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Theory related to contemporary or
emerging Occupational Therapy
Dr Blaine Robin
April 2015
A. What is a theory and why is it
important in Occupational Therapy?
B. What are examples of contemporary
occupational therapy practice?
C. How does both theory and
contemporary OT practice co exist in a
competitive business environment?
A. What is a theory and why is it
important in Occupational Therapy?
Examples of Theories
Definition of a theory
 A supposition or a system of ideas intended to
explain something, especially one based on
general principles independent of the thing to be
explained: Model of Human Occupation
3 core components of the theoretical
structure within Occupational Therapy
How do they work together?
B. What are examples of
contemporary occupational therapy
Definition of Contemporary
Living or occurring at the same time: the event
was recorded by a contemporary historian
C. How do both theory and
contemporary OT practice co exist in
a competitive business
Contemporary Practice Settings in the UK [2015]
Acute Hospital Care
- Surgical
- Renal, Endocrinology,
Respiratory Care,
Intensive Care,
Coronary Care
-Medicine for the elderly
-Cancer Care
-Accident and Emergency
- OTs in A&E
-Hospital Discharge Teams
- OTs in Virtual Wards
-Outpatient rehabilitation (e.g.
walking clinic, pain management,
hand therapy, stroke school).
Contemporary Theory Framework
Category Type Papers & Organisations Purpose of Occupational Therapists Drivers and Developers
Level 5 Consumer
Consumer Ethics (e.g. Francis
National Institute For Clinical
Excellence Guidelines
The Care Act(2014)
Guidelines to uphold standards & support best practice
Guidelines to support patient safety and minimize risk
Consumers, Legislators &
regulators (e.g. College of
Occupational Therapists &
Health Care Professions
Level 4 Technological
Use of Assistive Technology 
specifically the use of Applied
Research including Equipment
and Adaptations
Use Product Design Innovation combined with Applied OT
Research  as adjunct interventions that enable
1. Maintenance of Meaningful occupation
2. Grade the task/environment
3. Educate the patient on how to do the activity
4. Provide help if the patient needs any
Entrepreneurs, Occupational
Level 3 Practice
Use of ceiling track hoists to
facilitate single handed care.
Evidence Based Practice and
Record Keeping
Rationalise through zero based review the cost of care to
an ageing populations of service users on behalf of the
employing organisation
Clinicians in industry
Level 2
Implementing Reablement
Utilise core constructs of the contemporary paradigm
occupational nature of humans
occupational problems/challenges
occupational based practice
Fulfill empirical outcome measures
Central & local government
Level 1 Academic
OT frames of reference:
Occupational Science,
Client-Centred Practice and
Model of Human Occupation
To fulfil requirements, through a course of training, as
laid down in the competency framework of the
national governing body and World Federation of
Occupational Therapists
Fulfil Research Excellence Framework requirements and
make a contribution to knowledge through
postgraduate research
Academic & Non Academic Theories
that directly impact on OT practice
A. What is a theory and why is it important
in Occupational Therapy?
B. What are examples of contemporary
occupational therapy practice?
C. How does both theory and
contemporary OT practice co exist in a
competitive business environment?
Thank you
Questions Please

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Theory related to OT practice 2015

  • 1. Theory related to contemporary or emerging Occupational Therapy practice Dr Blaine Robin April 2015
  • 2. Introduction A. What is a theory and why is it important in Occupational Therapy? B. What are examples of contemporary occupational therapy practice? C. How does both theory and contemporary OT practice co exist in a competitive business environment?
  • 3. A. What is a theory and why is it important in Occupational Therapy?
  • 5. Definition of a theory A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained: Model of Human Occupation http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definit ion/english/theory
  • 6. 3 core components of the theoretical structure within Occupational Therapy
  • 7. How do they work together?
  • 8. B. What are examples of contemporary occupational therapy practice?
  • 9. Definition of Contemporary Living or occurring at the same time: the event was recorded by a contemporary historian http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definit ion/english/contemporary
  • 10. C. How do both theory and contemporary OT practice co exist in a competitive business environment?
  • 11. Contemporary Practice Settings in the UK [2015] Acute Hospital Care - Surgical -Orthopaedic -Medical - Renal, Endocrinology, Respiratory Care, Intensive Care, Coronary Care -Rheumatology -Medicine for the elderly -Cancer Care -Paediatrics -Neurology -Accident and Emergency - OTs in A&E -Hospital Discharge Teams - OTs in Virtual Wards -Outpatient rehabilitation (e.g. walking clinic, pain management, hand therapy, stroke school).
  • 12. Contemporary Theory Framework Category Type Papers & Organisations Purpose of Occupational Therapists Drivers and Developers Level 5 Consumer theory Consumer Ethics (e.g. Francis Report) National Institute For Clinical Excellence Guidelines The Care Act(2014) Guidelines to uphold standards & support best practice Guidelines to support patient safety and minimize risk Consumers, Legislators & regulators (e.g. College of Occupational Therapists & Health Care Professions Council) Level 4 Technological theory Use of Assistive Technology specifically the use of Applied Research including Equipment and Adaptations Use Product Design Innovation combined with Applied OT Research as adjunct interventions that enable 1. Maintenance of Meaningful occupation 2. Grade the task/environment 3. Educate the patient on how to do the activity 4. Provide help if the patient needs any Entrepreneurs, Occupational Therapists Level 3 Practice Innovation theory Use of ceiling track hoists to facilitate single handed care. Evidence Based Practice and Record Keeping Rationalise through zero based review the cost of care to an ageing populations of service users on behalf of the employing organisation Clinicians in industry Level 2 Policy Initiative theory Implementing Reablement services Utilise core constructs of the contemporary paradigm occupational nature of humans occupational problems/challenges occupational based practice Fulfill empirical outcome measures Central & local government Level 1 Academic Theory OT frames of reference: Occupational Science, Client-Centred Practice and Spirituality, Model of Human Occupation To fulfil requirements, through a course of training, as laid down in the competency framework of the national governing body and World Federation of Occupational Therapists Fulfil Research Excellence Framework requirements and make a contribution to knowledge through postgraduate research Universities
  • 13. Academic & Non Academic Theories that directly impact on OT practice
  • 14. Conclusion A. What is a theory and why is it important in Occupational Therapy? B. What are examples of contemporary occupational therapy practice? C. How does both theory and contemporary OT practice co exist in a competitive business environment?