Este documento describe c┏mo instalar Debian en una placa IGEPv2 y configurar MythTV como frontend de medios. Explica los pasos para crear un entorno de cross-compilaci┏n, compilar el kernel para la placa, instalar Debian desde una tarjeta MicroSD e instalar y configurar MythTV y sus paquetes dependientes. Tambi└n resume el estado actual del sistema y posibles mejoras futuras como la conectividad Wi-Fi o soporte para control remoto.
The document discusses changes in marriage and family trends in Spain over recent decades. It notes that the number of marriages has decreased significantly since 2005-2006 due to economic crisis. The average age of first marriage has been increasing steadily such that most first marriages now occur in people's 30s. Civil marriages now outnumber religious marriages, reflecting a change since the more restrictive laws under the previous dictatorship. Same-sex marriage peaked after being legalized in 2005 but has since stabilized. Birth rates fell dramatically after the civil war but have leveled off at around 1.27 children per family, one of the lowest in the world. The average age of mothers at first birth has risen to 30.3 years old. Spanish young adults tend to
A look at the Australian Job Board scene; navigating users behaviour, trends and the various players in the market. The presentation is an introduction to the 'Job Board Report 2009' which will be released early next year.
Understanding the perception, behaviour and intention of executives in Australia.
Presentation slides of the Executive Monitor 2010 report which can be downloaded here
Galaxy Zoo is a citizen science project where over 700,000 images of galaxies were classified by 20,000 users, resulting in over 40 million inspections. It was highly successful, with classifications exceeding those done by professionals. The project expanded to include over 1 million galaxies classified by 170,000 users and generating over 70 million classifications. It demonstrated the value of citizen science for making significant contributions to real astronomical research.
This document discusses data quality issues and methods for addressing them. It defines two perspectives on quality - conformance to requirements and fitness for use. There are four costs of poor quality: reputation, prevention, detection, and repair. Methods for addressing quality issues include data editing, imputation, and fabrication. Data editing involves techniques like range tests, deterministic tests, and probabilistic tests to identify potential errors. Imputation is used to handle missing or misreported data, but care must be taken not to over-impute. Fabrication poses a threat as intentionally entering false data undermines quality. Overall the document emphasizes improving quality through understanding sources of error rather than over-editing data.
The document discusses using microformats as an alternative to more complex semantic web standards to integrate existing biological web resources. It proposes hAction, a microformat for biology, that could hook together disparate biological resources more simply than existing options. A demo is shown as a proof of concept that microformats may provide a way to share biological data across the web without large overheads.
This document summarizes a presentation about navigating recruitment advertising from a job seeker's perspective. It discusses three trends that have increased job seekers' power: 1) the breakdown of information barriers online, 2) the explosion of job search and publishing tools, and 3) changing job seeker behaviors like increased mobility and shorter tenure. As a result, the balance of power has shifted to job seekers, and recruitment advertising must be approached from their perspective to be effective. Looking ahead, the presentation predicts that acquisition costs will increase, targeting will focus more on niches, context/influence will be important, and employers will need to drive their own traffic.
Healths guardian, fitness, beauty tips, beauty, skin care tips, health and fitness, health and wellness, hair care tips, beauty tips for face, fashion tips, beauty tips for women, exercise tips, workout routines, health club, exercise plan
The Job Board Report 2009 is a free guide book to assist HR practitioners, recruiters and employers to better navigate the Australian job board landscape.
This document summarizes trends in ICT remuneration and recruitment in Australia. It finds that ICT salaries have grown steadily in recent years at an average of 4-5% annually, outpacing inflation. This is driven by consistent economic growth, low unemployment in the ICT sector below 4%, and the pervasive role of technology in the Australian economy. However, female ICT professionals and graduates still earn less than their male counterparts on average. The document also compares Australian ICT salaries globally and finds they rank moderately.
This document provides a summary of key findings from a survey of 1,332 executives in Australia. Some of the main findings include:
1. Most executives have an advanced educational qualification, with 79% having a bachelor's degree or higher. There appears to be a correlation between education level and salary, with those earning over $500,000 most likely to have a master's degree or higher.
2. While executives value education and personal development, the biggest challenge to pursuing further studies is lack of time. Other obstacles include financial costs and lack of employer support.
3. Remuneration levels vary widely among executives, with most falling within the $100,000-$150,000 salary band. Views on
El documento discute el presente y futuro del mercado de eHealth. Describe c┏mo las tecnolog┴as de la informaci┏n han permitido el desarrollo de nuevos mercados relacionados con la salud que aprovechan mejor la informaci┏n. Tambi└n analiza experiencias de integraci┏n en Escocia, Lombard┴a y Finlandia y la necesidad de estandarizaci┏n e interoperabilidad. Finalmente, resalta el potencial de Catalu?a para el desarrollo de este mercado din│mico debido a su infraestructura de innovaci┏n.
Este texto resume experi┷ncias de vida como perd?o, decep??o, amizade, amor, alegria, tristeza e medo, mas tamb└m enfatiza a import?ncia de viver a vida com paix?o e determina??o, mesmo enfrentando dificuldades, pois "a vida └ muito para ser insignificante".
Este documento prop?e um plano de forma??o sobre produ??o de motion graphics para televis?o m┏vel. O plano inclui introdu??o ┐ televis?o m┏vel e suas tecnologias, limita??es dos dispositivos m┏veis e como isso afeta a cria??o de motion graphics, e softwares apropriados para edi??o e produ??o para telas menores. O autor reserva para si o papel de formador e visa treinar futuros professores no tema.
Nome do Projeto: Planta Industrial de Pellets de Madeira junto a Madeireira Pisani Cidade: Lages
State: Santa Catarina
Descri??o do Projeto e Objetivos: O Projeto prev┷ a implanta??o de uma f│brica de Pellets de Madeira a base de madeira de Pinus, capaz de produzir 5 ton de produto pronto por hora. A mat└ria prima necess│ria para a fabrica??o j│ └ subproduto da madeireira Pisani atualmente.
1) O documento apresenta os principais conceitos e estrat└gias de SEO (otimiza??o para mecanismos de busca) para pequenas empresas. 2) Ele discute 9 itens essenciais para come?ar com SEO, como arquitetura da informa??o, conte┣do, t┴tulos, URLs amig│veis e linkagem. 3) Apresenta tamb└m o que └ SEO, como ele └ diferente de links patrocinados, e por que └ importante investir em SEO para pequenas empresas.
This document discusses data quality issues and methods for addressing them. It defines two perspectives on quality - conformance to requirements and fitness for use. There are four costs of poor quality: reputation, prevention, detection, and repair. Methods for addressing quality issues include data editing, imputation, and fabrication. Data editing involves techniques like range tests, deterministic tests, and probabilistic tests to identify potential errors. Imputation is used to handle missing or misreported data, but care must be taken not to over-impute. Fabrication poses a threat as intentionally entering false data undermines quality. Overall the document emphasizes improving quality through understanding sources of error rather than over-editing data.
The document discusses using microformats as an alternative to more complex semantic web standards to integrate existing biological web resources. It proposes hAction, a microformat for biology, that could hook together disparate biological resources more simply than existing options. A demo is shown as a proof of concept that microformats may provide a way to share biological data across the web without large overheads.
This document summarizes a presentation about navigating recruitment advertising from a job seeker's perspective. It discusses three trends that have increased job seekers' power: 1) the breakdown of information barriers online, 2) the explosion of job search and publishing tools, and 3) changing job seeker behaviors like increased mobility and shorter tenure. As a result, the balance of power has shifted to job seekers, and recruitment advertising must be approached from their perspective to be effective. Looking ahead, the presentation predicts that acquisition costs will increase, targeting will focus more on niches, context/influence will be important, and employers will need to drive their own traffic.
Healths guardian, fitness, beauty tips, beauty, skin care tips, health and fitness, health and wellness, hair care tips, beauty tips for face, fashion tips, beauty tips for women, exercise tips, workout routines, health club, exercise plan
The Job Board Report 2009 is a free guide book to assist HR practitioners, recruiters and employers to better navigate the Australian job board landscape.
This document summarizes trends in ICT remuneration and recruitment in Australia. It finds that ICT salaries have grown steadily in recent years at an average of 4-5% annually, outpacing inflation. This is driven by consistent economic growth, low unemployment in the ICT sector below 4%, and the pervasive role of technology in the Australian economy. However, female ICT professionals and graduates still earn less than their male counterparts on average. The document also compares Australian ICT salaries globally and finds they rank moderately.
This document provides a summary of key findings from a survey of 1,332 executives in Australia. Some of the main findings include:
1. Most executives have an advanced educational qualification, with 79% having a bachelor's degree or higher. There appears to be a correlation between education level and salary, with those earning over $500,000 most likely to have a master's degree or higher.
2. While executives value education and personal development, the biggest challenge to pursuing further studies is lack of time. Other obstacles include financial costs and lack of employer support.
3. Remuneration levels vary widely among executives, with most falling within the $100,000-$150,000 salary band. Views on
El documento discute el presente y futuro del mercado de eHealth. Describe c┏mo las tecnolog┴as de la informaci┏n han permitido el desarrollo de nuevos mercados relacionados con la salud que aprovechan mejor la informaci┏n. Tambi└n analiza experiencias de integraci┏n en Escocia, Lombard┴a y Finlandia y la necesidad de estandarizaci┏n e interoperabilidad. Finalmente, resalta el potencial de Catalu?a para el desarrollo de este mercado din│mico debido a su infraestructura de innovaci┏n.
Este texto resume experi┷ncias de vida como perd?o, decep??o, amizade, amor, alegria, tristeza e medo, mas tamb└m enfatiza a import?ncia de viver a vida com paix?o e determina??o, mesmo enfrentando dificuldades, pois "a vida └ muito para ser insignificante".
Este documento prop?e um plano de forma??o sobre produ??o de motion graphics para televis?o m┏vel. O plano inclui introdu??o ┐ televis?o m┏vel e suas tecnologias, limita??es dos dispositivos m┏veis e como isso afeta a cria??o de motion graphics, e softwares apropriados para edi??o e produ??o para telas menores. O autor reserva para si o papel de formador e visa treinar futuros professores no tema.
Nome do Projeto: Planta Industrial de Pellets de Madeira junto a Madeireira Pisani Cidade: Lages
State: Santa Catarina
Descri??o do Projeto e Objetivos: O Projeto prev┷ a implanta??o de uma f│brica de Pellets de Madeira a base de madeira de Pinus, capaz de produzir 5 ton de produto pronto por hora. A mat└ria prima necess│ria para a fabrica??o j│ └ subproduto da madeireira Pisani atualmente.
1) O documento apresenta os principais conceitos e estrat└gias de SEO (otimiza??o para mecanismos de busca) para pequenas empresas. 2) Ele discute 9 itens essenciais para come?ar com SEO, como arquitetura da informa??o, conte┣do, t┴tulos, URLs amig│veis e linkagem. 3) Apresenta tamb└m o que └ SEO, como ele └ diferente de links patrocinados, e por que └ importante investir em SEO para pequenas empresas.