The idea of using the latest techniques in the field of neuroscience to study consumer behavior has become a hot topic. The presentation delves into the debate over borrowing knowledge and techniques from neurosciences to bypass consumers rationalizations and get to the truth about their behavior. My point of view is that the answer is not in consumers brains but in ours: Strategists and Creatives, who are the endless students of human behavior.
This presentation was given at the 2007 AHAA Conference in NYC.
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Is looking at consumers' brain the ultimate solution?
1. the quest for the truth
with neurosciences
is looking at consumers brain
the ultimate solution?
Esteban Ribero
Strategy Director
2. how can we really understand consumer behavior?
we need to influence it
we usually have inaccurate or
partial understanding of it
3. client bias
they only see what
they want to see
the consumer said...
4. consumer bias
they tell you what you want to hear
consumers tell you one thing
but they do other
5. consumer bias
consumers inability to know
the true causes of their
they dont need to know them
in order to behave!
6. weve tried
borrowed techniques and theories
from behavioral sciences
7. from psychology and anthropology
traditional consumer research
projective techniques
word association
psycho drawing
metaphor elicitation
personal diaries
photo sort
perceptual mapping
sentence completion
apperception test
laddering visualization
8. from psychology and anthropology
the pros
no need to fully articulate an answer
consumers give cues, the planner interprets
bypassing the rational filters
a way to get to the unconscious
usually affordable
9. from psychology and anthropology
too open to personal interpretation
little power to generalize
still depends on consumers input
too biased by the consumer
and the researcher
12. from physiology
galvanic skin response (GSR)
gives an overall measure of arousal by tracking
changes in the autonomic nervous system
13. from physiology
eye tracking
what catches consumers attention?
14. from physiology
pupil dilatation
assessing the level of interest
pupil dilates in response to:
but also,
emotional state
interest and novelty
cognitive workload
15. from physiology
pupil dilatation
windows to the soul
Eckhard H. Hess 1960
23. from physiology
gaze tracking
individual differences
men women
24. from physiology
gaze tracking
individual differences
are they comparing
do they feel
25. from physiology
face recognition
emotional states are reflected in the face
Paul Ekman
26. from physiology
face recognition
the six basic emotions
anger fear disgust
surprise joy sadness
27. from physiology
face recognition
a methodology to assess the emotions
28. from physiology
face recognition
emotion recognition software
university of amsterdam
30. from physiology
the pros
no need to ask the consumer
get true reactions to different stimuli
assess different degrees of arousal in an
objective way
avoid the subjectivity of the researcher
31. from physiology
too vague
hard to interpret
cant really know what it means (too many
variables working at the same time)
not specific enough to get to the truth
33. the mind and the brain
putting cognitive psychology
under context
if we can see the brain,
we can see the mind
34. the mind and the brain
the mind is a set of modules
that process different types of information
those modules have identifiable
neurological structures
35. the field of neuromarketing
a discipline that incorporates the knowledge
about the brain processes in order to improve
the effectiveness of the marketing activities
36. from neurosciences
electroencephalography (EEG)
measures electrical activity on the outside
of the brain using electrodes
37. from neurosciences
electroencephalography (EEG)
records timing of activity very precisely
(~1 millisecond) but spatial resolution is poor
38. from neurosciences
electroencephalography (EEG)
its cheap and portable
can be combined with eye tracking
Dr. A.K. Pradeep, President and Chief Executive Officer
40. from neurosciences
PET scans
(positron emission tomography)
measures blood flow in the brain after an
injection of a radioactive substance
41. from neurosciences
PET scans
(positron emission tomography)
+ spatial
- temporal
> limited to
short tasks
42. from neurosciences
(functional magnetic resonance imaging)
measures changes in blood oxygenation
43. from neurosciences
(functional magnetic resonance imaging)
Princetons fMRI equipment
44. from neurosciences
we can tell generally what parts
of the brain are active when
you're doing different things, but
no, I can't tell you what you're
Dr. Reich
45. some examples
the Pepsi/Coke challenge
Dr. Read Montague
Neuron, October 14, 2004
46. some examples
the Pepsi/Coke challenge
preference fMRI
= =
47. some examples
the Pepsi/Coke challenge
preference fMRI
> >
48. some examples
the Pepsi/Coke challenge
confirmed what
we already knew
brand associations
strongly bias
our preferences!
49. some examples
strong vs. weaker brands
positive emotions working memory
self-identification > greater information
and rewards processing
Dr. Chistine Borns study
50. some examples
who won the super bowl?
Dr. Marco Iacoboni
UCLA Brain
Mapping Center
51. some examples
who won the super bowl?
the winners the big flops
Im going to Disney caveman
Disney FedEx
airport security wopperettes
Sierra Mist Burger King
52. some examples
who won the super bowl?
the winners the big flops
live the flavor Robert Goulet
Doritos Emerald Nuts
grand theft auto crave
CocaCola Honda CR-V
hitchhiker connectile dysfunction
Bud Light Sprint
53. some examples
who won the super bowl?
successful ads stimulated many more areas
than less powerful ones
engaging stories that stimulated
the brain throughout the entire spot
54. some examples
who won the super bowl?
Im going to Disney
mirror neurons
- indicating
and empathy
55. some examples
who won the super bowl?
Im going to Disney
ventral striatum
- indicating reward
56. some examples
who won the super bowl?
caveman Snickers
-emotional processing.
responding to threat and
fearful stimuli.
>clear feelings of anxiety
57. some examples
who won the super bowl?
amygdala activity
the scene looks funny and
has been described as
funny by lots of people, but
your amygdala still
perceives it as threatening
Dr. Iacoboni
58. some examples
phds neuroplanning
strategic planning process
neuroplanning allows the user to identify
the most appropriate model of behavior
within the communication channels
59. some examples
phds neuroplanning
a channel evaluation tool
influence vs. reach
different areas of the brain are
stimulated by different media
64. the promises of neurosciences
for planners
better understanding of consumers and their
relationships with brands
better understanding of their decision making
better understanding of their reactions to
commercial stimuli
bypassing the consumer
67. proximate causes
.ultimate causes
neuromarketing is concerned mostly in
understanding how? what? where?
but to get to the truth we
need to understand why?!