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The Present &
Future of
Digital Marketing

                                  John Lambie
                                 Regional Digital Creative Director

               ? 2008 Bates141
? The Past
  ? Where have we been?
                                            Thru the lens of:
  ? The survivors
                                            ? The Marketing Tools
? The Present                                    ? The Web
  ? Where are we now?                        ? The Mobile Space
  ? The thrivers                              ? The Social Grid
? The Future                                    ? Advertising
  ? Where are we going?                          ? Shopping
  ? The drivers

                          ? 2008 Bates141
The Past:
                  DotCom Madness
                   What happened?
                    Who survived?

? 2008 Bates141
So, What Was Marketing 1.0?

Telemarketing vortals                       adware

       DM                    TV What¡¯s New!

 WEB     eMail Flash Animations
dot.com                                     Radio
          portals hortals SPAM
                                        SPAM About Us
       Blinking Banners
Pop-ups                         Contact Us
                                 dot.gone       links
     SPAM Directories
What¡¯s                                                SPAM
Brochureware SPAM Press
                      ? 2008 Bates141
Web 1.0: The Highs & Lows
?   1986: Internet formed
?   1990: iMdb launches in Usenet
?   1992: WWW launched
?   1995: Netscape IPO, craigslist founded
?   1996: Flash 1.0
?   1997: Steve Jobs rejoins Apple, first ¡®weblog¡¯
?   1998: Microsoft Anti Trust
?   1999: Y2K panic, Blogger launched
?   2000: The Crash, Napster sued
?   2001: The Meltdown

                              ? 2008 Bates141
? 2008 Bates141
What was Web 1.0?

   ¡°Read Only¡±

 = Brochure-ware
      ? 2008 Bates141
What was Mobile 1.0?

      Talk + Text
   = Mobile Phones

       ? 2008 Bates141
What was the Social Grid 1.0?

   6 degrees of separation

 = You¡¯re in my contact list
           ? 2008 Bates141
What was Advertising 1.0?

 Links + Listings + Banners +
   Pop-ups + Buttons + Spam

= Ad Nauseum + Inbox Invasion

           ? 2008 Bates141
What was Shopping 1.0?

  Limited Interactivity

perception                     reality

= eCatalog eCommerce
             ? 2008 Bates141
Roadkill on the

     ? 2008 Bates141
Info Superhighway Roadkill

          ? 2008 Bates141
The Survivors

   ? 2008 Bates141
Lessons Learned

   Start with a Business Model

   And then a A Business Plan

Order & Process beats Fast & Loose

      Substance beats Style

             ? 2008 Bates141
The Present: Digital Marketing2.0

         What¡¯s Happening?
          Who¡¯s Thriving?

             ? 2008 Bates141
So, What¡¯s Marketing 2.0?

web services      mobile                  VoIP call centres
                                            rich media
                                            widgets   m-this
POD           AdWords iP-that
eCRM playlists tags integration

wireless                                              WiFi
video       API       Social networks
                                           iPTV       RSS
GPS         targeted banners
VOiP virtual worlds

          blogs AI search
AJAX user-generated POS ? 2008 Bates141
Web 2.0: The Highs & Lows
?   2000: Google launches keyword advertising

?   2001: Wikipedia

?   2002: Friendster, RSS 2.0, Xbox Live

?   2003: mySpace, Second Life

?   2004: ¡°Web 2.0¡± coined, Google IPO, flickr & Gmail launch

?   2005: GoogleMaps, YouTube, Xbox 360

?   2006: Wii, Facebook goes public

?   2007: iPhone, Google announces Android & buys Doubleclick,
    Facebook announces Platform, Amazon launches Kindle eReader

?   2008: ???

                                 ? 2008 Bates141
What¡¯s Web 2.0?

= The Customer Strikes Back
         ? 2008 Bates141
What¡¯s Mobile 2.0?

Talk + Text + Web + Media + Apps

       = Mobile Devices
             ? 2008 Bates141
What¡¯s the Social Grid 2.0?

 one degree of separation

= We¡¯re all just a click away
           ? 2008 Bates141
What¡¯s Advertising 2.0?

Contextual & Behavioural Targeting

         = Ad Relevance
             ? 2008 Bates141
What¡¯s Shopping 2.0?

Customer Ratings, Reviews &

      = weCommerce
          ? 2008 Bates141
The Code of                     QUALITY
the Road               People want cool stuff

                          Make it easy to find

                                Don¡¯t bullsh*t

                         Let them play with it

              ? 2008 Bates141
The Thrivers: bits

      ? 2008 Bates141
The thrivers: atoms

      ? 2008 Bates141
Enough Already
 The 2.0 World is changing the way we do everything!

                    Travel Watch
                    Date Bank
     Find Stay up to date
Meet Communicate                             Learn

Search                    Interact
                              entertain   Play
 Listen      Evaluate Find info
                      ? 2008 Bates141
Lessons Learned

    The customer is always right

  Your customers are your brand

Customers expect choice and control

WOM is the best form of advertising

              ? 2008 Bates141
The Future:
Marketing 3.0
Where¡¯s it going?

 Who¡¯s driving?
                    ? 2008 Bates141
? 2008 Bates141
Marketing 3.0?

    ? 2008 Bates141
Web 3.0?


= The Customer Customizes

         ? 2008 Bates141
Mobile 3.0?

The whole world in my hands

                      = My Device is Me

              ? 2008 Bates141
the Social Grid 3.0?

  zero degrees of separation

= I¡¯m the centre of my universe
            ? 2008 Bates141
Advertising 3.0?

Personal Targeting
 = I am my media
      ? 2008 Bates141
Shopping 3.0?
Preferential Personal Purchasing Power

                                 = meCommerce

               ? 2008 Bates141
The Drivers: Leading the Pack

           ? 2008 Bates141
How to Get Ahead
 Question the Macro
 Observe the Micro
      ? 2008 Bates141

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  • 1. The Present & Future of Digital Marketing John Lambie Regional Digital Creative Director Bates141 ? 2008 Bates141
  • 2. Agenda ? The Past ? Where have we been? Thru the lens of: ? The survivors ? The Marketing Tools ? The Present ? The Web ? Where are we now? ? The Mobile Space ? The thrivers ? The Social Grid ? The Future ? Advertising ? Where are we going? ? Shopping ? The drivers ? 2008 Bates141
  • 3. The Past: DotCom Madness What happened? Who survived? ? 2008 Bates141
  • 4. So, What Was Marketing 1.0? Dial-upi-that Telemarketing vortals adware SPAM SPAM DM TV What¡¯s New! e-this WEB eMail Flash Animations dot.com Radio portals hortals SPAM SPAM SPAM About Us PORN Blinking Banners Pop-ups Contact Us dot.gone links SPAM Directories spyware What¡¯s SPAM Hot Brochureware SPAM Press SPAM ? 2008 Bates141
  • 5. Web 1.0: The Highs & Lows ? 1986: Internet formed ? 1990: iMdb launches in Usenet ? 1992: WWW launched ? 1995: Netscape IPO, craigslist founded ? 1996: Flash 1.0 ? 1997: Steve Jobs rejoins Apple, first ¡®weblog¡¯ ? 1998: Microsoft Anti Trust ? 1999: Y2K panic, Blogger launched ? 2000: The Crash, Napster sued ? 2001: The Meltdown ? 2008 Bates141
  • 7. What was Web 1.0? ¡°Read Only¡± = Brochure-ware ? 2008 Bates141
  • 8. What was Mobile 1.0? Talk + Text = Mobile Phones ? 2008 Bates141
  • 9. What was the Social Grid 1.0? 6 degrees of separation = You¡¯re in my contact list ? 2008 Bates141
  • 10. What was Advertising 1.0? Links + Listings + Banners + Pop-ups + Buttons + Spam = Ad Nauseum + Inbox Invasion ? 2008 Bates141
  • 11. What was Shopping 1.0? Limited Interactivity perception reality = eCatalog eCommerce ? 2008 Bates141
  • 12. Roadkill on the Information Superhighway ? 2008 Bates141
  • 13. Info Superhighway Roadkill ? 2008 Bates141
  • 14. The Survivors ? 2008 Bates141
  • 15. Lessons Learned Start with a Business Model And then a A Business Plan Order & Process beats Fast & Loose Substance beats Style ? 2008 Bates141
  • 16. The Present: Digital Marketing2.0 What¡¯s Happening? Who¡¯s Thriving? ? 2008 Bates141
  • 18. So, What¡¯s Marketing 2.0? mash-ups web services mobile VoIP call centres rich media widgets m-this file-sharing POD AdWords iP-that eCRM playlists tags integration wireless WiFi video API Social networks iPTV RSS 3G GPS targeted banners Broadband VOiP virtual worlds blogs AI search AJAX user-generated POS ? 2008 Bates141
  • 19. Web 2.0: The Highs & Lows ? 2000: Google launches keyword advertising ? 2001: Wikipedia ? 2002: Friendster, RSS 2.0, Xbox Live ? 2003: mySpace, Second Life ? 2004: ¡°Web 2.0¡± coined, Google IPO, flickr & Gmail launch ? 2005: GoogleMaps, YouTube, Xbox 360 ? 2006: Wii, Facebook goes public ? 2007: iPhone, Google announces Android & buys Doubleclick, Facebook announces Platform, Amazon launches Kindle eReader ? 2008: ??? ? 2008 Bates141
  • 20. What¡¯s Web 2.0? ¡°Read/Write¡± = The Customer Strikes Back ? 2008 Bates141
  • 21. What¡¯s Mobile 2.0? Talk + Text + Web + Media + Apps = Mobile Devices ? 2008 Bates141
  • 22. What¡¯s the Social Grid 2.0? one degree of separation = We¡¯re all just a click away ? 2008 Bates141
  • 23. What¡¯s Advertising 2.0? Contextual & Behavioural Targeting = Ad Relevance ? 2008 Bates141
  • 24. What¡¯s Shopping 2.0? Customer Ratings, Reviews & Recommendations = weCommerce ? 2008 Bates141
  • 25. The Code of QUALITY the Road People want cool stuff ACCESS Make it easy to find OPENNESS Don¡¯t bullsh*t CONTROL Let them play with it ? 2008 Bates141
  • 26. The Thrivers: bits ? 2008 Bates141
  • 27. The thrivers: atoms ? 2008 Bates141
  • 28. Enough Already The 2.0 World is changing the way we do everything! Travel Watch Date Bank Find Stay up to date Work Meet Communicate Learn Search Interact entertain Play Listen Evaluate Find info ? 2008 Bates141
  • 29. Lessons Learned The customer is always right Your customers are your brand Customers expect choice and control WOM is the best form of advertising ? 2008 Bates141
  • 30. The Future: Marketing 3.0 Where¡¯s it going? Who¡¯s driving? ? 2008 Bates141
  • 32. Marketing 3.0? ? 2008 Bates141
  • 33. Web 3.0? ¡°Read/Write/Execute¡± = The Customer Customizes ? 2008 Bates141
  • 34. Mobile 3.0? The whole world in my hands = My Device is Me ? 2008 Bates141
  • 35. the Social Grid 3.0? zero degrees of separation = I¡¯m the centre of my universe ? 2008 Bates141
  • 36. Advertising 3.0? Personal Targeting = I am my media ? 2008 Bates141
  • 37. Shopping 3.0? Preferential Personal Purchasing Power = meCommerce ? 2008 Bates141
  • 38. The Drivers: Leading the Pack ? 2008 Bates141
  • 39. How to Get Ahead Open Invite Listen Ask Respond Share Question the Macro Observe the Micro ? 2008 Bates141