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Theseus charities
 In previous years, we have raised 贈983
  through activities such as non-uniform
  days, open evenings and other events.
 This year, we aim to raise 贈1,000 as a
  house for a charity that we will choose
 The hospice was set up in Bedfordshire
  over twenty years ago to care for
  terminally ill adults and children, and also
  offers support for their families.
 They also assist in the relief of their
  physical and emotional suffering and
  help them to lead an
  acceptable, purposeful and fulfilling life
  in their home or in the hospice
 This years cost of running the hospice is
  expected to be 贈5 million, and 75% of
  this has to be raised by the hospice itself.
 The money will be spent mostly comes
  from voluntary donations, trusts and
  other sources such as charity shops.
 The money is mostly spent on the upkeep
  and upgrade of buildings and care
 This charity aims to improve the life for
  everyone affected by Inflammatory
  Bowel Disease, the most common forms
  of which affect 250,000 people in the UK.
 It does so by bringing together those
  diagnosed, their families and health
  professionals who arrange educational
  and support meetings.
 Much of the funding the charity receives
  is generated by events such as
  marathons and runs, balls and other
  sponsored activities.
 The money generated is used to create
  educational material such as
  booklets, and also run support services to
  those diagnosed.
   The purpose of "Hounds for Heroes" is to
    provide specially trained assistance dogs
    to injured and disabled men and women
    of both the UK Armed Forces and Civilian
    Emergency Services.
 Initially, the charity aimed to raise
  贈100,000 to buy 5 Labradors, train the
  pupppies and transfer them to their new
 The charity relies on volunteers to train
  the puppies, as well as people to raise
  charity awareness. Most funding comes
  from charitable donations from events.
 The Christie is a specialist hospital in
  Manchester which treats 40,000 cancer
  patients a year and is one of the leading
  cancer research hospitals.
 The charity raises money to support these
  patients, as well as the research, clinics
  and schools the hospital runs.
 Despite being run by the NHS the charity
  raised 贈13 million last year
 This is spent on valuable treatment of
  cancer patients who need the
  care, such as caring for in patients, and
  treating those in remission.
 The UKs leading cancer research
  charity, CRU is aimed at finding new
  treatments and possible cures to the
  problems caused by various cancers.
 One of their current focuses is finding
  new drug therapies and testing
  treatments such as chemotherapy and
 In 2011/12, the charity raised 贈432 million
  which was raised mostly by events, shop
  income and legacies.
 This money is spent on funding the
  scientists who conduct the studies and
  experiments which hope to aid doctors
  in understanding cancer.
   Papworth, the UKs largest specialist
    heart and lung hospital has been
    pioneering heart and lung disease
    teatment for over 90 years and works
    with nearly 80,000 patients each year.
 Last year, the hospital made 贈636,000
  from donations alone.
 The money raised goes towards
  improving patient welfare,
  training staff, purchasing the very latest
  in medical equipment and
  funding research to find revolutionary
 Autism Bedfordshire is an independent
  charity providing
  information, advice, emotional and
  practical support to individuals with Autistic
  Spectrum Conditions, their
  parents/carers, families and associated
  professionals throughout Bedfordshire and
 This support includes a Saturday morning
  support and activity groups,
  and social club for those with
  Asperger Syndrome.
  The cost of providing our services is
  around 贈400,000 per year, which is
  funded by trust funds, government
  funds, corporate donations, individual
  donations, and the proceeds from
  fundraising events.
 This money is spent on a telephone
  support line, training for specialists and
  carers and information events.
 Operates 2 childrens centres in
  Houghton Regis and one in Dunstable
  which defends, safeguards and protect
  the childhood of all children and young
  people through their network of
  programmes and services.
 These may include children in trouble
  with the law, disabled children
  or young carers.
 Each year, over 20,000 supporters give
  their time to raise over 贈5 million for
  The Children's Society.
 The charity offers a range of services at
  our centres, including advice and help
  on childrens health and
  education, outreach to parents and
  assistance in helping them find training
  and employment.
Theseus charities

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Theseus charities

  • 2. In previous years, we have raised 贈983 through activities such as non-uniform days, open evenings and other events. This year, we aim to raise 贈1,000 as a house for a charity that we will choose together.
  • 3. The hospice was set up in Bedfordshire over twenty years ago to care for terminally ill adults and children, and also offers support for their families. They also assist in the relief of their physical and emotional suffering and help them to lead an acceptable, purposeful and fulfilling life in their home or in the hospice
  • 4. This years cost of running the hospice is expected to be 贈5 million, and 75% of this has to be raised by the hospice itself. The money will be spent mostly comes from voluntary donations, trusts and other sources such as charity shops. The money is mostly spent on the upkeep and upgrade of buildings and care facilities.
  • 5. This charity aims to improve the life for everyone affected by Inflammatory Bowel Disease, the most common forms of which affect 250,000 people in the UK. It does so by bringing together those diagnosed, their families and health professionals who arrange educational and support meetings.
  • 6. Much of the funding the charity receives is generated by events such as marathons and runs, balls and other sponsored activities. The money generated is used to create educational material such as booklets, and also run support services to those diagnosed.
  • 7. The purpose of "Hounds for Heroes" is to provide specially trained assistance dogs to injured and disabled men and women of both the UK Armed Forces and Civilian Emergency Services.
  • 8. Initially, the charity aimed to raise 贈100,000 to buy 5 Labradors, train the pupppies and transfer them to their new owners. The charity relies on volunteers to train the puppies, as well as people to raise charity awareness. Most funding comes from charitable donations from events.
  • 9. The Christie is a specialist hospital in Manchester which treats 40,000 cancer patients a year and is one of the leading cancer research hospitals. The charity raises money to support these patients, as well as the research, clinics and schools the hospital runs.
  • 10. Despite being run by the NHS the charity raised 贈13 million last year This is spent on valuable treatment of cancer patients who need the care, such as caring for in patients, and treating those in remission.
  • 11. The UKs leading cancer research charity, CRU is aimed at finding new treatments and possible cures to the problems caused by various cancers. One of their current focuses is finding new drug therapies and testing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  • 12. In 2011/12, the charity raised 贈432 million which was raised mostly by events, shop income and legacies. This money is spent on funding the scientists who conduct the studies and experiments which hope to aid doctors in understanding cancer.
  • 13. Papworth, the UKs largest specialist heart and lung hospital has been pioneering heart and lung disease teatment for over 90 years and works with nearly 80,000 patients each year.
  • 14. Last year, the hospital made 贈636,000 from donations alone. The money raised goes towards improving patient welfare, training staff, purchasing the very latest in medical equipment and funding research to find revolutionary treatments.
  • 15. Autism Bedfordshire is an independent charity providing information, advice, emotional and practical support to individuals with Autistic Spectrum Conditions, their parents/carers, families and associated professionals throughout Bedfordshire and Luton. This support includes a Saturday morning support and activity groups, and social club for those with Asperger Syndrome.
  • 16. The cost of providing our services is around 贈400,000 per year, which is funded by trust funds, government funds, corporate donations, individual donations, and the proceeds from fundraising events. This money is spent on a telephone support line, training for specialists and carers and information events.
  • 17. Operates 2 childrens centres in Houghton Regis and one in Dunstable which defends, safeguards and protect the childhood of all children and young people through their network of programmes and services. These may include children in trouble with the law, disabled children or young carers.
  • 18. Each year, over 20,000 supporters give their time to raise over 贈5 million for The Children's Society. The charity offers a range of services at our centres, including advice and help on childrens health and education, outreach to parents and assistance in helping them find training and employment.

Editor's Notes

  • #4: KeechNACCHounds for Heroes Christie PapworthAutism Bedfordshire Cancer Research