EU-enhedspatentet og EU-patentdomstolen vil gøre det lettere at opnå patentbeskyttelse og håndhæve patentrettigheder, men det betyder samtidig, at der vil blive flere gyldige patentrettigheder i Danmark, og risikoen for at blive sagsøgt for at krænke andres patenter stiger, og det vil være en udfordring for især små og mellemstore virksomheder.
Ewrt 1 c class 25jordanlachanceThis document provides the agenda and homework assignments for an EWRT 1C class. Students are asked to read "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption," then make two discussion posts analyzing trauma and doing a psychoanalytic character profile from the story. They also must answer discussion questions about the reading. The instructor encourages students to email if they need help.
International Journal of Engineering Research and DevelopmentIJERD EditorElectrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Information Engineering and Technology,
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,
Automation and Mechatronics Engineering,
Material and Chemical Engineering,
Civil and Architecture Engineering,
Biotechnology and Bio Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Marine and Agriculture engineering,
Aerospace Engineering.
CMG Australia Industry Day 2014Trevor WarrenThe objective of CMGA’s Annual Industry Day is to achieve the following -
Promote CMGA as the industry body which promotes practice of Proactive Performance Management
Annual Event with a focus on promoting Proactive Performance Management practices through engagement with leading Industry Professionals, Academic and Research
Provide CMGA Partners an opportunity to showcase their products and capabilities
Provide learning opportunity to members and professionals with interests in SPE across the SDLC
Provide members and partners an opportunity to network with industry professionals and showcase outstanding talent in SPE
PRÀCTICA: LA NOSTRA CARA Natalia Navarro MolinaAquesta presentació va ser una pràctica d' una asignatura de la carrera de Magisteri Infantil i es pot utilitzar a aules d' infantil per treballar les parts de la cara
cv vero baruMarsha Hewy SaveroThis document contains a resume for Marsha Hewy Savero. It includes her contact information, education history, organizational history, internships, personal skills, hobbies, and certificates. She has a Bachelor's degree in soil science from Universitas Padjadjaran and work experience in logistics coordination and staff roles. Her personal skills include communication, leadership, organization, cooperation, and motivation. Her hobbies include traveling, futsal, and badminton. She has participated in several conferences and received certificates for internships and lectures.
CMG Australia Industry Day 2014Trevor WarrenThe objective of CMGA’s Annual Industry Day is to achieve the following -
Promote CMGA as the industry body which promotes practice of Proactive Performance Management
Annual Event with a focus on promoting Proactive Performance Management practices through engagement with leading Industry Professionals, Academic and Research
Provide CMGA Partners an opportunity to showcase their products and capabilities
Provide learning opportunity to members and professionals with interests in SPE across the SDLC
Provide members and partners an opportunity to network with industry professionals and showcase outstanding talent in SPE
PRÀCTICA: LA NOSTRA CARA Natalia Navarro MolinaAquesta presentació va ser una pràctica d' una asignatura de la carrera de Magisteri Infantil i es pot utilitzar a aules d' infantil per treballar les parts de la cara
cv vero baruMarsha Hewy SaveroThis document contains a resume for Marsha Hewy Savero. It includes her contact information, education history, organizational history, internships, personal skills, hobbies, and certificates. She has a Bachelor's degree in soil science from Universitas Padjadjaran and work experience in logistics coordination and staff roles. Her personal skills include communication, leadership, organization, cooperation, and motivation. Her hobbies include traveling, futsal, and badminton. She has participated in several conferences and received certificates for internships and lectures.
3. EU-patentpakken gør det ikke nødvendigvis mere
simpelt at opnå patent i EU-lande
Dias 3
Fremgangsmåder ved patentering i EU-lande:
I dag:
1. Nationale ansøgninger via de nationale patentmyndigheder
2. Europæiske patenter via den Europæiske Patentmyndighed
I fremtiden:
3. Europæiske patenter med ensartet virkning via den Europæiske
Flere valgmuligheder øger kompleksiteten
4. Konsekvenser af europæiske patenter med
ensartet virkning
Dias 4
Kan føre til en mangedobling af antallet af gyldige patentrettigheder,
der beskyttes i Danmark
Med et større antal patentrettigheder øges risikoen for flere
retssager om patentkrænkelse, som danske virksomheder er involveret i
5. Hvor skal der sagsøges i sager om påstået
Dias 5
1. Ved afdelingen i den medlemsstat, hvor krænkelsen har fundet
sted eller vil finde sted, eller
2. afdelingen i den medlemsstat, hvor sagsøgte har
Hvor har krænkelsen fundet sted/vil finde sted?
- Der hvor handlingen foretages/vil foretages
- Der hvor skaden sker/vil ske ≈ De lande, hvor der er en
patentbeskyttelse, dvs. alle deltagende lande
Forum shopping: Godt for sagsøger – ikke så godt for sagsøgte
Ikke en særregel i EU-patentpakken, men reglen får langt større
praktisk betydning, når (1) antallet af gyldige patentrettigheder stiger
markant, og (2) sagsgenstanden (herunder påstået skade) er ikke
længere er begrænset til en stats område.
6. Sprog og oversættelser
Dias 6
Patentets sprog: Enten eng. tysk eller fransk (jf. EPK)
Ved krænkelse: Oversættelse til sproget i det
land, hvor krænkelsen fandt sted sproget i den
påståede krænkers hjemland
Processproget (inkl. processkrifter, skr. beviser mv.):
Lokale/regionale afdelinger:
• Det officielle EU-sprog i de(t) land(e), hvor afdelingen ligger
• Tysk, engelsk og/eller fransk kan også være udpeget som
processprog for en bestemt lokal/regional afdeling
• Patentets sprog (DE/EN/FR)
Centrale afdeling
• Patentets sprog (DE/EN/FR)
• Hovedregel: Samme processprog som i 1. instans
7. Effektiv retshåndhævelse
Dias 7
Rules of Procedure 16th Draft 2014
Rule 23 – Lodging of the Statement of defence
“The defendant shall lodge a Statement of defence within three months
of service of the Statement of claim… that shall contain [i.a]:…
- the facts relied on …
- evidence relied on …
- the reasons why the action shall fail, arguments of law…
- a list of the documents, including any witness statements…
Rule 29
(b) Within one month of service of a Statement of defence … the claimant may
lodge a Reply to the Statement of defence.
(c) Within one month of service of a Reply to the Statement of defence … the
defendant may lodge a Rejoinder to the Reply to the Statement of defence.
The Rejoinder to the Reply to the Statement of defence shall be limited to a
response to the matters raised in the Reply to the Statement of defence
Rule 36