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Paradigm Blend
Knowledge Gap for Devs
Those interested in Monads have no good
starting places
Category Theory
Functional abstractions are
Origin in math
What¡¯s a Monad?
A Monad is just a Monoid in the category
of endofunctors
Monads are not
From the ground up
Functors are containers
Type Constructors - F[A]
Functors need to have a Map function
You did take PLP with Wallingford,
def map[A,B](cont: List[A], f: A => B)
Apply the function f to each element
Higher Order Functions
Higher Order Functions
Functors need a map method
Functors are containers
Lift arity-1 function to a function
that works on computational
Applicative Functors
Applicative Functors
currying functions is fun
Lifts an n-arity function to work on
computational context through

x => (y => x + y)
Applicative is just a more generalized Functor
Applicative Style

pure(+) <*> pure(3) <*> pure(4)
 Functors lift 1-arity
 Applic lift n-arity
a distant cousin
Type-class which have values that can
be combined
Binary operation must be associative
object StringMonoid {
   def mAppend(x: String, y: String): String = x + y
   def mEmpty: String = ""
The Main Attraction
Structure computations
Compose functions of different types that can
be logically combined
Monads in a purely functional language
Monads in Scala
case class Identity[A](value: A) {
  def map[B](f: A => B) = Identity(f(value))
  def flatMap[B](f: A => Identity[B]) (value)
  def unit(a: A) = Identity(a)
object Monoid {
   def append(a1: List[A], a2: List[A]) = a1 ::: a2
   def empty = Nil
case class Writer[Log, A](log: Log, value: A) {
 def map[B](f: A => B) = Writer(log, f(value))

    def flatMap[B](f: A => Writer[Log, B])(m: Monoid[Log]) = {
      val x: Writer[Log,B] = f(value)
      Writer(m.append(log, x.log), x.value)
    def unit[Log, A](value: A)(m: Monoid[Log]) =
      Writer(m.empty, value)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
   val start = 3
   val finalWriter =
    for(a <- addOne(start);
       b <- intString(a);
       c <- lengthGreaterThan5(b);
       d <- noLog(oneOrZero(c));
       e <- squareOf(d)
      ) yield e

¡°Adding one to 3.
Changing 4 to a String.
Checking if length is greater than 5.
Squaring 1.¡±
Monads and Scala
For - Comprehensions
Scala has Monads everywhere!
Scala recognizes monadic code.
val first = List(1)
val second = List(4)
val third = List(8)

for {                  first flatMap {
  x <- first             x => second flatMap {
  y <- second              y=> third map {
  z <- third                 z => x + y + z
}                          )
yield ( x + y + z)       )
case class Transaction(memberInfo: Option[MemberInfo], id: String)
case class MemberInfo(privateInfo: Option[PrivateMember], birthdate:
case class PrivateInfo(socialSecurityNumber: String)

val ssNumber = ¡°389-39-2983¡±
val priv = PrivateInfo(ssNumber)
val member = MemberInfo(priv, ¡°10-20-87¡±)
val optionalTransaction = Transaction(member, ¡°28948¡±)

for {
  transaction <- optionalTransaction
  memberInfo <- transaction.memberInfo
  privInformation <- memberInfo.privateInfo
yield privInformation.socialSecurityNumber

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