Ravi Ranjan is seeking a position that utilizes his IT and networking skills. He has over 10 years of experience in roles such as IT analyst, member technical staff, and engineer. He is skilled in SDN, routing protocols, security protocols, automation tools, and scripting languages. His experience includes projects in SDN testing, Cisco platform and feature testing, firewall service module testing, and telecom network implementation and maintenance. He holds a Bachelor's degree in electronics and communication engineering.
This document discusses capabilities for learning about customers and markets. It outlines various processes and resources that companies can use to gain market intelligence, including open-minded inquiry, listening to employees, searching for unmet customer needs, encouraging experimentation, and analyzing competitors. Barriers to effective market learning are also examined, such as rejecting new insights and inflexible organizational structures. Best practices from companies like Best Buy are provided, such as developing solutions based on individual customer needs. The role of marketing research, information systems, and managing customer knowledge are also outlined.
Vee Technologies provides revenue cycle management services with over 500 years of collective experience, far exceeding the experience of most competitors. It offers dedicated account teams, a 24/7 work model with teams in different time zones, and a maximum 30 minute response time to client queries. Vee has its own coding school and university to train employees and ensure scalability, along with stringent quality standards and compliance certifications. It emphasizes accountability, compliance, and low attrition rates compared to competitors through performance-linked compensation.
Este documento analiza el cuento "El solitario" de Horacio Quiroga. Explora la relaci¨®n conflictiva entre los personajes principales, Kassim y Mar¨ªa. Kassim es un joyero trabajador pero sin ambici¨®n que se casa con Mar¨ªa, una mujer hermosa pero frustrada. A pesar de los esfuerzos de Kassim por complacer a Mar¨ªa comprando joyas, ella sigue insatisfecha, anhelando una vida m¨¢s lujosa. La falta de comunicaci¨®n y comprensi¨®n entre la pareja lleva a una relaci¨®n llena de tensi¨®n y dominio, terminando
Este documento describe la biodiversidad de Chiapas, M¨¦xico. Explica que Chiapas tiene una gran diversidad de especies de plantas, animales y ecosistemas. Menciona algunas especies animales end¨¦micas de Chiapas como el oso hormiguero, el armadillo de cola desnuda y el mono aullador. Tambi¨¦n describe la amplia variedad de flora en Chiapas, desde selvas h¨²medas hasta bosques de con¨ªferas y encinos.
Este documento presenta una gu¨ªa did¨¢ctica para ense?ar sobre educaci¨®n y tecnolog¨ªa. Incluye actividades como ver una pel¨ªcula, completar un cuadro, estudiar casos, realizar talleres sobre herramientas digitales como Google y redes sociales, y desarrollar mapas mentales y geolocalizaciones. El objetivo es que los estudiantes adquieran habilidades para usar nuevas tecnolog¨ªas y comprender su impacto en los procesos educativos y la sociedad.
China¡¤KMR is a Sino-German joint venture established in 1988 that specializes in producing high-quality standard and special bearings. It has nearly 400 employees, 30 senior technical engineers, and produces bearings for over 60 countries from its 30000 square meter factory housing 480 precision production equipments. China¡¤KMR offers cylindrical roller bearings, deep groove ball bearings, angular contact ball bearings, tapered roller bearings, spherical roller bearings, and bearing units.
O documento apresenta a equipa t¨¦cnica da equipa de juvenis do Achada Futebol Clube, incluindo o treinador principal M¨¢rio Lino Sousa, o presidente Arnaldo Sousa, o vice-presidente Carlos Amaral, os dirigentes ?lson Melo e R¨²ben Soares, e o treinador adjunto Arnaldo Aguiar.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de textos y sus caracter¨ªsticas. Explica que la composici¨®n de textos implica expresarse por escrito mediante la argumentaci¨®n y organizaci¨®n de ideas. Luego, detalla las etapas de la redacci¨®n de textos y los estilos de escritura. Finalmente, define y caracteriza textos descriptivos, narrativos, expositivos, argumentativos, digitales y acad¨¦micos.
Amit Sharma is applying for the position of Assistant Project Manager at JLL India. [1] He has over 4 years and 6 months of progressive experience in civil engineering projects within the construction and cement industries, having participated in more than 12 successful projects. [2] His experience has provided skills in client relations, team leadership, and applying civil engineering principles to plan, design, and oversee structures and facilities. [3] He is seeking an interview for the opportunity and has enclosed his resume for review.
This document outlines a literacy plan for teaching fourth grade students. The plan focuses on creating a strengths-based and engaging learning environment where students can build confidence in reading and writing. Key elements of the plan include using hands-on activities and student choice, modeling skills and scaffolding independent practice, and assessing students through formative and summative evaluations to guide instruction. The classroom will have designated areas to support independent work, collaboration, small group instruction, and a well-stocked library at varying reading levels to engage all students.
El documento trata sobre ¨¦tica y tecnolog¨ªa, delitos inform¨¢ticos y ejemplos de estos. Define la ¨¦tica como el estudio de la bondad y la maldad de los comportamientos y la tecnolog¨ªa como el conjunto de conocimientos cient¨ªficos que permiten crear servicios. Menciona algunos ejemplos de delitos inform¨¢ticos como la copia y distribuci¨®n ilegal de software y la producci¨®n de contenido pornogr¨¢fico. Tambi¨¦n hace referencia a los peligros inform¨¢ticos que pueden afectar la salud mental de las personas y resume la
Obada Alsaqqa - FTDM - Masters Thesis - OSU 04.23.2015 - UploadObada Alsaqqa
This thesis proposes a new fuzzy time-delay model (FTDM) to provide a subjective assessment of the likelihood of delay for activities in a construction project schedule. Using this model, the scheduler's assessment of delay likelihood for each activity can be combined to determine the overall likelihood of project delay. This is done using fuzzy logic and fault-tree analysis, and the resulting fuzzy fault-tree shows potential delay paths. The method is demonstrated on a sample project, revealing risks from non-critical paths. The FTDM allows reevaluating the schedule to account for delays in a more realistic way than the critical path method alone.
This document introduces Packed Computation, a new approach for solving NP-complete problems. It proposes reducing NP-complete problems to the Rules States Satisfiability (RSS) problem and using Packed Computation algorithms to solve RSS problems quickly. The document outlines the author's research from 2008-2014 in developing this approach. It defines RSS as an NP-complete problem and describes how Packed Computation algorithms work by sometimes selecting single states and sometimes selecting multiple "packed" states. While the algorithms show promise in testing, a mathematical proof of their polynomial runtime complexity is still outstanding. The document serves as an outline for the author's proposed new approach but does not yet prove its mathematical properties.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre el aprendizaje m¨®vil (M-Learning) en cuatro oraciones:
1) Define M-Learning como un proceso de ense?anza a trav¨¦s de dispositivos m¨®viles con conexi¨®n inal¨¢mbrica como tabletas y tel¨¦fonos inteligentes.
2) Explica que M-Learning permite a estudiantes y profesores mantener un contacto constante y crear un ambiente educativo m¨¢s colectivo.
3) Identifica algunas aplicaciones educativas populares como TED, Duolingo y Khan Academy que estimul
Inspirational Immortal Legend Of The Contemporary WorldNeelakshwar Dey
Neelakshwar Dey was born in India in 1998 and had difficulties in elementary school but found inspiration in books about marketing and management. He made his first investment in the stock market and went on to achieve success in digital medical science and technology. He also found success as a film producer and model. His life story is still being written.
El documento describe los principios clave para el trabajo en equipo efectivo, incluyendo la formaci¨®n de grupos de 2 o m¨¢s personas que trabajan juntos hacia un objetivo com¨²n, con liderazgo que fomenta la innovaci¨®n, eficiencia, calidad y satisfacci¨®n de los empleados. Tambi¨¦n destaca la importancia de reconocer al grupo, generar confianza, consolidar las capacidades del equipo, inspirar el desempe?o alto y apoyar las decisiones del equipo.
Pablo Escobar naci¨® en Colombia en 1949 y se involucr¨® en el contrabando y tr¨¢fico de drogas desde una edad temprana. En la d¨¦cada de 1970 fund¨® el C¨¢rtel de Medell¨ªn y se convirti¨® en uno de los narcotraficantes m¨¢s poderosos del mundo. Escobar muri¨® en 1993 durante un tiroteo con la polic¨ªa colombiana.
Este documento apresenta a equipa t¨¦cnica da equipa de juvenis do Achada Futebol Clube, incluindo o treinador principal, presidente, vice-presidente, dois dirigentes e um treinador adjunto.
Selbrae House Intro presentation JAN 2016jean lander
Selbrae House Ltd represents 4 brands that have experienced high growth: The Just Slate Company supplies slate tableware and gifts handcrafted in Scotland; Paper Whites offers over 100 artificial floral decorations and gifts; Scott Inness is known for its distinctive Scottish homeware designs; and Gillian Kyle features hand-drawn illustrations screen printed on homeware. Selbrae House has grown from 4 employees to 50 employees and ?3.5M in annual sales over the last 7 years. It offers customers access to the 4 brands, on-trend collections, quality customer service and products, and new items developed every 6 months.
O documento apresenta a equipa t¨¦cnica da equipa de juvenis do Achada Futebol Clube, incluindo o treinador principal M¨¢rio Lino Sousa, o presidente Arnaldo Sousa, o vice-presidente Carlos Amaral, os dirigentes ?lson Melo e R¨²ben Soares, e o treinador adjunto Arnaldo Aguiar.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de textos y sus caracter¨ªsticas. Explica que la composici¨®n de textos implica expresarse por escrito mediante la argumentaci¨®n y organizaci¨®n de ideas. Luego, detalla las etapas de la redacci¨®n de textos y los estilos de escritura. Finalmente, define y caracteriza textos descriptivos, narrativos, expositivos, argumentativos, digitales y acad¨¦micos.
Amit Sharma is applying for the position of Assistant Project Manager at JLL India. [1] He has over 4 years and 6 months of progressive experience in civil engineering projects within the construction and cement industries, having participated in more than 12 successful projects. [2] His experience has provided skills in client relations, team leadership, and applying civil engineering principles to plan, design, and oversee structures and facilities. [3] He is seeking an interview for the opportunity and has enclosed his resume for review.
This document outlines a literacy plan for teaching fourth grade students. The plan focuses on creating a strengths-based and engaging learning environment where students can build confidence in reading and writing. Key elements of the plan include using hands-on activities and student choice, modeling skills and scaffolding independent practice, and assessing students through formative and summative evaluations to guide instruction. The classroom will have designated areas to support independent work, collaboration, small group instruction, and a well-stocked library at varying reading levels to engage all students.
El documento trata sobre ¨¦tica y tecnolog¨ªa, delitos inform¨¢ticos y ejemplos de estos. Define la ¨¦tica como el estudio de la bondad y la maldad de los comportamientos y la tecnolog¨ªa como el conjunto de conocimientos cient¨ªficos que permiten crear servicios. Menciona algunos ejemplos de delitos inform¨¢ticos como la copia y distribuci¨®n ilegal de software y la producci¨®n de contenido pornogr¨¢fico. Tambi¨¦n hace referencia a los peligros inform¨¢ticos que pueden afectar la salud mental de las personas y resume la
Obada Alsaqqa - FTDM - Masters Thesis - OSU 04.23.2015 - UploadObada Alsaqqa
This thesis proposes a new fuzzy time-delay model (FTDM) to provide a subjective assessment of the likelihood of delay for activities in a construction project schedule. Using this model, the scheduler's assessment of delay likelihood for each activity can be combined to determine the overall likelihood of project delay. This is done using fuzzy logic and fault-tree analysis, and the resulting fuzzy fault-tree shows potential delay paths. The method is demonstrated on a sample project, revealing risks from non-critical paths. The FTDM allows reevaluating the schedule to account for delays in a more realistic way than the critical path method alone.
This document introduces Packed Computation, a new approach for solving NP-complete problems. It proposes reducing NP-complete problems to the Rules States Satisfiability (RSS) problem and using Packed Computation algorithms to solve RSS problems quickly. The document outlines the author's research from 2008-2014 in developing this approach. It defines RSS as an NP-complete problem and describes how Packed Computation algorithms work by sometimes selecting single states and sometimes selecting multiple "packed" states. While the algorithms show promise in testing, a mathematical proof of their polynomial runtime complexity is still outstanding. The document serves as an outline for the author's proposed new approach but does not yet prove its mathematical properties.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre el aprendizaje m¨®vil (M-Learning) en cuatro oraciones:
1) Define M-Learning como un proceso de ense?anza a trav¨¦s de dispositivos m¨®viles con conexi¨®n inal¨¢mbrica como tabletas y tel¨¦fonos inteligentes.
2) Explica que M-Learning permite a estudiantes y profesores mantener un contacto constante y crear un ambiente educativo m¨¢s colectivo.
3) Identifica algunas aplicaciones educativas populares como TED, Duolingo y Khan Academy que estimul
Inspirational Immortal Legend Of The Contemporary WorldNeelakshwar Dey
Neelakshwar Dey was born in India in 1998 and had difficulties in elementary school but found inspiration in books about marketing and management. He made his first investment in the stock market and went on to achieve success in digital medical science and technology. He also found success as a film producer and model. His life story is still being written.
El documento describe los principios clave para el trabajo en equipo efectivo, incluyendo la formaci¨®n de grupos de 2 o m¨¢s personas que trabajan juntos hacia un objetivo com¨²n, con liderazgo que fomenta la innovaci¨®n, eficiencia, calidad y satisfacci¨®n de los empleados. Tambi¨¦n destaca la importancia de reconocer al grupo, generar confianza, consolidar las capacidades del equipo, inspirar el desempe?o alto y apoyar las decisiones del equipo.
Pablo Escobar naci¨® en Colombia en 1949 y se involucr¨® en el contrabando y tr¨¢fico de drogas desde una edad temprana. En la d¨¦cada de 1970 fund¨® el C¨¢rtel de Medell¨ªn y se convirti¨® en uno de los narcotraficantes m¨¢s poderosos del mundo. Escobar muri¨® en 1993 durante un tiroteo con la polic¨ªa colombiana.
Este documento apresenta a equipa t¨¦cnica da equipa de juvenis do Achada Futebol Clube, incluindo o treinador principal, presidente, vice-presidente, dois dirigentes e um treinador adjunto.
Selbrae House Intro presentation JAN 2016jean lander
Selbrae House Ltd represents 4 brands that have experienced high growth: The Just Slate Company supplies slate tableware and gifts handcrafted in Scotland; Paper Whites offers over 100 artificial floral decorations and gifts; Scott Inness is known for its distinctive Scottish homeware designs; and Gillian Kyle features hand-drawn illustrations screen printed on homeware. Selbrae House has grown from 4 employees to 50 employees and ?3.5M in annual sales over the last 7 years. It offers customers access to the 4 brands, on-trend collections, quality customer service and products, and new items developed every 6 months.