Warren Rustand's Presentation from THEPAC 2014 in Bali on Taking your life to the Next Level.
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THEPAC2014 - Warren Rustand - Next Level Presentation
Warren Rustand
1Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level
3. Our lives
The choices we make
Good morning Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 3
4. We are the sum total of
our life experiences
We are what we
repeatedly do.
- Aristotle
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 4
5. Getting to the next level
Economic meltdown
Political chaos
Global tragedies
What should we do?
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6. We are challenged
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7. What is greatness
Greatness is not a function
of circumstance. Greatness,
it turns out, is a matter of
conscious choice and
- Jim Collins
3 men working Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 7
8. During crisis, chaos & challenges
We discover who we are
Life gets our attention
Individual greatness emerges
We define greatness. It doesnt define us.
Think Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 8
9. What is greatness
As human beings, our
greatness lies not so much
in being able to remake the
world as in being able to
remake ourselves.
- Ghandi
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 9
10. How to achieve greatness
To accomplish great
things we must not only
dream, but plan, not only
believe, but act.
TRW Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 10
11. Why change is needed
Eliminate habits, memories and behaviors
Acquire new habits, skills and capacities
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12. Why change is needed
Rocks in a backpack
Change is a catalyst for
extraordinary results
Think about great people
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13. What you can do
Challenge your status quo
self confrontation
Embrace the possibility of your
personal greatness
Never underestimate your power
to change your life
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15. Five principles of personal
greatness and leadership
1. Commit to personal discipline
2. Live with purpose
3. Act with intent
4. Make conscious choices
5. Engage a cause greater than self
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 15
16. Commit to personal discipline
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 16
17. Commit to personal discipline
When you correct your mind,
everything else falls into place
All that we are is the totality of
what we have thought
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 17
18. Live with purpose
Personal vision statement
Family vision statement
Bridge Builder Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 18
19. Live with purpose
No success in life
compensates for
failure at home.
- McKay
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 19
20. Act with intent
Strategy is everything. If strategy is wrong,
execution doesnt matter.
Life is not chance, but premeditation
Strategies for life
Booker T. Washington Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 20
21. Make conscious choices
Stephen Covey Great moments of truth
Core beliefs and values
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 21
22. Decisions made once
Marriage, family
Alcohol, drugs
Ethics, values, beliefs
127 hours
President Ford Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 22
23. Leadership
James McGregor Burns
Transactional vs.
Transformational leadership
Take that which lies in an unconscious
state and raise it to a conscious level
Are you a transformational leader?
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 23
25. Leadership
People acquire a
particular quality by
constantly acting in
a particular way.
- Aristotle
Warren Rustand - Taking your life to the next level 25
26. Cause greater than self
Service above self
Community and country
Lift where you stand
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27. Leadership
To hear it is to forget it.
To read it is to remember it.
To do it is to understand it.
- Manchu Tribe
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28. Four things once spent,
never return
Sped arrow
Spoken word
Wasted second
Neglected opportunity
- Omar Ibn Alhalif
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