The document discusses JavaScript functions and execution contexts. It explains that functions are first-class objects that can be stored in variables, objects, and arrays. It also discusses how functions are interpreted, including how variable instantiation and scoping work due to hoisting. The document explains that the value of "this" depends on how a function is invoked, as a method, constructor, function literal, or with call/apply. It also discusses closures and how they close over variables from the scope they were created in.
3. JavaScript is weird*
The best thing about JavaScript is its implementation of functions. It
got almost everything right. But, as you should expect with
JavaScript, it didnt get everything right.
- Douglas Crockford, JavaScript The Good Parts
4. Functions are 鍖rst class objects
// Stored in variables
var kitten = function() {
// Stored in objects
var kindle = {
kitten : Eula,
meow : function() {
// Stored in arrays
var kindleMeow = [kindle.meow];
// Passed as arguments
$(#kitten).on(click, function(){
// Returned as values
var kitten = function() {
var secret = this
6. Functions, interpreted
Activation Object is created
Arguments Object is created
Scope Chain is assigned*
Variable instantiation happens*
Value for this is assigned*
* for the sake of time, well focus on these
7. Scoping (is hard)
Scope is de鍖ned inside the *function* context
Scope is not block level, it is lexical!
| global variable obj |
| variable obj for outer call |
| variable obj for inner call |
8. Variable Instantiation
Activation Objects stores names for:
local variables
local functions
Values are UNDEFINED
Values are truly assigned during execution
9. // this function is written:
var kitten = function() {
var meow = meow!;
// this function is interpreted:
var kitten = function() {
var meow = undefined;
meow = meow!;
// undefined
/* Hoisting happens because of
Variable Instantiation! */
10. this depends on invocation
As an Objects Method
this is the parent object
As a Constructor
this is the created object
As a Function Literal
this is the global object
this is explicitly de鍖ned
(based on the argument you
supply to the method)
11. this is getting weird.
this holds a reference to the object the function is applied to
this does not necessarily mean the object where it is stored
12. Context is important
var kitkat = {
name : Kitkat,
sayName : function() {
var eula = {
name : Eula,
sayName : kitkat.sayName
// Eula
scope is defined in
the context it
13. self = this
// this is a reference to the element clicked on
var self = this;
// this is a reference to the current element in the loop
// self is still a reference to the element clicked on
15. Closures
A Closure is created when a function returns (or, closes over) the
variables it had access to when it was created
It returns that scope property (aka, the chain of variable objects)