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Thoughts on
Doing more with less.
za.linkedin.com/in/thirdworlddave @DaWitKop
Poetry Time
Slow creeping stress. No screaming. No tears. Just a mind-numbingly slow mixture of fear, worry and doubt that slowly
spreads through your body.
Its an invisible affliction. The manifestations of your malady remains buried to those around you. Furrowed brows, a trail of
empty coffee cups and a wildly fluttering heartbeat the only outward sign of your legs kicking furiously below the surface.
Its a struggle to share this stress cocooning us in its stifling and sickly embrace. Those around us laugh, highlighting their
similar working hours. Hearing your ailment swept aside contemptuously forces us further in hiding. Who wants to be a
moaner? Suck it up, soldier on.
The drum-beat thudding in your chest keeps your eyes wide open at night whilst others silently slumber. Kept awake by the
lack of steady cashflow, afraid of nightmares. Green life-blood seeping out the wallet of your heart. We silently suffer whilst
others relax. We keep our masks up during business hours only to let it slide off tear-stained cheeks when we think no one
will see.
How do you share something so silent? How do you overcome the taboo of voicing your fragility? The stress of
entrepreneurship should be shared among caring cohorts, not bottled at the source.
For those who might be the lover, friend or family member of an entrepreneur  go give them a hug. We need it more than
you know. Dont mistake the silence of our companionship. Acknowledge us brave warriors who wake up each day grabbing
our spears and laptops as we march through the doors and onwards to face our invisible foe.
My struggle credentials?
 Gainfully employed for 8 years  Hated it!
 Founding member of more than three failed businesses  Website design anyone?
 Proud SAFREA member for several years  Love you guys!
 TEDx Pretoria Speaker 2016  The Beauty of Sharing
 702 SBA Finalist 2016 for my self-publishing platform MYeBook.co.za
Why worry about leverage?
 If you dont change your methods of doing business how long can you last?
 Do you always want to be selling your time?
 Do you want to be doing the same thing forever?
 Are you tired of just surviving?
 Are you and your business future-proof?
Question Time.
Getting your toes wet
 Book out a domain  I recommend using Afrihost.com
 R39 per month for Linux Gold Home package  Perfect for hosting a Wordpress Website!
 Love discount? go.afrihost.com/myebook
1. Worst Case = Book out your domain for email purposes = R9pm
2. Better = Book out the R39 package - Use free sitebuilder option.
3. Best = Book the R39 package and Start a Wordpress website.
Your evolving online presence
Question Time: How many of you have the same website that you started with?
This trip down memory lane brought you by The Way Back Machine: https://archive.org/web/
My website is born in June of 2012
PS  Its a Joomla website if you were wondering
2013 and 2014
Just a simple website right?
www.MYeBook.co.za in 2016  Four years old
Reducing Repetition
 How many customers always ask the same questions?
 How many customers just care about pricing?
 Do you always find yourself waiting for the same things from your customer?
Website FAQ Section
How do you guide your customers?
Create free online questionnaires/ forms courtesy of Google
Show your basic prices!
Gaining TrustFaster
Question Time: How much time do you spend getting your customer to trust you?
Otherwise put: Would you want to lessen the amount of calls and emails needed before payment?
Leaving reviews where the customer makes the purchasing decision.
Reviews on Facebook
Reviews on LinkedIn
Client Portfolio
#1 Method to gain trust from a prospective client?
For only R499 you could find out!
 Blogging/ Videos  I blogged for 1 yr with 0 comments.
 Avoid pay-walls or paid-memberships  Focus on value first.
 Free downloads
Give Freely!
Monetizing your website
Simple, automated ways to earn an income from your online presence
Google Adsense
Google Adsense
Affiliate Articles and Links
Affiliate Articles and Links
Amazon Affiliate Links
Seems like a simple link right?
Amazon Affiliate Links
Have an advertising tab on your website
Know your numbers!
 Do you know how busy your website really is?
 How long do people spend on your website on average?
 Which city or country are most of your visitors coming from?
 What is the busiest page on your website?
 Are people doing what you want them to?
Question Time
Google Analytics
Free Analytics Course: analyticsacademy.withgoogle.com
Tools of the trade
 Juggling too many clients at once and worried you will drop the ball?
 Worried about loosing all your valuable client data if your PC crashes?
 Keeping track of too many passwords?
Capsule CRM
Capsule CRM
Dropbox/ Google Drive
 First 15GB* Free.
 $1.99 for 100GB
 First 2GB Free.
 $9.99 for 1TB
Dropbox/ Google Drive

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