This document promotes the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It claims the book's principles can help readers achieve freedom, happiness, security and any goals they set for themselves through developing the right dominant thoughts. The document offers a free copy of the book along with additional study materials and two e-book bonuses for purchasing the complete package for $17. It encourages readers to buy the package to fully utilize Hill's methods for achieving their maximum potential.
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Think And Grow Rich
1. FREEDOM, HAPPINESS AND SECURITY CAN BE YOURS * Freedom to do the things you've always wanted to do * Freedom to travel and explore * Freedom to buy the things you fancy whenever you come across them * Freedom to do things on the spur of the moment
2. * Happiness that comes from having the money AND the time you need * Happiness from being able to give to your family and friends * Happiness from being able to give to charities and causes you believe in * Happiness through being able to make a difference to your world and the world around you HAPPINESS
3. * Security from worry about unexpected bills and medical emergencies * Security that comes with owning your home and everything you need * Security of being debt free and having a regular income * Security for your loved ones and opportunities for your kids SECURITY
4. THINK AND GROW RICH * Sounds too good to be true doesn't it! * What I realised when I read the book is that I'd been applying Hill's principles in my own life already *The principles apply whether your goals are financial, spiritual or personal
5. GOALS * Skydiving Instructor * Car and Motorcycle Racer * Business Owner and Managing Director * Long Distance Sailor
6. WE ARE THE PRODUCT OF OUR DOMINATING THOUGHTS * Where you are today is a direct result of your thinking * The principle is simple, but coming up with the right way of thinking isn't quite so simple * Napoleon Hill spent twenty five years studying the most successful men in America * Analysing success and failure Hill came up with a study course on how to train your mind to THINK AND GROW RICH * It could as easily say THINK AND ACHIEVE ANY GOAL YOU SET YOURSELF
8. BONUSES BONUS 1 My own E-Book entitled 'Of Land, Sea And Sky' It's about my life and all the activities I've been involved with and the inspirational people I've met. BONUS 2 E-Book The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons Napoleon Hill's 1928 book. SO THERE IT IS THINK AND GROW RICH FOR FREE OR THE COMPLETE STUDY GUIDE WITH E-BOOK, AUDIO BOOK, HELPFUL TOOLS AND SPECIAL BONUSES FOR JUST $17