This hair expresses who you are through its many natural and styled forms, from straight to curly, short to long, colored or plain. The style of your hair on a given day, such as a ponytail, braids, or a hat, can determine how that day goes. While life has ups and downs where we wear wigs or extensions, or even borrow someone else's hair, we should be grateful that God gave us life and our bodies, including our hair, and live fully without worrying about not having a particular hair type or style.
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This hair (cute hair)
1. This Hair(Cute Hair)
You best believe there's nothing like a cute hair do that have you to
believe that it is just you and your hair also if you have super powers
or something, just a do of you an expression of you , not that you are
your hair but all of its many forms natural,straight,curly,short,colored
or just warm combed,relaxed,cute cut,tailored,barbared,just all of you
for whom ever you are ,This hair will determine how your day goes like
maybe even a ponytail day,braid day or a cap day or sometimes just
a wild hair day ,biggest of hair days ,or loves of loves days when life has
its ups and down days and we must wear wigs are extensions or even
some elses hair through it all ,I believe we should just be grateful and
live life to the fulliest because we are human ,and should be thankful that
God gave us him and every part of our body and gave life.Should I ever
worry or fret if I don't have even though I know different.