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The dynamic, competitive and highly
regulated environment you operate in
presents a number of unique challenges.
Our national charity and not-for-profit
team has a genuine understanding of the
sector and the relevant expertise to help
you overcome its challenges and exploit
the opportunities available to you.
We recognise that while your primary focus
will be on those who benefit from your
services, you have to manage tightly
controlled finances that are then
transparently reported in the public domain.
With increased competition for grant funding
and charitable giving, a greater emphasis on
making your accounts more accessible, and
an increased burden of compliance,
particularly in respect of financial reporting,
your charity needs to be managed better
than ever.
We have decades of experience supporting
clients in the charity and not-for-profit
sector, and helping them deal with the
various financial aspects related to the
sector. Our clients include a wide range of
charity and not-for-profit organisations,
from local charities of varying sizes to major
national organisations.
Areas of our particular expertise include
advising grant making foundations,
childrens charities, humanitarian charities,
learning providers and educational trusts,
medical and health charities, academy
schools, trade unions and public sector
Our considerable experience ranges
from assisting with audits for grant and
funding applications, advising on annual
Charity Commission submissions, helping
charities take advantage of the various
VAT concessions available, to assisting
with setting up a charity and obtaining
charitable status.
Our approach is to provide comprehensive
charity audit and accounting services
which help you maintain a financially
sound organisation, allowing you to focus
on meeting the core objectives of your
charity. The range of services we provide to
the sector includes:
External audit and assurance
	 Independent examinations
Tax planning & compliance
	 VAT health check and advice
	 PAYE and NIC advice
	 Corporation Tax
	 Trust advice
Management Services
	 Cash flow projections
	 Management reporting
	 Internal audits
	 Accounts preparation
Charity and
Our expertise
We will guide you
through all
relevant changes
	 Compliance with public benefit
	 Managing financial difficulties
Financial reporting
	 Advice on governance issues
	 Compliance with Charities Act, FRS102
and the SORP.
Fundraising / Trading
	 Gift Aid
	 Formation of limited companies for
trading purposes
	 Setting up branches
Other advice
	 Strategic planning
	 Risk assessment
	 Dealing with the Charity Commission
We regularly provide assistance with
compliance matters, including the
preparation of accounts and trustees
reports that comply with the Charities Act
and Charities SORP.
Our specialists have the in-depth experience
and knowledge to help you deal with the
evolving issues faced by your sector. We
are committed to keeping you informed
and ensuring that you are guided through
all relevant changes to legislation and
regulatory requirements.
We produce regular free newsletters and
briefings on topical issues, including a
Charities Update which summarises the
most recent developments in your sector.
Essentially, our approach is to act as a
sounding board and to be available to
discuss emerging issues with you as they
Our service philosophy comprises a highly
tailored and personalised service, with a
substantial level of partner involvement,
and a significant emphasis on quality
control. Our priority is to provide you with
the necessary technical support you require
to meet your financial and administrative
challenges, and to offer a professional and
friendly service that is driven by the needs
of your charity.
For further information, or to arrange
a meeting to discuss your specific
requirements, please contact one of
our specialists:
Allan Hickie
Partner, Sittingbourne
t: +44 (0)1795 475 363
e: a.hickie@uhy-uk.com
Elizabeth Jordan
Partner, Sittingbourne
t: +44 (0)1795 475 363
e: e.jordan@uhy-uk.com
Andrew Piercy
Partner, Sittingbourne
t: +44 (0)1795 475 363
e: a.piercy@uhy-uk.com
Alternatively, please visit our website
at: www.uhy-uk.com/sittingbourne.
UHY Hacker Young Associates is a UK company which is the organising body of the UHY Hacker Young Group, a group of independent UK accounting and consultancy firms. Any
services described herein are provided by the member firms and not by UHY Hacker Young Associates Limited. Each of the member firms is a separate and independent firm, a list
of which is available on our website. Neither UHY Hacker Young Associates Limited nor any of its member firms has any liability for services provided by other members.
A member of UHY International, a network of independent accounting and consulting firms.
This publication is intended for general guidance only. No responsibility is accepted for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from actions as a result of any material in
this publication.
息 UHY Hacker Young 2015

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Third sector flyer - Sittingbourne

  • 1. The dynamic, competitive and highly regulated environment you operate in presents a number of unique challenges. Our national charity and not-for-profit team has a genuine understanding of the sector and the relevant expertise to help you overcome its challenges and exploit the opportunities available to you. We recognise that while your primary focus will be on those who benefit from your services, you have to manage tightly controlled finances that are then transparently reported in the public domain. With increased competition for grant funding and charitable giving, a greater emphasis on making your accounts more accessible, and an increased burden of compliance, particularly in respect of financial reporting, your charity needs to be managed better than ever. MAXIMISING EFFICIENCY THROUGH OUR EXPERIENCE We have decades of experience supporting clients in the charity and not-for-profit sector, and helping them deal with the various financial aspects related to the sector. Our clients include a wide range of charity and not-for-profit organisations, from local charities of varying sizes to major national organisations. Areas of our particular expertise include advising grant making foundations, childrens charities, humanitarian charities, learning providers and educational trusts, medical and health charities, academy schools, trade unions and public sector bodies. Our considerable experience ranges from assisting with audits for grant and funding applications, advising on annual Charity Commission submissions, helping charities take advantage of the various VAT concessions available, to assisting with setting up a charity and obtaining charitable status. PROVIDING A COMPREHENSIVE RANGE OF SERVICES Our approach is to provide comprehensive charity audit and accounting services which help you maintain a financially sound organisation, allowing you to focus on meeting the core objectives of your charity. The range of services we provide to the sector includes: External audit and assurance Audit Independent examinations Tax planning & compliance VAT health check and advice PAYE and NIC advice Corporation Tax Trust advice Management Services Budgeting Cash flow projections Management reporting Internal audits Payroll Bookkeeping Accounts preparation Charity and not-for-profit Our expertise Afresh approachto helpingyou dealwiththe financialaspects ofrunningyour charity.
  • 2. CHARITY AND NOT-FOR-PROFIT We will guide you through all relevant changes Compliance with public benefit requirements Managing financial difficulties Financial reporting Advice on governance issues Compliance with Charities Act, FRS102 and the SORP. Fundraising / Trading Gift Aid Formation of limited companies for trading purposes Setting up branches Other advice Strategic planning Risk assessment Dealing with the Charity Commission GUIDING YOU THROUGH INDUSTRY REGULATION We regularly provide assistance with compliance matters, including the preparation of accounts and trustees reports that comply with the Charities Act and Charities SORP. Our specialists have the in-depth experience and knowledge to help you deal with the evolving issues faced by your sector. We are committed to keeping you informed and ensuring that you are guided through all relevant changes to legislation and regulatory requirements. We produce regular free newsletters and briefings on topical issues, including a Charities Update which summarises the most recent developments in your sector. Essentially, our approach is to act as a sounding board and to be available to discuss emerging issues with you as they arise. PROVIDING PROACTIVE, PARTNER-LED ADVICE Our service philosophy comprises a highly tailored and personalised service, with a substantial level of partner involvement, and a significant emphasis on quality control. Our priority is to provide you with the necessary technical support you require to meet your financial and administrative challenges, and to offer a professional and friendly service that is driven by the needs of your charity. THE NEXT STEP For further information, or to arrange a meeting to discuss your specific requirements, please contact one of our specialists: Allan Hickie Partner, Sittingbourne t: +44 (0)1795 475 363 e: a.hickie@uhy-uk.com Elizabeth Jordan Partner, Sittingbourne t: +44 (0)1795 475 363 e: e.jordan@uhy-uk.com Andrew Piercy Partner, Sittingbourne t: +44 (0)1795 475 363 e: a.piercy@uhy-uk.com Alternatively, please visit our website at: www.uhy-uk.com/sittingbourne. UHY Hacker Young Associates is a UK company which is the organising body of the UHY Hacker Young Group, a group of independent UK accounting and consultancy firms. Any services described herein are provided by the member firms and not by UHY Hacker Young Associates Limited. Each of the member firms is a separate and independent firm, a list of which is available on our website. Neither UHY Hacker Young Associates Limited nor any of its member firms has any liability for services provided by other members. A member of UHY International, a network of independent accounting and consulting firms. This publication is intended for general guidance only. No responsibility is accepted for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from actions as a result of any material in this publication. 息 UHY Hacker Young 2015 www.uhy-uk.com