students with  the examples of posters . They study them carefully and create their own ones. (Visual-spacial,intrapersonal/interpersonal)
Group 3 The teacher gives the students the  examples of different poems for physical exercises . They study them carefully and create their own ones.  (Bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal)
Group 4 The teacher gives the students  a complex of different tasks , aimed at revising vocabulary and grammar. They study them carefully and create their own ones. Then ask their classmates to make these tasks. (Logical-mathematical, interpersonal/intrapersonal)
Group 5 The teacher distributes  the lyrics of the song  which are not fully completed. Students work with the tape, complete the song, compare it with their groupmates. Then the teacher provides students with  the key  and they check. After that the students translate the song and prepare to perform it in front of the class. (Musical, interpersonal/intrapersonal)
Phase 3. Presentation The teacher says that the time is up and its time to present projects.
Reflexion 1 2 3 The students asses their work in the following way: 1-very good 2-good 3-not bad 4-bad 4 How active I was My knowledge of the topic During the lessons I felt

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  • 1. 丕 New Millennium English.7 ..亠亠于礌从仂, 弌..舒于仂仂仆从仂于舒 Unit 8 , Lesson 3 Elena Kolobaeva, Julia Shalakina group 751 The Internet and Computer Addiction
  • 2. Lesson Aims Communicative Develop reading for specific information skills Develop writing skills ( taking notes, writing slogans) Develop speaking skills (organising physical exercises) Develop vocabulary and grammar skills (exercises for revising grammar and vocabulary) Develop listening skills (listening for specific information while working on filling the table) Educational Develop collaborative skills Developing Develop creative skills Develop memory Develop different types of intelligence( verbal, logical-mathematical, visual-spacial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal)
  • 3. Lesson Process This lesson is planned for 80 minutes It will consist of 4 phases Warm-Up = Lead-In -10 minutes Group work 40 minutes Presentation of the works 20-25 minutes Reflexion 5 minutes
  • 4. Phase 1. Warm-up The teacher says that today they have the final lesson, devoted to the topic The Internet and Computer Addiction. The teacher encourages the pupils to recollect all the activities they did during this chain of lessons. While discussing every pupil completes the bubble scheme in the following way:
  • 5. The teacher says that in order to make the conclusion he needs some help. For that he needs 5 groups. The pupils must be aware of the fact that they will be divided into groups according to the results of the intelligence tests which they did last time. Each group will work on their own topic: 1st group will write a diary of an addicted person 2 nd group will be drawing posters and writing slogans which will prevent people from becoming computer addicts 3 rd group will be creating some physical exercises for people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer 4 th group will be responsible for the tasks concerning revising 5 th group will work with the lyrics of the song and performing it in front of the class
  • 6. Phase 2. Students work Group 1 The teacher gives the students the a list of pieces of advice how to write a diary. The students make a plan of their diary, including the main ideas there. Then together they write One page from the life of a computer addict. (Verbal, Intrapersonal)
  • 7. Group 2 The teacher provides the students with the examples of posters . They study them carefully and create their own ones. (Visual-spacial,intrapersonal/interpersonal)
  • 8. Group 3 The teacher gives the students the examples of different poems for physical exercises . They study them carefully and create their own ones. (Bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal)
  • 9. Group 4 The teacher gives the students a complex of different tasks , aimed at revising vocabulary and grammar. They study them carefully and create their own ones. Then ask their classmates to make these tasks. (Logical-mathematical, interpersonal/intrapersonal)
  • 10. Group 5 The teacher distributes the lyrics of the song which are not fully completed. Students work with the tape, complete the song, compare it with their groupmates. Then the teacher provides students with the key and they check. After that the students translate the song and prepare to perform it in front of the class. (Musical, interpersonal/intrapersonal)
  • 11. Phase 3. Presentation The teacher says that the time is up and its time to present projects.
  • 12. Reflexion 1 2 3 The students asses their work in the following way: 1-very good 2-good 3-not bad 4-bad 4 How active I was My knowledge of the topic During the lessons I felt