This document proposes a framework to enable flexible access control and cloud-based information sharing during emergency situations. The framework uses complex event processing to detect emergencies and then activates temporary access control policies and obligations to allow authorized users controlled access to resources needed for emergency response. It also explores using encryption and dynamic virtualization techniques to securely share information across multiple organizations' private clouds during emergencies.
This document discusses security issues related to cloud computing service delivery models. It describes the three main delivery models: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). IaaS provides the foundational infrastructure resources, with PaaS building application platforms on top of it and SaaS providing software. Each layer inherits the security risks of the layers below. While cloud computing provides benefits, security remains a major concern due to issues like loss of control over data, visibility, and potential exploits from third-party administrators of cloud resources.
The Science of Cyber Security Experimentation: The DETER ProjectDETER-Project
Ms. Terry Benzel's keynote presentation slides at the Annual Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) on December 9, 2011. Ms. Benzel's presentation crystalizes many of the key concepts that she (principal investigator) and her team have been working on in The DETER Project ( It provides descriptions of the research focused on new transformational methods of increasing knowledge, incorporating higher level, semantic information about experiments, new approaches to scalable modeling and Emulation, and techniques for increasing the efficiency and efficacy of experimentation. Further described at:
Standards Acceleration to Jumpstart Adoption of Cloud Computing (SAJACC)GovCloud Network
The document introduces the Standards Acceleration to Jumpstart Adoption of Cloud Computing (SAJACC) initiative. It provides an outline for a presentation on cloud computing security issues and use cases. The outline includes a brief review of cloud computing definitions, key characteristics of cloud services, deployment and delivery models, and a simplified example of how to configure and manage instances in a cloud computing environment.
Lean Thinking - Lean development and Agile methodologies lesson 2Francesco Mapelli
This document discusses lean thinking and its application to software development. It begins by describing the traditional waterfall development process and its limitations. Next, it covers the origins of lean manufacturing from Toyota and its principles of eliminating waste, continuous flow, and responding to pull signals. The seven types of waste in development are then mapped to lean manufacturing wastes. The document concludes by outlining seven lean development principles and tools that can help eliminate waste and deliver value faster through techniques like kanban boards and iterative development.
Profiles of 262 women who have written or edited books on data analytics, including: statistics, data mining, data science, text mining, text analytics, sampling and other issues in data analysis.
In this document it's described the main entities involved and its respective roles in this type of systems, main requirements and topics. It's included the Emergency system from the point of view of the Mobile Operators, the description of each module, its characteristics and processes (GIS, Location and Notification modules). Also, the document describes the interface with the external Agencies, web services and call flows. It's also discussed the SMS-C and CBS (Cell broadcast) mechanisms, administration tools and reporting mgmt.
Presented during The Third IEEE International Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), MIT, Boston, USA, October 9 - 11, 2011.
Large-Scale Decentralized Storage Systems for Volunter Computing SystemsArinto Murdopo
This document provides a survey of existing decentralized storage systems and their suitability for use in volunteer computing systems. It discusses several decentralized storage systems including Farsite, Ivy, Overnet/Kademlia, PAST, PASTIS, Voldemort, OceanStore, Glacier, Total Recall, Cassandra, Riak, Dynamo, and Attic. It evaluates each system based on availability, scalability, eventual consistency, performance, and security. The document proposes that the most suitable state-of-the-art decentralized storage system for volunteer computing would combine the best properties of these existing systems.
A methodology I developed a while back, for more of a military application, that I'm not revamping to fit a consumer model. I thought I would share the presentation, in the hopes that it will spark some interest in conversations, and maybe educate the public, not only on cloud computing as a whole, but also that bursting as it is portrayed, is not only a public cloud resource.
This document proposes an aspect-based resource recommendation system for smart hotels. It describes resources as physical services, virtual services, multimedia content or other information. It defines aspects to describe resources, including predictability, accessibility, relevancy and offensiveness. The system calculates a suitability value for each resource based on aspect values and user-defined weights. Two use cases demonstrate how the system recommends different resources to users based on their profiles and context. The system has advantages of being applicable across resource types and configurable, but limitations around predictive modeling and needing additional aspects.
The document discusses various cloud security tools and terms including CSPM, CWPP, CIEM, and CNAPP. CSPM tools track cloud resources and verify static cloud configuration. CWPP tools secure cloud workloads and protect instances. CIEM tools manage identities and permissions in the cloud to enforce least privilege access. CNAPP tools integrate CSPM and CWPP capabilities and provide context about workloads to improve cloud security.
Grid computing is the sharing of computer resources from multiple administrative domains to achieve common goals. It allows for independent, inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities. Grid computing federates resources like computers, data, software and other devices. It provides a single login for users to access distributed resources for tasks like drug discovery, climate modeling and other data-intensive applications. Current grids are used for distributed supercomputing, high-throughput computing, on-demand computing and other methods. Grids benefit scientists, engineers and other users who need to solve large problems or collaborate globally.
This document proposes a security policy and architecture for computational grids. The key points are:
1. The security policy is designed to integrate heterogeneous trust domains while allowing each domain to enforce its own local security policies.
2. The policy focuses on authentication to allow single sign-on for users and processes across domains, while delegating access control to local policies.
3. It defines global and local subjects, with partial mappings between them, to support single sign-on while respecting local naming schemes.
4. The policy requires mutual authentication for cross-domain operations and allows locally authenticated subjects to access resources according to local access control policies.
5. It enables processes to act on behalf of users with deleg
Space-efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing Using Polynomial Interpolationnexgentechnology
bulk ieee projects in pondicherry,ieee projects in pondicherry,final year ieee projects in pondicherry
Nexgen Technology Address:
Nexgen Technology
No :66,4th cross,Venkata nagar,
Email Id:
Mobile: 9751442511,9791938249
Telephone: 0413-2211159.
NEXGEN TECHNOLOGY as an efficient Software Training Center located at Pondicherry with IT Training on IEEE Projects in Android,IEEE IT B.Tech Student Projects, Android Projects Training with Placements Pondicherry, IEEE projects in pondicherry, final IEEE Projects in Pondicherry , MCA, BTech, BCA Projects in Pondicherry, Bulk IEEE PROJECTS IN Pondicherry.So far we have reached almost all engineering colleges located in Pondicherry and around 90km
Space efficient verifiable secret sharingnexgentech15
Nexgen Technology Address:
Nexgen Technology
No :66,4th cross,Venkata nagar,
Email Id:
Mobile: 9751442511,9791938249
Telephone: 0413-2211159.
NEXGEN TECHNOLOGY as an efficient Software Training Center located at Pondicherry with IT Training on IEEE Projects in Android,IEEE IT B.Tech Student Projects, Android Projects Training with Placements Pondicherry, IEEE projects in pondicherry, final IEEE Projects in Pondicherry , MCA, BTech, BCA Projects in Pondicherry, Bulk IEEE PROJECTS IN Pondicherry.So far we have reached almost all engineering colleges located in Pondicherry and around 90km
The document presents a new approach for space-efficient verifiable secret sharing using polynomial interpolation. It introduces verification algorithms that provide arbitrary secret sharing schemes with cheater detection capabilities while being more space efficient than other schemes. One of the schemes introduced a new computational problem called the Exponentiating Polynomial Root Problem (EPRP) that is believed to be difficult. The verification algorithms are non-interactive, only require a one-time honest dealer, and use commitments to verify shares independently of the secret.
Space-efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing Using Polynomial Interpolationnexgentechnology
bulk ieee projects in pondicherry,ieee projects in pondicherry,final year ieee projects in pondicherry
Nexgen Technology Address:
Nexgen Technology
No :66,4th cross,Venkata nagar,
Email Id:
Mobile: 9751442511,9791938249
Telephone: 0413-2211159.
NEXGEN TECHNOLOGY as an efficient Software Training Center located at Pondicherry with IT Training on IEEE Projects in Android,IEEE IT B.Tech Student Projects, Android Projects Training with Placements Pondicherry, IEEE projects in pondicherry, final IEEE Projects in Pondicherry , MCA, BTech, BCA Projects in Pondicherry, Bulk IEEE PROJECTS IN Pondicherry.So far we have reached almost all engineering colleges located in Pondicherry and around 90km
The document discusses space-efficient verifiable secret sharing using polynomial interpolation. It proposes new verification algorithms that provide arbitrary secret sharing schemes with cheater detection capabilities. The algorithms are based on commitments and prove to be more space-efficient than other schemes in literature. One of the schemes introduces the Exponentiating Polynomial Root Problem (EPRP), believed to be NP-intermediate and difficult. The verification schemes do not require storing public data and can detect cheaters in secret sharing schemes.
The Cyber Security C2 Solution enables situational awareness across
large network environments, providing command and control capabilities
for cyber security threat response. The solution rapidly processes large
volumes of disparate data across the enterprise and delivers near realtime
network operational insight for decision-makers to intervene, mitigate
risks and determine impact to mission operations.
Security Authorization: An Approach for Community Cloud Computing EnvironmentsBooz Allen Hamilton
White paper explores some of the challenges encountered when attempting to perform traditional security authorization or certification and authentication processes for cloud computing environments (CCEs).
This document discusses autonomic computing and autonomic grids. It notes that autonomic computing aims for self-managing computer systems that can self-heal, self-configure, self-optimize, and self-protect. For grids to be autonomic, they require inference of models for components, users, and usage to enable self-configuration, self-optimization, and self-healing across middleware and applications. The goal is for grids to have emerging behaviors from decentralized decisions by sites and stakeholders.
Cloud Economics in Training and SimulationNane Kratzke
This document discusses a presentation on cloud economics in training and simulation. It begins with defining cloud computing and outlining its essential characteristics like on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. Some postulated use cases for cloud computing are then discussed, including training and education. Real-world data is then presented from a course that utilized Amazon Web Services, analyzing costs, cost drivers, and server usage. The findings provide insights into the economics of educational cloud usage.
Classification Rule Discovery Using Ant-Miner Algorithm: An Application Of N...IJMER
This document summarizes an algorithm called Ant-Miner that uses ant colony optimization to discover classification rules for network intrusion detection. Ant-Miner works by having artificial ants explore paths in a data structure representing the classification problem to discover rules. As more ants take the same path, the path is reinforced through pheromone updating, eventually leading to the discovery of classification rules. The authors apply Ant-Miner to a standard intrusion detection dataset and find it outperforms other classification methods in terms of accuracy and classification rate.
Distributed computing involves multiple autonomous computers communicating over a network to work together on problems. It divides problems into tasks that are solved by individual computers. The CAP theorem states that a distributed database cannot simultaneously provide consistency, availability, and partition tolerance, so two of the three must be selected as priorities. Service discovery frameworks allow services to identify their environment and store information like IP and port in a shared registry. Eureka and Zookeeper are popular service discovery frameworks, with Zookeeper being more widely used. Eureka aims for high availability while Zookeeper focuses on consistency in distributed systems.
MG Stephen Gross (USAFR) NEER IPT Chair Deputy Director Deloitte & Touche Center for Cyber Innovation Using a Cloud Computing Model to Establish Net-Enabled Emergency Response (NEER) Core Services
Cloud Economics in Training and SimulationNane Kratzke
This slide presents a use case how to adopt IaaS cloud computing in higher education. It is shown that virtual labs can provide a more than 25 times cost advantage compared to classical dedicated on-premise in-house labs.
Adaptive middleware of context aware application in smart homesambitlick
This document proposes an adaptive middleware for context-aware applications in smart homes. The middleware abstracts applications from sensors providing context and chooses context providers to maximize total application satisfaction given multiple alternatives. It also implements autonomic properties like self-configuration and resilience to failures in context provision.
Large-Scale Decentralized Storage Systems for Volunter Computing SystemsArinto Murdopo
This document provides a survey of existing decentralized storage systems and their suitability for use in volunteer computing systems. It discusses several decentralized storage systems including Farsite, Ivy, Overnet/Kademlia, PAST, PASTIS, Voldemort, OceanStore, Glacier, Total Recall, Cassandra, Riak, Dynamo, and Attic. It evaluates each system based on availability, scalability, eventual consistency, performance, and security. The document proposes that the most suitable state-of-the-art decentralized storage system for volunteer computing would combine the best properties of these existing systems.
A methodology I developed a while back, for more of a military application, that I'm not revamping to fit a consumer model. I thought I would share the presentation, in the hopes that it will spark some interest in conversations, and maybe educate the public, not only on cloud computing as a whole, but also that bursting as it is portrayed, is not only a public cloud resource.
This document proposes an aspect-based resource recommendation system for smart hotels. It describes resources as physical services, virtual services, multimedia content or other information. It defines aspects to describe resources, including predictability, accessibility, relevancy and offensiveness. The system calculates a suitability value for each resource based on aspect values and user-defined weights. Two use cases demonstrate how the system recommends different resources to users based on their profiles and context. The system has advantages of being applicable across resource types and configurable, but limitations around predictive modeling and needing additional aspects.
The document discusses various cloud security tools and terms including CSPM, CWPP, CIEM, and CNAPP. CSPM tools track cloud resources and verify static cloud configuration. CWPP tools secure cloud workloads and protect instances. CIEM tools manage identities and permissions in the cloud to enforce least privilege access. CNAPP tools integrate CSPM and CWPP capabilities and provide context about workloads to improve cloud security.
Grid computing is the sharing of computer resources from multiple administrative domains to achieve common goals. It allows for independent, inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities. Grid computing federates resources like computers, data, software and other devices. It provides a single login for users to access distributed resources for tasks like drug discovery, climate modeling and other data-intensive applications. Current grids are used for distributed supercomputing, high-throughput computing, on-demand computing and other methods. Grids benefit scientists, engineers and other users who need to solve large problems or collaborate globally.
This document proposes a security policy and architecture for computational grids. The key points are:
1. The security policy is designed to integrate heterogeneous trust domains while allowing each domain to enforce its own local security policies.
2. The policy focuses on authentication to allow single sign-on for users and processes across domains, while delegating access control to local policies.
3. It defines global and local subjects, with partial mappings between them, to support single sign-on while respecting local naming schemes.
4. The policy requires mutual authentication for cross-domain operations and allows locally authenticated subjects to access resources according to local access control policies.
5. It enables processes to act on behalf of users with deleg
Space-efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing Using Polynomial Interpolationnexgentechnology
bulk ieee projects in pondicherry,ieee projects in pondicherry,final year ieee projects in pondicherry
Nexgen Technology Address:
Nexgen Technology
No :66,4th cross,Venkata nagar,
Email Id:
Mobile: 9751442511,9791938249
Telephone: 0413-2211159.
NEXGEN TECHNOLOGY as an efficient Software Training Center located at Pondicherry with IT Training on IEEE Projects in Android,IEEE IT B.Tech Student Projects, Android Projects Training with Placements Pondicherry, IEEE projects in pondicherry, final IEEE Projects in Pondicherry , MCA, BTech, BCA Projects in Pondicherry, Bulk IEEE PROJECTS IN Pondicherry.So far we have reached almost all engineering colleges located in Pondicherry and around 90km
Space efficient verifiable secret sharingnexgentech15
Nexgen Technology Address:
Nexgen Technology
No :66,4th cross,Venkata nagar,
Email Id:
Mobile: 9751442511,9791938249
Telephone: 0413-2211159.
NEXGEN TECHNOLOGY as an efficient Software Training Center located at Pondicherry with IT Training on IEEE Projects in Android,IEEE IT B.Tech Student Projects, Android Projects Training with Placements Pondicherry, IEEE projects in pondicherry, final IEEE Projects in Pondicherry , MCA, BTech, BCA Projects in Pondicherry, Bulk IEEE PROJECTS IN Pondicherry.So far we have reached almost all engineering colleges located in Pondicherry and around 90km
The document presents a new approach for space-efficient verifiable secret sharing using polynomial interpolation. It introduces verification algorithms that provide arbitrary secret sharing schemes with cheater detection capabilities while being more space efficient than other schemes. One of the schemes introduced a new computational problem called the Exponentiating Polynomial Root Problem (EPRP) that is believed to be difficult. The verification algorithms are non-interactive, only require a one-time honest dealer, and use commitments to verify shares independently of the secret.
Space-efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing Using Polynomial Interpolationnexgentechnology
bulk ieee projects in pondicherry,ieee projects in pondicherry,final year ieee projects in pondicherry
Nexgen Technology Address:
Nexgen Technology
No :66,4th cross,Venkata nagar,
Email Id:
Mobile: 9751442511,9791938249
Telephone: 0413-2211159.
NEXGEN TECHNOLOGY as an efficient Software Training Center located at Pondicherry with IT Training on IEEE Projects in Android,IEEE IT B.Tech Student Projects, Android Projects Training with Placements Pondicherry, IEEE projects in pondicherry, final IEEE Projects in Pondicherry , MCA, BTech, BCA Projects in Pondicherry, Bulk IEEE PROJECTS IN Pondicherry.So far we have reached almost all engineering colleges located in Pondicherry and around 90km
The document discusses space-efficient verifiable secret sharing using polynomial interpolation. It proposes new verification algorithms that provide arbitrary secret sharing schemes with cheater detection capabilities. The algorithms are based on commitments and prove to be more space-efficient than other schemes in literature. One of the schemes introduces the Exponentiating Polynomial Root Problem (EPRP), believed to be NP-intermediate and difficult. The verification schemes do not require storing public data and can detect cheaters in secret sharing schemes.
The Cyber Security C2 Solution enables situational awareness across
large network environments, providing command and control capabilities
for cyber security threat response. The solution rapidly processes large
volumes of disparate data across the enterprise and delivers near realtime
network operational insight for decision-makers to intervene, mitigate
risks and determine impact to mission operations.
Security Authorization: An Approach for Community Cloud Computing EnvironmentsBooz Allen Hamilton
White paper explores some of the challenges encountered when attempting to perform traditional security authorization or certification and authentication processes for cloud computing environments (CCEs).
This document discusses autonomic computing and autonomic grids. It notes that autonomic computing aims for self-managing computer systems that can self-heal, self-configure, self-optimize, and self-protect. For grids to be autonomic, they require inference of models for components, users, and usage to enable self-configuration, self-optimization, and self-healing across middleware and applications. The goal is for grids to have emerging behaviors from decentralized decisions by sites and stakeholders.
Cloud Economics in Training and SimulationNane Kratzke
This document discusses a presentation on cloud economics in training and simulation. It begins with defining cloud computing and outlining its essential characteristics like on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. Some postulated use cases for cloud computing are then discussed, including training and education. Real-world data is then presented from a course that utilized Amazon Web Services, analyzing costs, cost drivers, and server usage. The findings provide insights into the economics of educational cloud usage.
Classification Rule Discovery Using Ant-Miner Algorithm: An Application Of N...IJMER
This document summarizes an algorithm called Ant-Miner that uses ant colony optimization to discover classification rules for network intrusion detection. Ant-Miner works by having artificial ants explore paths in a data structure representing the classification problem to discover rules. As more ants take the same path, the path is reinforced through pheromone updating, eventually leading to the discovery of classification rules. The authors apply Ant-Miner to a standard intrusion detection dataset and find it outperforms other classification methods in terms of accuracy and classification rate.
Distributed computing involves multiple autonomous computers communicating over a network to work together on problems. It divides problems into tasks that are solved by individual computers. The CAP theorem states that a distributed database cannot simultaneously provide consistency, availability, and partition tolerance, so two of the three must be selected as priorities. Service discovery frameworks allow services to identify their environment and store information like IP and port in a shared registry. Eureka and Zookeeper are popular service discovery frameworks, with Zookeeper being more widely used. Eureka aims for high availability while Zookeeper focuses on consistency in distributed systems.
MG Stephen Gross (USAFR) NEER IPT Chair Deputy Director Deloitte & Touche Center for Cyber Innovation Using a Cloud Computing Model to Establish Net-Enabled Emergency Response (NEER) Core Services
Cloud Economics in Training and SimulationNane Kratzke
This slide presents a use case how to adopt IaaS cloud computing in higher education. It is shown that virtual labs can provide a more than 25 times cost advantage compared to classical dedicated on-premise in-house labs.
Adaptive middleware of context aware application in smart homesambitlick
This document proposes an adaptive middleware for context-aware applications in smart homes. The middleware abstracts applications from sensors providing context and chooses context providers to maximize total application satisfaction given multiple alternatives. It also implements autonomic properties like self-configuration and resilience to failures in context provision.
Adaptive middleware of context aware application in smart homesambitlick
Thesis Proposal
1. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. di Varese
A Framework in Support of Emergency
Management: from Flexible Access Control to
Cloud-based Information Sharing
Michele Guglielmi
3. Traditional vs Emergency
Access Control
Traditional access control models are regulated by a proper
set of pre-defined access control policies.
An Emergency access control model should (during an
emergency) bypass the regular access control policies and
grant users access to resources not normally authorized.
Downgrading of information security
Temporary Controlled Timely
Flexible access control model
4. Information Sharing
Single Multiple
Organization Organizations
Flexible Access Control Model Cloud-based Information Sharing
5. Our Model vs BtG
(Break the Glass)
ï‚— a subject requests an access
ï‚— the system checks regular access control policies
ï‚— if the access request is denied, the system verifies whether
this decision can be overridden by a BtG policy
ï‚— the subject is notified and asked to confirm.
In our proposal, when an emergency is detected related emergency
policies are activated. If an access is denied by a regular policy, the system
checks if this decision can be overridden by a emergency policy and, in
this case, the access is granted.
ï‚— BtG policies are always active ï‚— emergency policies are active only
ï‚— a user can decide when to use a BtG during emergencies
policy to override a regular one ï‚— only the system can override a
ï‚— a user can wait a while to respond regular policy
when the system prompts the BtG ï‚— system overrides immediately
request regular policies when an
emergency is detected
6. Information Sharing in the
Untrusted Domain: cloud servers are usually managed by commercial
providers which are outside of the trusted domain of the users.
Selective Queries over
Encryption encrypted data
7. Proposal
The overall goal of this proposal is to define, implement and
test an access control framework to enforce controlled
information sharing in emergency situations.
• Emergency Detection
• Flexible Access Control Model
• Access Control Model Enforcement
• Information Sharing through the cloud
8. Emergency Detection
Complex Event
process incoming data through a
Data Stream Management sequence of transformations based on
System (DSMS) common SQL operators to produce
streams of new data as an output
see incoming data as events happened in
Complex Event Processing the external world, which have to be
(CEP) filtered and combined to detect
occurrences of particular patterns
9. Event Languages
The literature offers several languages for event pattern
specification (e.g., Amit, XChangeEQ, SpaTec, TESLA and
SASE+). Some languages have also been proposed by vendors
(e.g., Streambase, Sybase, Oracle CEP). However, up to now, a
standard event specification language has not yet emerged.
In the thesis a
Core Event Specification Language (CESL)
will be used
B. Carminati, E. Ferrari, and M. Guglielmi, Secure information sharing on support
of emergency management. In proceeding of The Third IEEE International
Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT).
10. Emergency
An emergency is modeled as a couple of events, defined in
CESL, that signal the beginning and ending of the emergency
situation, respectively.
Example: Patients wear several monitoring devices that
catch their health measures. All gathered
measures are encoded as tuples in a data
stream and sent to a CEP.
BradycariaEmergency {
init: σ(heart_rate ≤ 60)(VitalSigns)
end: σ(heart_rate > 60)(VitalSigns)
11. Access Control Model
Access control model for emergency management should
enforce flexible and controlled information sharing during
• Temporary Access Control Policies (tacps): a tuple
(sbj, obj, priv) where sbj identifies subjects authorized to
exercise the privilege priv on the target object obj
• Emergency obligation: an action or a set of actions that must
be fulfilled when an emergency is detected.
Example: (BradycariaEmergency, tacp1, call_ambulance)
tacp1 {
sbj: paramedics taking care of the patient
at the time of the emergency;
obj: Electronic Medical Record (EMR) of
the patient under emergency;
priv: read;}
12. Access Control Enforcement
To implement the proposed access control model we exploit
CEP systems. A possible architecture is the following.
User Profiles
Objects user
Emergency regular access control
Handler policies, emergency
Policy descriptions, emergency
Repository policies, tacps and
CEP Server obligations
Develop a prototype implementing this architecture and carry out
an extensive set of tests on the prototype
13. Access Control Model
• Emergency Policy
Validity Checks
• Distribute the rights of Emergency
create emergency policies Administrative Policies
• Describe more critical
14. Information Sharing on the
Enhance the presented architecture in order to enforce information
sharing across different organizations that should cooperate for
emergency management
• Interoperability
• Timely response
Given the increasing trend of moving organizational functionalities
in the cloud, this proposal wants to offer several solutions so as to
be able to design information sharing for emergency situations
suitable for as many as possible organizations, based on their level
of integration within the cloud infrastructure.
• Dynamic virtualization for emergency management
• Dynamic information sharing across multi-domain clouds
15. Dynamic virtualization for
emergency management
Public Cloud The cloud service provider
Organization 1
(i.e., Public Cloud) manages a cloud
Resource 1
to provide data storage service.
Resource 1
Each Organization stores
information to be shared in a local
Policy Organization 2
repository managed by the
organization itself.
Emergency Resource 2
Encryption Techniques
Resource 2
CEP Access
Organization n
Resource n
Cloud Services
Resource n
16. Dynamic information sharing
across multi-domain clouds
Each organization has its data stored in a
private cloud.
Private Cloud
Organization 1
Repository Resource 1
Interoperability problem
Policy Private Cloud
Repository Organization 2
Repository Resource 2
CEP Access
Private Cloud
Policy Interchange
Organization n
Repository Resource n
17. Research Schedule (Flexible
Access Control)
Phase Main Task
Requirement Understanding requirements of emergency management in terms of 
analysis access control and information sharing
State of the Reading, researching, and evaluating sources about complex event 
art processing and flexible access control models
Modelization Definition of a formal access control model tailored for 
emergency management
Enforcement Development of a prototype implementing the access control model.
and Prototype performance evaluation through an extensive set of tests
 Not yet performed, - Partially performed,  Completed
18. Research Schedule (Cloud-
based Information Sharing)
Phase Main Task
State of the art Reading, researching, and evaluating sources about cloud infrastructures -
and encryption techniques to store data in the cloud
Modelization Formal definition of architectures in support of information sharing through -
the cloud: dynamic virtualization for emergency management and dynamic
information sharing across multi-domain clouds
Implementation Development of a framework implementing the cloud infrastructures in 
and performance support of information sharing
Testing Testing the framework on a real case study thanks to the collaboration with 
Protezione Civile promoted during the workshop on maxi-emergency
management organized by the Knowledge and Service Management for
Business Applications research centre of the University of Insubria.
 Not yet performed, - Partially performed,  Completed